

单词 bring
释义 bring /brɪŋ/ vt. | vi. | phr. (brought /brɔːt/)

1. 把…带至说话人所在处(或指定处),带来,拿来,取来
Take this empty can away and bring me a full one. 把这空罐拿走,给我拿一罐满的来。
When I took it to his office, he said, “Bring it to my home tomorrow.” 我把东西送到他办公室,而他却说:“明天送我家去。”
Will you bring her to Tom's party? 请你带她去汤姆的聚会,好不好?
I'll bring plenty of food with me. 我将带上很多食物。
defeat the enemy as quickly as possible and bring the boys home 尽快打败敌人并撤兵回国
2. 把…引来
Her screams brought the police. 她的惨叫声招来了警察。
Evenings bring couples and singles for open air concert. 夜晚引得双双对对和单身男女去听露天音乐会。
What brings you here? 什么风把你吹来的?
3. 促使;说服,劝使,影响
What's brought you slumming? 是什么促使你访问贫民区的?
I could not bring myself to hate him. 我无法使自己恨他。
She was brought to see the absurdity of the matter. 经人指点她看清了这件事的荒诞之处。
4. 导致,招致;产生;使发生,使存在;使处于某种状态
Floods bring disaster. 洪水酿成灾害。
The drug brought him relief from the pain. 这药物为他缓解了疼痛。
bring sb.'s fury on one's head 招来某人的盛怒
It was the hour that brought the man. 是时势造就了英雄。
The letter brought tears to his eyes. 这封信使他热泪盈眶。
This incident might bring them into the war. 这一事件有可能把他们卷入战争。
Thirty-odd persons' long and distinguished service to lexicography has brought the dictionary within sight of completion. 30余人对词典编纂长期和卓越的贡献使这部词典完成在望。
bring the water to a boil 把水煮沸
5. 陪伴,护送
6. (货品)售得,在商品交换中得到
Eggs bring a high (good) price these days. 这些日子鸡蛋卖高(好)价。
His writings bring him £1000 a year. 他的作品使他一年有1000镑的收入。
7. 提起(诉讼等);引证(论据、证据等)
bring a charge against the fast driver 向开快车者提出指控
bring an action for damages 起诉索赔
[<ME bringen<OE bringan; 与 OHG bringan to bring, W hebrwng to accompany 有关]
phr. bring about 1. 导致,引起;使发生,带来…的结果
bring about many improvements in the employment of women 在雇用女性方面带来许多改进
What brought it about? 这是怎么发生的?
2. 使(船)掉过头来
bring a boat about and head for shore 使船掉头向岸驶去
bring along 1. 把…带来
2. 促成…的生长发展,培育,培植
bring around 1. 把…带来
2. 说服,使信服;哄劝得…高兴起来
The government's moves would bring a sizable majority of the committee around to endorsing the proposition. 政府采取的步骤将说服委员会相当多数的成员批准这项提议。
3. 使恢复知觉(或健康)
The second time he fainted it took a long time to bring him around. 在他第二次昏过去以后,花了很长时间才使他恢复知觉。
He has stood the operation well, the doctors believe they will bring him around. 手术后他情况良好,医生们相信能使他恢复健康。
4. 使(船)掉过头来
bring back 1. 使回来;把…带回来
If this shirt doesn't fit, may I bring it back later? 要是这件衬衫不合身,我可以拿来退货吗?
2. 使恢复原来状态;使复原
bring the seriously polluted rivers back to life 使严重污染的河流重获生机
The country air brought back his strength. 乡间的空气使他体力复原。
3. 使被忆起
The whole scene brought back the days of my childhood. 整个景象使我忆起童年的日子。
4. (吃下去的东西)吐出来
bring down 1. 使落下;使倒下
Watch how carefully the pilot brings the plane down. 注意看飞行员驾机降落时动作多么一丝不苟。
2. 射落,击落;撂倒
With one shot he brought down the bird. 他一枪就射落了那只鸟。
3. 打倒;击败,使失败
The tapes the Secretary of the Treasury had installed brought him down. 财政部长安放的录音带使他倒台。
the most effective way to bring the policy of apartheid down 使种族隔离政策无法得逞的最有效的办法
4. 减少,降低;使变得卑微
prescribe some traditional medicinal herbs to bring down the fever 开几味中草药退热
bring down the price 降价
bring the salesman down to a lower price 使推销员同意减价
5. 会计(数字等)转入下页(或下栏)
6. 使(叙述等)由远及近接续相连
a World History brought down to the 1980's 一部记载到20世纪80年代的世界史
7. 美俚使垂头丧气,使沮丧
8. 招致
He conspired and intrigued to bring down ruin on himself. 他耍阴谋诡计,结果落得身败名裂。
Your treacherous actions to the cause of peace will bring down on you the maledictions of mankind. 你对和平事业的背叛行径将使你受到全人类的诅咒。
bring down the house 见 house
bring forth 1. (后代);结(果实);产生,引起
The trees in the orchard bring forth many apples. 果园中的树结了许多苹果。
2. 提出,引证;揭示
The problem is brought forth for your consideration. 这个问题提出请你考虑。
What will the future bring forth? 未来将揭示出什么样的情况?
