释义 |
whis·per /ˈhwɪspə(r)/ vi. | vt. | n. | phr. I ❶ vi. 1. 低语,耳语,私语;密谈 whisper to sb. 对某人耳语 whisper in (或into) sb.'s ear 与某人咬耳朵 The king knew that the courtiers were whispering. 国王知道大臣们在窃窃私语地议论。 2. 〈书〉(树叶等)发沙沙声;(风)发飒飒声;(水流)发潺潺声 The leaves whispered in the breeze. 树叶在微风中沙沙作响。 ❷ vt. 1. 低声说出;秘密(或私下)告诉 “I love you,”he whispered. 他悄声说:“我爱你。” It is whispered that ... 有人在私下说… The story is being whispered everywhere. 这件事正在到处暗暗传说。 2. 【语】(声带不振动地)耳语式发(音)
II n. 1. 低语,耳语;私语;密谈 speak in whispers (或 in a whisper) 低声说话 2. 私下谈论的话,秘密话;暗示;谣传;秘闻 a whisper that the bank has failed 关于那家银行业已破产的传闻 3. 微量,些许 a whisper of suspicion 一丝怀疑 use a whisper of the perfume 用少许香水 4. 〈书〉沙沙声;飒飒声;潺潺声 the whisper of leaves in the breeze 微风中树叶的沙沙声 The fine engine makes only a whisper when running at full speed. 这台精良的发动机在全速运转时仅发出轻微的声音。 5. 【语】耳语音 [< OE hwisprian; 与 OHG hwispalōn to whisper 有关] phr. in a pig's whisper 〈俚〉1. 低声地 2. 转眼间,顷刻间 |