释义 |
whisk¹ /hwɪsk/ vt. | vi. | n. I ❶ vt. 1. 掸,拂,轻轻抹 whisk the dust off with a damp cloth 用湿布把灰尘轻轻抹去 2. 迅速移动;飞快带走;急忙运送 whisk the door open 一下子把门推开 The ambulance whisked him off to a hospital. 救护车风驰电掣般地把他送往医院。 3. 轻捷地拿(或放、抽、挥等) whisk the money into one's pocket 一下子把钱塞进口袋 whisk out a huge photo 嗖地抽出一张特大照片 ❷ vi. 迅速移动;轻捷地走;一扫而过 Consumers' enthusiasm for buying kept whisking upward. 消费者的购买热情继续迅速高涨。 The mouse whisked into its hole. 老鼠嗖地窜进洞去。
II n. 1. 掸,拂,轻抹 brush away the dust with a few whisks 轻轻地几下掸去灰尘 2. 掸帚;小笤帚;刷帚;(洗刷等用的毛发、柴草等的)一束 3. 迅速移动;轻捷行走;一扫而过 [< ON visk wisp; 与 MD wisch, OHG wisc 有关] |