释义 |
wrig·gle /ˈrɪɡl/ vi. | vt. | n. | phr. I ❶ vi. 1. 扭动,蠕动;蜿蜒行进 The child tried to wriggle out of his mother's arms. 这孩子扭动着想从母亲的拥抱中挣脱出来。 He wriggled into his sleeping bag. 他扭动身体钻进睡袋。 wriggle in anticipation 坐立不安地等待 A snake wriggled across the road. 一条蛇蜿蜒游过公路。 2. (耍手段或施巧计)摆脱 try to wriggle out of a commitment 试图摆脱承担的义务 wriggle out of an embarrassing situation 摆脱难堪的处境 ❷ vt. 1. 扭动,使蠕动 The detective wriggled himself through the hole. 侦探扭动身子从洞口钻了过去。 He wriggled his feet against the sand. 他两脚在沙子上面扭来扭去。 2. 扭动着爬,蠕动着爬;蜿蜒行进;不知不觉地潜入 He wriggled his way up the crack. 他沿着裂缝扭动着向上爬去。
II n. 扭动;蠕动 [< MLG wriggelen, 反复词 < wriggen to twist, turn] |