释义 |
with /wɪð,wɪθ/ prep. | phr. prep. 1. 和…在一起;跟,同,和 live with one's parents 同父母住在一起 go with sb. 同某人一起去 Mix the flour with some milk. 往面粉里掺些牛奶。 2. 在…一边;和…一致;赞同,支持 sympathize with sb. 同情某人 I am with you there. 在那点上我同你意见一致。 The people are with him. 人民拥护他。 3. 加在…上,连同;还有;包括…在内 Do you want sugar with your tea? 你茶里要加糖吗? His money with his wife's comes to a million. 他的钱连同他妻子的合计有100万元。 The woman, with her two daughters, arrived. 这妇女带着她的两个女儿到了。 It costs £5 with the tax. 这东西连税在内价值5镑。 4. 作为…的成员;为…所雇用 play with a string quartet 参加弦乐四重奏演奏 I got a job with a motor company. 我在一家汽车公司找到了工作。 5. 具有,有;带有;有…特征;穿着,戴着 a coat with two pockets 有两只口袋的外衣 a man with ideas 有思想的人 come with good news 带来好消息 a man with brown hair 棕色头发的男子 a man with a hot temper 脾气暴躁的人 a man with a striped T-shirt 穿条纹T恤衫的男子 6. 由…负责(或处理) leave the children with grandmother 把孩子交给祖母带领 It rests with you to decide. 这事由你决定。 7. 在…身上;在…身边 I have no money with me. 我身边没有钱。 Take an umbrella with you. 随身带把伞去。 8. [表示同时、同一方向、同等程度]随着 change with the seasons 随着季节变换而改变 With that remark, he left. 他说了那句话就离开了。 With daylight I hurried there to see what had happened. 天一亮我就赶到那里去看发生了什么事。 swim with the current 顺水游泳 The tide is with us. 我们是顺水行舟。(或:形势对我们有利。) The army's power increases with its size. 军队规模越大威力也越大。 9. [表示使用的工具、手段、材料等]用;以;借 cut sth. with a knife 用刀子切割某物 catch the ball with one's left hand 用左手接球 interrupt with a laugh 用笑声打断 What will you buy with the money? 你用这钱买什么? He was burned brown with the Tibetan sun. 西藏的太阳把他晒黑了。 line a coat with silk 用绸子给外衣衬里 fill a bottle with water 往瓶里注满水 a ring set with diamonds 镶有钻石的戒指 hills covered with snow 积雪的群山 10. [表示行为方式] play with skill 娴熟地演奏(或打球、玩牌等) run with effort 拼命跑 stare at sb. with wide-open eyes 眼睛睁得大大地盯着某人 greet sb. with smiles 笑着向某人打招呼 11. [表示伴随的情况或结果] sleep with the window open 开着窗睡觉 stand with one's hands in one's pockets 两手插在口袋里站着 The king came in, with all his servants following after him. 国王进来了,后面跟着全体仆役。 There had been a riot with twenty injured. 曾经发生了一场有20人受伤的暴乱。 12. 由于,因 He's in bed with flu. 他因患流感卧病在床。 His lips were white with tension. 他紧张得嘴唇发白。 eyes dim with tears 模糊的泪眼 lose one's voice with shouting 叫得声音嘶哑 13. [表示关系]对…;对于;关于 be angry with sb. 对某人发怒 have influence with sb. 对某人有影响 raise a question with sb. 向某人提出问题 What does that man want with you? 那人要你做什么? It was a hard struggle with him to make new advances. 对他来说要取得新的进展是一场艰苦的斗争。 It's habit with some people. 这是有些人的习惯。 How are you getting along with your work? 你的工作进展得怎样? 14. 在…那里;在…看来 It is summer with us while it is winter with the Australians. 我们这里是夏天而在澳大利亚是冬天。 The housing shortage is very much with us today. 我们目前住房十分紧张。 Her decision is all right with him. 对于她的决定他毫无异议。 15. [表示相对、相离、相接] fight (quarrel, argue, compete) with sb. 同某人打架(争吵,辩论,竞争) part with sb. at the door 同某人在门口分手 break with the past 与过去决裂 couple the first car with the second 连接第一节和第二节车厢 16. [表示一事与另一事之间在时间或空间上的距离] With only four months to go before the completion of the project, she died of a sudden heart attack. 离项目完成只差4个月的时间,她却因心脏病突发而猝死。 With three miles to go, he collapsed. 离目的地还有3英里时,他支撑不住倒下了。 17. [表示对等、对照、对比] have equal standing with the others 与别人有同等地位 match a coat with a skirt 使外衣同裙子相配 She sings with the best of them. 她唱得不亚于他们中间最好的歌手。 18. 在获得…的情况下 With your permission, I'll go. 如你同意我就去。 19. 虽然,尽管;除…之外 With all his faults, I like him. 尽管他有种种缺点,我还是喜欢他。 With one exception everything passed off pleasantly. 除了一桩事例外,其他都进行得很顺遂。 20. [与副词连用,构成祈使句] Away with him! 带他走 On (Off) with your clothes! 把衣服穿上(脱掉)! [OE, 原义:against, in opposition to < wither against; 与 OHG widar against, back¹, Sans vitarám wider, L vitricus stepfather 有关] phr. be in with sb. 见 in be with sb. 〈口〉理解某人讲的话 A:Are you still with me? B: Sorry, I'm not quite with you. 甲:我的话你仍能听懂吗? 乙:对不起,我不太听得懂。 with child 见 child with God 见 God with it 见 it with that 见 that with this 见 this with young 见 young |