释义 |
yarn /jɑːn/ n. | vi. | vt. | phr. I n. 1. 纱,纱线;(金属、玻璃、石棉、纸、塑料等制成的)纤维纱,纺线;绳索股线 a process to turn wool straight from the sheep into yarn ready for weaving 把从绵羊身上剪下的毛直接纺成纱以供编织的过程 2. 〈口〉故事;奇谈;旅游轶事;奇闻漫谈 3. 〈澳新口〉闲谈,聊天
II ❶ vi. 〈口〉 1. 讲故事 yarn about one's past 讲有关自己过去的故事 2. 〈澳新〉闲谈,聊天 ❷ vt. 用纱线包扎 [< OE gearn spun fiber; 与OHG garn,Gr khordē cord, L hernia rupture 有关] phr. spin a yarn 讲故事;编借口,胡诌 They joked and spun tall yarns all night long. 他们整夜说笑话,侃大山。He spun me some yarn this morning about having to have the day off on Friday. 他今儿早上跟我胡编,说什么他星期五非请一天假不可。 |