释义 |
bris·tle /ˈbrɪsl/ n. | vi. | vt. I n. 1. (动物身上粗短的)刚毛;(植物的)刺毛 2. 猪鬃;人造猪鬃;刷子毛 3. (男子下巴上的)粗硬短须,胡子楂 4. (短而粗的)硬铁丝
II ❶ vi. 1. (毛发等)直立 The hedgehog's quills bristled in all directions. 刺猬周身的硬刺四散耸起。 a bristling mustache 翘胡子 2. (因激动等)耸起周身毛发 The frightened kitten bristled. 小猫吓得浑身的毛都竖起来了。 3. 被激怒;准备格斗 The whole country bristled with indignation. 举国上下义愤填膺。 Don't bristle up at me like that. 别对我摆出那么一副气势汹汹的样子。 4. 被布满;充满 (with) The harbour bristles with masts. 港口船桅林立。 bristle with difficulties 困难重重 ❷ vt. 1. 给(刷子等)加鬃毛 2. 使(毛发等)直立 a cock bristling up his crest 竖起冠子的公鸡 3. 使布满刺毛状物;把…弄得粗糙 The storm bristled the lake. 暴风雨中,湖水起伏翻腾。 4. 使林立于 bristle all the land with castles 使整个国家城堡林立 [<ME bristil < brust < OE byrst] |