释义 |
whoop¹ /huːp, hwuːp/ n. | vi. | vt. | int. | phr. I n. 1. (激动、欢乐等时的)高喊;高叫 a triumphant whoop 胜利的欢呼 give a whoop of rage 怒吼 Bread is still so scarce that it is received with whoops of joy. 面包仍那样缺乏,以至人们得到时都会乐得高叫起来。 2. (猎人或战士的)呐喊 3. (百日咳患者的)咳喘,吼声 4. (猫头鹰、天鹅、鹤等的)鸣叫声 5. 〈口〉最小量;最小程度;极少;一点点 The voting public as a whole doesn't care a whoop about the question. 选民们总的来说对此问题毫不关心。 6. (摩托车或自行车赛中在非公路赛段上的)颠簸
II ❶ vi. 1. (激动或欢乐地)高喊,高叫 whoop with delight 高兴得喊起来 2. (百日咳患者)咳喘 3. (猫头鹰、鹤等)鸣叫 4. 呼叫着行进;喧闹地经过 A whooping billow swept the crew from her deck. 咆哮而来的巨浪将水手们卷离了甲板。 5. 在欢呼声(或喧闹的支持声)中匆匆获得通过 The bill whooped through both houses. 该议案在两院的一片喧闹声中获得匆匆通过。 ❷ vt. 1. 高声说,高喊着表示 whoop a welcome 高呼欢迎 2. 呐喊着驱使(或追赶、激励等) whoop the hounds in a chase 呐喊着驱狗追赶猎物 3. 激起对…的热情;大力促进(或赞扬);提高;哄抬(物价等)(up) The bail was whooped up to $15000 when Larry was re-arrested. 拉里再次被捕时的保释金被提高到15000美元。 whoop up the price 哄抬物价
III int. [用以引起注意]呔,嗨;[表示激动、欢乐等]啊,嗬 [拟声;hoop² 的变体 < OFr houper to cry out] phr. a whoop and a holler 〈美口〉1. 短距离 He lives just a whoop and a holler down the road. 他就住在这条路的那头离此不远的一个地方。2. 喧闹;大吵大嚷 not give (或 care) a whoop 〈美口〉〈旧〉丝毫不在乎,漠不关心 not worth a whoop 〈口〉一文不值,毫无价值 Her promises aren't worth a whoop. 她的许诺一文不值。the whoops and jingles 〈美俚〉(过度饮酒后的)颤震性谵妄;极度的神经紧张 whoop it (或 things) up 〈口〉1. 欢闹;狂欢;庆祝 The team whooped it up after winning the game. 该队在比赛获胜后欢呼雀跃。Trafalgar Square is a favourite place for whooping it up on New Year's Eve. 除夕之夜,人们爱去特拉法尔加广场狂欢作乐。2 〈美〉激起兴趣 (或热情);大事宣扬;大力支持 (for)Father wanted to go to the country, but the children whooped it up for the beach. 父亲想去乡下,但孩子们都嚷着要去海滨。young enthusiasts whooping it up for De Gaulle 为戴高乐欢呼的狂热青年 |