

单词 will²
释义 will² /wɪl/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. 意志;毅力;自制力
a man of strong (weak) will 意志坚强(薄弱)的人
a woman with a will of iron 具有钢铁般意志的女人
2. 意愿;心愿;希望;欲望;目的
the will of the people 人民的意愿
have one's will 如愿以偿
We all have a will to international peace. 我们都希望世界和平。
a strong will to win 强烈的求胜欲望
work one's will 努力实现自己的目的
3. 决心;决断;主见
have the will to succeed 有取得成功的决心
He has no will of his own. 他这人没主见。
a will of one's own 固执
4. (对别人抱有的)情感,心意
people of good will 好心人
He bears you no ill will. 他对你并无恶意。
5. 热情;干劲
work with a will 起劲地干
6. 遗嘱(亦作 last will and testament)
make one's will 立遗嘱
He left his savings by will to his nephew. 他立下遗嘱将储蓄赠与他的侄子。
7. 意旨;命令;法令
My will is law. 余之旨意即法律。
8. 所希望的事物;所爱的东西
What is your will? 汝所欲为何?
9. 肉欲;色欲

II vt.
1. 用意志的力量驱使(或控制等)
will oneself to sleep 努力使自己入睡
will one's heartbeats to slow down again 强使自己的心跳重新慢下来
However bad the times were, he only said “Heaven wills it.” 无论日子多么艰难,他只是说“天意如此。”
2. 决意;决定;选择
Whatever he wills he may accomplish. 他下决心干的事都有可能干成。
The separation is willed, not forced. 分居是(他们)自己选择的,并非强迫。
3. 遗赠;立遗嘱言明
will one's body to science 遗赠自己的尸体供科学研究之用
He willed that his property be divided equally among his children. 他在遗嘱中讲明将自己的财产均分给子女。
4. 对…施加影响;左右
She was willed to sleep by the hypnotist. 她被催眠术士催眠入睡。
5. 渴望;想要;愿
He who wills success is halfway to it. 热切争取成功的人等于成功了一半。
I will that my friends be happy. 我愿我的朋友们幸福。
6. 命令;规定;要求;请求
The emperor wills it, so it must be done. 圣上旨意,务必照办。
He bent close to her ear, speaking into it, willing her, commanding her to live. 他弓身凑近她的耳朵恳求她,命令她,要她活下去。
1. 运用意志的力量;下决心
succeed by willing 靠意志的力量取得成功
2. 愿意;作出选择(或决定)
To will is not enough, one must do. 想干还不够,必须动手干才行。
Others debate, but the king wills. 臣僚议论,君主裁夺。
[< OE willa; 与 Ger Wille, L velle to wish, voluptas pleasure 有关]
phr. against one's will 不情愿地;违心地
The young girl married against her will. 这位年轻姑娘违心地结了婚。
at one's own sweet will 全凭自己的意愿,随心所欲地
He comes and goes at his own sweet will. 他要来就来,要去就去。
at will 任意;随意
With an air conditioner you can enjoy comfortable temperatures at will. 有了空调机就可随意享受舒适的温度。
do the will of 服从…
mention sb. in one's will 赠予某人遗产
of one's own (free) will出于自愿
I can't do anything of my own free will any more. 我再也不能按自己的意愿做任何事情了。
take the will for the deed 把主观愿望看作实际行动;事虽不成但仍领其心意
Where there is a will, there is a way. 见way
with the best will in the world 不管用意是多么的好
With the best will in the world, hospitals can be depressing. 尽管人们煞费苦心改善环境,医院的气氛还是会使人感到压抑。




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