释义 |
with·er /ˈwɪðə(r)/ vi. | vt. ❶ vi. 1. 干枯,枯萎 (up) Crops wither (up) after they are cut. 庄稼被割下后就会枯萎。 2. 变枯槁;萎缩;消失 (away) He is withering away. 他形容日益枯槁。 All hope withered away. 一切希望都消失了。 His newly acquired Americanisms quickly withered on his lips. 他新学到的美国话很快不再挂在嘴上了。 3. 感到羞愧(或惶惑) I withered under the stare. 我在那目光逼视之下感到惶惑不安。 ❷ vt. 1. 使干枯,使枯萎 2. 使枯槁;使消失 Old age withered her face. 她因年迈而面容枯槁。 The sight of the dish withered my appetite. 看见这盆菜我一下子胃口全无。 3. 使惶惑不安;使难堪 Tom withered him with derision. 汤姆嘲笑得他无地自容。 4. (用炮火等)摧毁,歼灭 [? weather 的变体;与 Ger verwittern to decay 有关] |