

单词 wrap
释义 wrap /ræp/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I (wrapped 或 wrapt /ræpt/; wrap·ping)

1. 包;裹;包扎;缠绕
wrap a book in paper 用纸包书
wrap oneself in a blanket 用毯子裹住身体
convenience foods wrapped in plastic 塑料包装的方便食品
2. 用…包;用…裹;用…包扎;用…缠绕
wrap a piece of paper round a stone 用纸包一块石头
A handkerchief was wrapped around his left hand. 他的左手用一块手帕包着。
She wrapped her arms about (或around) his neck. 她伸出双臂围住他的脖子。
3. 覆盖,笼罩,包围
The mountain peak is wrapped in clouds. 云雾笼罩着山顶。
4. 隐藏,遮掩;掩护
The affair is wrapped in mystery. 这件事情仍被遮掩在神秘之中。
5. 使沉浸于;使陷入
He was wrapped in his thoughts. 他陷入了沉思。
wrap oneself in reserve 一言不发
6. 卷起,折起
7. 使完成拍摄(或录音),使停机
8. 澳口称赞,表扬
9. 使自动换行
1. 包上;裹上;穿上衣服
2. 缠绕,盘绕
A vine wraps round the pillar. 一根藤绕在柱子上。
3. 完成拍摄(或录音),停机

II n.
1. 包裹物;覆盖物;包装材料(尤指塑料纸)
2. [常作 wraps] 外衣;围巾;披肩
3. 毯子
4. (缠绕的)一圈
5. 套帖插页
6. [wraps]限制,约束
7. [wraps]秘密;检查
8. 拍摄(或录音)完成,停机
9. (墨西哥)面粉卷饼
10. 澳口称赞,表扬
[< ME wrappen < ?]
phr. be wrapped up in
1. 专心致志于…,对…倾注全部注意力(或爱慕之情)
He is wrapped up in his studies. 他在专心致志地学习。
She's so wrapped up in him she can't see his faults. 她对他非常倾心,连他的缺点都视而不见。
2. 与…有关(或有牵连)
keep under wraps 1. 把…保密
The plan was kept under wraps. 这计划是保密的。
2. 限制;拘禁
take the wraps off 揭示,揭露
wrap around (或round) 1. 使吃,使喝
wrap oneself round a large drink 大喝一通
2. 使撞上(固定物体)
wrap a car around a telephone pole 开车撞上电话线杆
wrap over (衣服)穿起来现出折纹
wrap up 1. 包好;裹住
wrap the book up in brown paper 用棕色纸把书包起来
wrap oneself up with shawls and scarves 用披肩和围巾把身体裹住
2. 穿得暖和
Mind you wrap up well if you go out. 你外出的话要穿得暖和些。
3. 掩饰,隐藏
He wrapped up his meaning in a fancy speech which I couldn't understand. 他用我听不懂的花哨言辞来掩盖他的意思。
4. 美口完成,结束
wrap up a conference 结束一次会议
Let's wrap up the job and go home. 让我们干完活回家去。
The whole thing has been wrapped up. 一切已成定局。
wrap up a treaty 缔约
5. 赢得比赛
They wrapped up the baseball game in the seventh inning. 棒球赛打到第7局时他们赢了。
6. 美口总结;概括
wrap up the evening's news 总结夜间新闻
7. 严重地损坏
He wrapped up his motorcycle the other night. 那天晚上他把自己的摩托车给撞得一塌糊涂。
8. 住口




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