释义 |
word /wɜːd/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. 词,单词;字 a new word 生词(或新词) cross out a word 划掉一个词 What does the word mean? 这个词是什么意思? the number of words to a line 一行的字数 2. 谈话 I would like a word with you. 我想和你谈谈。 After a word with the colonel he went away. 他和上校简单谈过之后走了。 3. 话;词句;言辞,言语 a man of few (many) words 话少(多)的人 say a few words (尤指即席)讲几句话 a word of advice (praise) 劝告(赞扬)的话 big words 大话 a word in (out of) season 合(不合)时宜的话 give sb. words of encouragement 向某人说一些鼓励的话 You can take my word for it, she's not there. 你可以相信我的话, 她不在那里。 I don't believe a word of the story. 报道中的话我一句也不信。 have a word in sb.'s ear 和某人讲一句悄悄话 Words fail me. 我说不出话来。 say (或 put in, speak) a good word for sb. 替某人美言几句 give sb. one's good word 推荐某人 put one's thoughts into words 把自己的想法用言语表达出来 What I couldn't explain in words, I did by signs. 我不能用言语解释的东西,我就做手势。 She didn't say a word. 她一言未发。 The clown was too funny for words. 这丑角滑稽得非言语所能形容。 a word of command 口令 4. [the word]最贴切的字眼 A:Was he angry with you? B: He almost threw me out of the room. Angry wasn't the word for it. 甲:他生你气了吗?乙:他几乎把我赶出房间。不是什么生不“生气”的话了。 Rich is not the word for me. “ 富有”用在我身上太离谱。 5. [words]歌词;(演员的)台词,对白 6. [words]争论,口角 have words with sb. 与某人吵嘴 7. 命令,指示 The commander gave the word to fire. 指挥员下令开火。 The deserter was executed at the general's word. 逃兵按将军的命令被处决了。 8. [the word]口令;暗号 demand (give) the word 问(答)口令(或暗号) He gave the word and they let him in. 他说出口令,他们便让他进去了。 9. (政党等提出的)口号,标语 The word now is “freedom”. 现在的口号是“自由”。 10. 诺言;保证 go back on one's word 违背诺言 keep (break) one's word 守(失)信 His word is as good as his bond. 他的诺言信得过。 I give you my word for it. 对于此事我向你保证。 11. 消息,信息;传闻,谣言 We received word of his death. 我们接到他逝世的消息。 He left word with my secretary that he would call again in the afternoon. 他留言给我的秘书,说他下午再来电话。 Please send me word of your safe arrival. 你平安到达后请带个信给我。 Word has it she's married. 据说她已结婚。 Word (或The word) got around that he had resigned. 谣传他已辞职。 12. [the W-] = Word of God 13. 〈古〉谚语 14. 【电子】字(指在计算机和信息处理系统中作为一个单元的一组字符) 15. 词组合(遗传密码中代表核苷酸三联体密码或密码子的三字母组合)
II ❶ vt. 1. 用言辞表达,用话表示;措辞 word a contract with great care 用词极其小心地拟一份契约 a strongly (carefully) worded statement 措辞强硬(谨慎)的声明 2. 〈澳口〉通知;告知 (up) ❷ vi. 〈古〉讲话 [OE; 与 OHG wort, L verbum, Gr eirein to say, speak, Sans vratá command 有关] phr. a man of one's word 见man¹ at a word (对请求、建议等)反应迅速地,立即 a word and a blow 一言不合就动手打 A word to the wise(is enough). 对明白人不用细说。 be as good as one's word 守信,言必信 They were as good as their word and arrived at exactly the time they had promised. 他们很守信,正好在他们约定的时间到达。 better than one's word见 better¹ beyond words 难以用言语形容 He was puzzled beyond words. 他感到难以形容的困惑。 by word of mouth 从口头 The news got around by word of mouth. 这新闻由人们在口头传开。 eat one's words 〈口〉(被迫)收回前言,承认错误 They told him he would never succeed at anything, but he made them eat their words. 他们对他说他什么事都做不成,但他使他们承认说错了话。 get a word in edgewise (或 edgeways) 〈口〉(在别人不停地谈话时)插嘴 get the word 〈俚〉清楚了解对方所说的意思 hang on (或 upon) sb.'s words 认真地听某人的话 Anna hangs on every word of her history teacher and takes very careful notes. 安娜认真地听历史教师讲的每句话并仔细地做笔记。 Hard words break no bones, fine words butter no parsnips. 〈谚〉粗话无害,甘言无益。(或:空话不如行动。) have no words for sth. 无法用语言形容某事物 in a (或 one) word 简言之,总之,一句话 John is smart, polite, and well-behaved. In a word, he is admirable. 约翰长得很帅,有礼貌,品行端正。总之,是个讨人喜欢的人物。 in other words 换句话说;也就是说 You say you took the book without his permission. In other words, you stole it. 你说你未经他允许拿了那本书。也就是说,你偷了那本书。 in so many words 直截了当地,明确地 I told him in so many words that he was a swindler. 我直截了当地对他说他是个骗子。 in word and (in) deed 在言语上和行动上 in words of one syllable 用简单(或坦率)的语言 mince (one's) words 见 mince multiply words 废话连篇 My word ! [表示惊奇]嗳呀 My word, Laura!You do look stunning. 嗳呀! 劳拉! 你看上去真漂亮啊! my word upon it 〈旧〉我向你保证确实如此 not have a good word (to say) for sb. (sth.) 经常批评某人(某事) not have a word to throw at a dog 见 dog on my word = upon my word on (或upon) one's word of hono(u)r见hono(u)r on (或 with) the word 说过这话(便) play on (或 upon) words 用双关语 pledge one's word 保证;答应,允诺 proceed from words to blows 说着说着就动起手来 put words into (或 in) sb.'s mouth 教某人怎样讲;硬说某人说过某些话 I didn't mean that, Mama, Don't put words in my mouth. 妈妈,我并不是这个意思。别硬说我是这样讲的。 say the word 〈口〉吩咐一下;表示一下 Say the word and it'll be done. 只要你吩咐一声,马上就办好。 suit the action to the word 见 action swallow one's words = eat one's words take sb. at his word相信某人说的是真话 take the words out of sb.'s mouth 先讲出某人要讲的话 I was about to say that: You've taken the words out of my mouth. 我正要那么说,而你已先我说出来了。 There is many a true word spoken in jest. 〈谚〉笑谈之中有至理。 the word on the street 〈口〉传言;谣言 through word of mouth = by word of mouth upon my word说实在话,我敢保证,的的确确 Upon my word, I've never heard of such a thing. 说实在话,我从未听说过这种事情。 waste one's words 1. 白费口舌 2. 滔滔不绝地说 weigh one's words 斟酌字句 word for word 逐字地;一字不变地 He repeated what I have said word for word . 他逐字重复我讲的话。 Mary copied Sally's composition word for word. 玛丽一字不变地抄袭萨莉的作文。 Words pay no debts. 〈谚〉空话还不了债。(或:空话无补。) |