释义 |
wipe /waɪp/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr. I ❶ vt. 1. 擦,拭;抹;擦净;揩干 wipe one's face 擦脸 Wipe your shoes on the mat. 在擦鞋垫上擦擦你的鞋。 wipe a table 抹桌子 He wiped his moustache with the back of his hand. 他用手背抹了抹他的小胡子。 wipe one's eyes 擦干眼泪 wipe the glasses (with a dry towel) after they have been washed (用一条干手巾)把洗好的玻璃杯揩干 2. 用…擦;用…揩 wipe the handkerchief over one's face (across one's forehead) 用手帕擦脸(前额) wipe a cloth over the table 用抹布揩桌子 3. 擦去;抹去 wipe the sweat (tears) away 擦去汗水(泪水) wipe the dust from the furniture 抹掉家具上的灰尘 4. 抹掉(磁带)上的录音(或录像);(从磁盘等中)擦掉(数据);(把水平单线圈沿船体移动)消去(船)的磁性 Have you wiped that tape? 你把那盘磁带上的录音(或录像)抹掉了吗? 5. 消灭,使消失 wipe from the face of the earth the system of man exploiting man 从地球上消灭人剥削人的制度 wipe a thought from one's mind 打消一个念头 6. 拖(干);拖净 7. 涂上;抹上 wipe wax on the scratched surface 在刮毛的表面涂蜡 8. 〈俚〉揍,打 wipe sb.'s face with a stick 用棍子打某人的脸 9. 〈俚〉杀死 10. 拭接(铅管的接头) 11. 刷(磁卡) 12. 〈澳新口〉拒绝考虑,不接受 ❷ vi. 1. 擦;抹;揩 The paint won't wipe off. 这油漆擦不掉。 He went on talking, occasionally wiping at his face with a towel. 他继续讲下去,偶尔用手巾擦一下脸。 2. 〈俚〉揍,打 He wiped at me with a stick. 他用棍子向我打来。 3. 【电影】【电视】划变(指用一线条划过银幕或荧光屏以转换画面或场景) wipe from one scene to another 从一个画面划变成另一个画面
II n. 1. 擦(净);揩(干) Give the table a wipe. 把桌子抹一下。 2. 〈俚〉毛巾;手帕;抹布 3. 〈口〉(狠狠的)一击 He fetched me a wipe. 他重重打我一记。 4. 〈口〉嘲弄;讥笑 5. 【电影】【电视】划变 6. 【机】凸轮 [< OE wīpian; 与 MLG wīp bundle (of cloth), OHG wīfan to wind², L vibrāre to vibrate 有关] phr. be wipeed out 〈美口〉1. 喝醉 2. 累得要命;筋疲力尽 wipe down 把…上下揩干净 wipe down the steps with a soapy rag 用涂上肥皂的抹布把梯级上上下下揩得干干净净 wipe off 1. 擦去;抹去 wipe the drawing off the board 擦掉黑板上的图画 Wipe that silly grin off your face! 别再那么傻笑啦! 2. 洗刷 (耻辱等),勾销 (债务等)wipe off a disgrace 雪耻 3. 扣除,减去 wipe out 1. 擦掉 (油渍等);擦净…的内部 wipe a stain out 擦掉污渍 wipe out the coffee pot 把咖啡壶的内部洗干净 2. 彻底摧毁;消失 wipe out the enemy's major military targets 彻底摧毁敌人的主要军事目标 wipe out pestilence (a regiment) 消灭疫病(一个团) 3. 勾销 (债务);使消失 wipe out the arrears of rent 将欠付租金一笔勾销 wipe out an unpleasant memory 抹掉令人不快的回忆 4. 〈口〉弄死,干掉 They wiped him out to keep him from appearing as a witness. 他们把他干掉,为的是不让他出庭作证。5. 〈俚〉(从冲浪板、雪橇、行进中的赛车等上)翻跌下来 6. 〈口〉使疲劳;使喝醉 wipe up 1. 把 (打翻的东西等)揩掉;把 (洗好的杯盘等)揩干 wipe up spilt milk 把泼翻的牛奶抹干净 2. 打垮 wipe (up) the floor (或 ground) with sb. 〈俚〉把某人打得大败 |