释义 |
who /huː, 弱 hʊ, uː, ʊ/ pron. | n. | phr. I pron. [主格] 1. [疑问代词]谁,什么人 Who is that man (are those men)? 那人(那些人)是谁? Who is that at the door? 门口的那个人是谁? Who goes there? (哨兵喝问用语)谁? who is it 那个什么人来着(指已被忘记名字的某某) Do you know who broke the window? 你知道那窗子是谁打破的吗? Who (或 Whom) do you mean? 你指的是谁? Who (或 Whom) did you give it to? 你把它给了谁? [以上二例在口语中用 who 较用 whom 普通;但在介词后一般仍用宾语 whom, 如:To whom did you give it?] You saw who (或 whom)? 你看到谁了? A: Sidney who, please? B: Sidney Lipton. 甲:请问,名叫锡德尼什么? 乙:锡德尼·利普顿。[以上二例在未听清某人姓名且要求对方重复时用] Who would have thought it? 谁会想得到呢? 2. 怎样(性格、出身、地位等)的人 Who are you to give orders to us? 你有什么资格向我们发号施令? Who does she think she is? 她把自己看成什么了不起的人了? 3. [限制性关系代词]…的人(有时也用于国家、团体、动物或拟人化的无生命物体) This is the man (These are the men) who wanted to see you. 这(这些)就是想要见你的人。 the man who (或 whom) you saw 你曾见过的那个人 the girl who (或 whom) he spoke to (或 the girl to whom he spoke) 他与之谈过话的那个姑娘 There is a woman (who) called this afternoon. 今天下午曾有位女士来访。 He's got a sister (who) lives in London. 他有一个姐妹住在伦敦。[以上二例中的 who 在口语中常省略] a generation who had known nothing but war 饱尝战争之苦的一代 There are other countries who will supply them with guns. 还有一些其他国家将为他们提供枪炮。 a dog who has been let out in the garden 被放出到花园里去的一条狗 4. [非限制性关系代词]他;她;它;他们;她们;它们 My wife, who has been abroad recently, hopes to see you soon. 我刚从国外回来的妻子希望能很快见到你。 That's George's dog, who bit me. 那是乔治的狗,它咬了我。 5. [省略先行词的关系代词]…的人 You are not who I thought you were. 你不是我原先所想的那种人。 Who delays,pays. 延误者罚款。
II /huː/ n. 有关的人;所指(或所说)的人 I'm going to know what happened in that house: the why and the who. 我想了解一下那屋子里究竟发生了什么事:事情发生的原因及所涉及的人。 [< OE hwā; 与 OHG hwer, L quis, Gr tis, L qui 有关] phr. as who 〈古〉像是…的人 as who should (或 would) say 〈古〉可谓;似乎是说 |