释义 |
womb /wuːm/ n. | vt. | phr. I n. 1. 子宫 She felt the unborn baby move in her womb. 她感觉胎儿在自己子宫内蠕动。 2. 孕育处,发源地 The Near East is the womb of western civilization. 近东是西方文明的发源地。 3. (物体中空的)内部 the comfortable womb of a car 轿车舒适的车厢 A moan issued from the womb of the cave. 从那洞穴深处传出一声呜咽。 4. 〈废〉肚子,腹部
II vt. (如子宫般)包含,容纳 a church wombed in quiet 一片寂静的教堂 [<OE wamb; 与 OHG wamba belly 有关] phr. from the womb to the tomb (或 grave) 从生到死,一生 in the womb of time 在酝酿中 (的)a future event in the womb of time 酝酿中的未来事件 |