释义 |
wind² /waɪnd/ vi. | vt. | n. | phr. I (wound /waʊnd/ 或〈罕〉wind·ed) ❶ vi. 1. 弯曲前进;曲折而行;迂回 The car was winding up the mountain. 汽车盘旋上山。 The stream winds away among the trees. 小溪蜿蜒流经树林。 A rally is winding through the plaza. 一支集会队伍弯弯曲曲地行进着通过广场。 2. 采用迂回(或巧妙)手段:暗使计谋 wind into sb.'s favour 巧妙地博取某人的欢心 Why do you wind and turn? Be frank with me. 你为什么这样转弯抹角的? 爽快地对我说吧。 3. 绕;缠绕;卷绕 The snake wound around a branch. 蛇盘绕在一根树枝上。 A strain of music wound into the air. 乐曲声在空中回旋缭绕。 4. 卷曲;弯曲 This board winds badly. 这块板翘曲得厉害。 5. 上发条 a clock that winds by a key 用钥匙上发条的钟 6. (船抛锚时)转向 7. (马)向左转 ❷ vt. 1. 绕;卷绕;把…缠绕成团 wind silk on (to) a spool 把丝绕在筒子上 wind the reel with thread 在线轴上绕线 Clouds wind the mountains. 白云在山间缭绕。 Will you wind this wool for me? 请你帮我把这些毛线绕成团好吗? 2. 包;裹;拥抱;〈废〉编织 wind the blanket round sb. 把毯子裹在某人身上 wind a bandage around one's leg 在腿上包扎绷带 She wound her arms around his neck. 她用双臂抱住他的脖子。 She wound the child in her arms. 她把孩子搂在怀里。 3. 给…上发条;〈废〉绷紧(乐器的弦线);给(弦乐器)调音 I forgot to wind the clock. 我忘了给钟上发条。 4. (用绞车或辘轳等)吊起;转动(曲柄等) wind water from a well (用辘轳)从井里吊水 wind a handle 摇手柄 5. 使迂回而行;弯弯曲曲地经过 The processions wound themselves about the town in circles. 一队队的行列在市内绕着圈行进。 The brook wound its way through the fields. 小河弯弯曲曲地流过田野。 6. 用迂回的手段获得;暗中引入 She wound herself (或 her way) into his confidence. 她用巧妙的手段博得他的信任。 He is winding his own opinions into the report. 他是在把他个人的看法偷偷地塞进报告。 7. 使(船)掉头(或转向) 8. 〈古〉摆布,支使 wind sb. to one's will 任意支使某人
II n. 1. 缠绕;弯曲;曲折 The road makes a wind to the south. 道路向南弯曲。 2. (一)圈;(一)曲;(一)转 a wind in the river 河流的一个弯曲部分 Give the handle a few more winds. 你把手柄再摇几下。 3. 卷绕机械(如绞盘等) 4. 绕法;卷法
phr. wind back 把 (录音磁带、照相或电影胶片等)倒卷回去 wind down 1. (钟、表等的发条)完全松开; (钟、表等)越走越慢而终于停下 The spring winds down in 24 hours. 这发条走24小时后就会完全松掉。2. (干了使人疲劳或紧张的事情后)放松一下;渐渐平静下来 We went to a theatre to wind down. 我们上剧场去放松一下。The football crowd didn't wind down after a good game until they were nearly home. 橄榄球迷们在看了场好球后,激动的情绪在快到家时方才平息下来。3. 转动曲柄把 (汽车等的窗子)摇下 4. (使)逐步结束;逐步缩小…的规模 The civil war is winding down. 内战在逐渐平息。wind a war down 使战争逐渐平息 wind the business down to a size which becomes manageable 把生意逐步缩小到容易管理的规模 wind off 解开,松开 (缠绕的东西); (缠绕的东西)被解开,被松开 wind off the threads from their cocoons 缫丝 wind on 【摄】把 (照相胶片)顺卷到下一位置准备拍另一张照 wind sb. round one's (little) finger 见 finger wind up 1. (使)结束;把(事务)料理停当 The meeting finally wound up in the small hours. 会议终于在翌日凌晨结束。 He wound up his speech with a quotation. 他以一句引语结束他的演讲。 He wound up his business and personal affairs before joining the army. 他把公私事务料理妥帖后才去参军。 2. 给(钟、表等)上发条 wind up a watch (toy car) 给手表(玩具汽车)上发条 3. 调紧(乐器的弦) wind up the strings of a fiddle 调紧小提琴的弦 4. 〈英口〉[常用被动语态]使紧张;使激动;使愤怒 The boxer was all wound up before the big fight. 这位拳击运动员在那场大赛前夕兴奋异常。 He was wound up to a high pitch of excitement. 他极度兴奋。 5. 转动曲柄把(汽车等的窗子)摇上 6. (用铰车或辘轳等)吊起,拉起 wind up a bucket from a well (用辘轳)把水桶从井里吊起 7. 把(线等)卷绕成一团 Sailors know how to wind up a long rope neatly. 水手懂得怎样把一条很长的绳子干净利落地盘成一团。 8. [常用被动语态]使卷入;牵涉到 They were wound up in three different scandals. 他们身陷3件不同的丑闻之中。 9. 停业清理(破产的商行等);(商行等)破产,停业清理 10. 〈口〉(以…)告终(by, in, as) He wound up by killing himself. 他最后以自杀了事。 She wound up as a teacher. 她最后当了教师。 wind up in gaol 落得个身陷囹圄的下场 11. 〈口〉最后得到(with) If I work hard for years, what will I wind up with? Money, position and respect? 如果我连年努力工作,最后会得到什么呢? 金钱、地位和他人的尊敬? 12. 〈口〉哄骗 Are you winding me up?你是在哄骗我吧? 13. 【棒】(准备投球时)挥动手臂 [OE windan; 与 OHG wintan to wind, Umbrian ohavendu let him turn aside 有关] |