He brought his permit forth and showed it to the policeman. 他取出执照给警察看。
bring forward 1. 把…带上前来
The judge ordered the suspect to be brought forward. 法官下令将犯罪嫌疑人带上来。
2. 提出,提议…供讨论,引证
bring forward new proof 提出新的证据
Please bring the matter forward at the next meeting. 请将这件事在下次会议上提出讨论。
They moved to bring forward resolutions for a vote. 他们动议将决议案交付投票。
3. 提前;使提前发生(或成熟)
They proposed that the date of the congress (should) be brought forward a few months. 他们提议代表大会开会日期提前几个月。
The rain will bring forward the young crops. 这场雨将促进作物幼苗的生长。
4. 会计(数字等)转入下页(或下栏)
bring home (to) (向…)以强调形式清楚地显示(或证实)(向…)活生生地揭示…以使痛感
The point is brought home in yesterday's detailed statistics. 昨天公布的详尽统计资料清楚地说明了这一点。
Her illness brought home to him how much he depended on her. 她一病倒才使他深切体会到自己对她的依赖程度有多大。
That remark brought his guilt home to him. 那句话使他痛感自己的罪责。
bring in 1. 引入;带进
bring in a new fashion 引进新款式
bring in advanced technology and equipment 引进先进技术和设备
He was brought in, and stood before the manager. 他被带了进来,站在经理面前。
The plane bringing her in from Shanghai arrived. 从上海载她来的飞机到达了。
2. 提出;引入(话题等)
bring in a bill (budget) 提出议案(预算)
bring in new, even more complicated problems 引起一些新的甚至更为复杂的问题
3. 生出…作为收益,挣得
Some slight concession in price would bring (you) in sufficient profit. 在价格上稍作让步将(为你)带来足够的利润。
The wife is bringing in more than the husband. 妻子挣的钱比丈夫多。
4. 宣布(裁决);对…作出裁决
The jury brought in a verdict of “not guilty”. 陪审团宣布“无罪”的裁决。
The jury brought him in guilty. 陪审团裁决他有罪。
5. 使就职;接纳(合伙人等)
He was brought in last year as prime minister. 去年他正式出任首相。
6. (油井)使投产
A number of new wells were brought in in the oilfield. 在这个油田有许多新的油井投产。
7. 逮捕
bring in a suspicious character 逮捕一个行迹可疑的人
8. 使(垒上球员)得分;得(分)
9. (桥牌戏中)(一手长套)赢牌
bring it away 堕胎
bring off1. (尤指从遇难船只)救出
2. 使实现,成功地做,做成
try to bring off a rapprochement between two countries 设法在两国间实现友好往来的恢复
It was a difficult task but we brought it off. 这是一件困难的工作,但我们还是把它做成了。
3. 使达到性高潮
bring on (或upon) 1. 使发生,使出现;引起
His illness was brought on by poor feeding. 他的病是饮食不佳造成的。
I can't help you. You brought this on yourself. 我不能帮你。这事是你自己一手造成的。
2. 助长,促进;使发展,使进步
bring on youngsters in the reserve team 在后备队培养年轻队员
More study should bringon your English. 多花点时间学习定能使你的英语进步。
3. 端上(饭菜等)
Bring on the roast chickens! 把烤鸡端上来!
4. 通过介绍把…引上舞台(或讲台)
5. 使达到性高潮
bring out 1. 拿出,取出;带…出来
2. 使显出;使变得明显
The speakers brought out the significant aspects of the problem. 几位发言人揭示了问题的各重要方面。
He generally wears a pale blue tie to bring out the colour of his eyes. 他通常结一条淡蓝色领带,以衬托眼睛的颜色。
3. 出版(书刊等);推出(作品、剧目等)
bring out another revised edition 出又一个修订版
4. 正式介绍(青年女子)初入社交界
5. 说出
He was so excited that he could hardly bring out a word. 他激动得说不出一句话来。
6. 激起,引起;使发挥出来
bring out both the guest's interest and one's own pleasure 既激起客人的兴趣又使自己感到愉快
Difficult conditions will sometimes bring out a man's best qualities. 困难的情境有时能激发出一个人最优良的品质。
Bob was always willing to talk about his work, his latest book, etc. Chris found it easy to bring him out. 鲍勃老喜欢谈自己的工作、自己最近的作品等等。克里斯发现要鲍勃和盘托出是很容易的。
7. 使克服腼腆的窘态
The girl is nice, but needs a lot of bringing out. 这姑娘不错,但还需要多多在场面上经受锻炼。
bring a 16-year-old girl out of herself 使一个16岁的姑娘变得大方老练
8. 主英发动…罢工
9. (花)开放
10. 使出皮疹(in)
bring over 1. 把…带来
You might bring him over tomorrow. 明天你不妨把他带来。
2. 使转而相信;说服
What he said brought me over to his opinion. 他的话使我转而同意他的意见。
bring sb. over to support a plan 说服某人使转而支持一项计划
3. (帆)转向
bring round= bring around
bring through使(病人)脱险;使安全度过
bring to 1. 使恢复知觉
They poured water over her to bring her to. 他们向她身上浇水,使她苏醒过来。
2. 使(船)停驶;(船)停驶
The ship was brought to. 船被迫停驶。
The ship brought to. 船停驶。
bring to bear 1. 应用,使用
bring knowledge to bear 把知识付诸应用
bring all one's energies to bear upon a task 用全副精力对付一项工作
2. 施加(压力、影响等);使发生影响,使产生效力
They did everything to bring diplomatic pressures to bear on the admiral. 他们无所不用其极,对海军上将施加外交压力。
3. 瞄准
He brought his gun to bear. 他举枪瞄准。
bring together 1. 介绍(男女)相见
2. 使团结,使联合
3. 使和解
bring together the warring camps 使敌对的阵营和解接近
bring under 扑灭;制服
The enemy's chain could not bring his proud soul under. 敌人的镣铐压服不了他的傲骨。
Two aspirins will bring your fever under. 两片阿司匹林就可以使你退热。
bring up 1. 养育;(尤指在举止风度方面)教养
They had been brought up to go to church. 他们从小就受到去教堂做礼拜的教育。
He was well brought up. 他受过很好的教养。
2. 提出
At the meeting next morning, they brought up many problems and discussed them one by one. 在翌日早上的会议上,他们提出许多问题并逐个进行了讨论。
bring up fresh evidence 提出新的证据
3. 英口对…严厉地说
bring sb. up for his bad behaviour 因某人的恶劣行为对其进行叱责
4. 使(车辆等)急停;急停;(船)在航程终点停船
He was brought up sharply (或 sharp) by the sight at the threshold. 他一见这景象便在门槛处蓦地收住脚步。
The ship drifted and brought up with a light jerk. 船漂漂荡荡,然后微微一颠突然停了下来。
5. 呕出;咳出
He brought up all that he had eaten. 他把吃下去的东西全吐出来了。
What has made her bring up? 她怎么会呕吐的?
6. (军队、警察部队等)调上来(至前线或出事地点)
As a reply to the enemy's move, our general brought up his tanks. 作为对敌人行动的回答,我方将军把他的坦克调了上来。
7. 使达到
bring the total up to 5 billion 使总数达到50亿
8. 把…举高,举起,竖起;使升上
He stepped back and brought his hands up. 他后退一步,举起双手。
bring up water from more than a metre below the surface 将水从地面下1米多的深处引上来
bring up the stairs 增高楼梯
9. 传讯
He was brought up on a charge of causing a disturbance. 他以扰乱治安罪被传讯。
10. (饭菜等)端上来




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