释义 |
wheel /hwiːl/ n. | vi. | vt. | phr. I n. 1. 轮;车轮;机轮 tyre a wheel 给车轮安装轮胎 a toothed wheel 齿轮 2. 转向盘,方向盘,驾驶盘;【海】舵轮 3. 轮状物;轮盘(一种旋转的赌具) a design of red wheels and blue squares 红圈圈蓝方块的图案 4. 〈美俚〉1元银币 5. 轮式器具(或机械);(陶工用的)陶轮;纺车;(船的)明轮;水轮,水车;(古时用来牵拉或分裂受刑者肢体的)轮式刑车 6. 〈美口〉自行车;[wheels]〈美俚〉腿;汽车;有轮车辆 ride a wheel 骑自行车 Those who cannot afford wheels must hitch a ride. 买不起汽车的人得搭便车。 7. (燃放时会旋转的)轮转烟火 8. [常作 wheels]推动力;控制力 the wheels of progress 前进的动力 9. [常作 wheels]机构;重要部门;系统 the wheels of government 政府机构 the wheels of justice 司法部门 10. 旋转,回旋;旋转运动(尤指军队、船舶等队列的方向变换) the wheels of birds 飞鸟的盘旋 the dazzling wheels of the dance 舞蹈中令人眼花缭乱的旋转动作 11. 〈美俚〉掌大权的人,头儿;大亨 the big wheel in the company 公司里的大头头 the big wheels of organized crime 有组织犯罪活动的头目们 12. (统一经营轮流上演同一节目的)联号剧场(或娱乐场);体育运动联合会 13. (歌曲的)叠句,副歌 14. = wheel of fortune 15. (可切分的)整圆干酪(或果酱饼等)
II ❶ vi. 1. 旋转;转动 The sails of the windmill were wheeling round. 风车的翼在转个不停。 2. 转弯;转变方向 He wheeled about and faced his opponent squarely. 他转过身来面对着他的对手。 He wheeled round and went abruptly out of the room. 他一转身突然走出房间。 3. 改变主意(或态度、行动方针等)(about) 4. (鸟)盘旋 Pigeons wheeled over the eaves. 鸽子在屋檐上方盘旋。 5. 〈英〉【军】向…转 Left (Right) wheel! 向左(右)转! 6. 推车,骑车,驾(或乘)车;平稳地行进 The car wheeled along the highway. 汽车沿着公路行驶。 ❷ vt. 1. 使旋转;使转动;滚动;推动 furiously wheel the dials back and forth 怒气冲冲地来回拨着电话拨号盘 wheel the bike to the nearest repairing-shop 把自行车推到就近的修理店 The patient was wheeled into the operating room. 病人被推进了手术室。 2. 使转弯;使转变方向 wheel one's horse about 拨转马头 3. 使盘旋 The beetle wheels his droning flight. 甲虫嗡嗡作声地绕着圈子飞。 4. 用车运(货等);〈美俚〉高速驾(车) wheel a load of earth on a wheelbarrow 用手推车运土 5. 给…安装轮子 wheel a cart 给手推车安装轮子 6. 〈美〉输送(电力等) 7. 〈口〉引来,引进(in) [< OE hweol, hweowol; 与 ON hvēl wheel, Gr kuklos circle, wheel, Sans cakra, L colere to cultivate, inhabit, Gr telos end¹ 有关] phr. a fly on the wheel 见 fly¹ at (或 behind) the wheel 1. 在驾驶;在操舵 They took turns at the wheel. 他们轮流开车。 2. 控制,掌管 leave sb. at the wheel of the firm 委托某人掌管商号 break a butterfly (或 fly) on a wheel 见 break¹ break on the wheel 处以车裂刑 go on (oiled) wheels 顺利进行 grease the wheels (尤指用金钱)使事情顺利进行 have wheels in (one's) head 〈美俚〉发疯,发狂 lock the wheels 将车轮刹住,刹车 oil the wheels 1. (给轮子加油)使顺利运行 2. (用奉承、贿赂等手段)促使事情顺利进行 put a spoke in sb.'s wheel 见 spoke¹ put (或 set) one's shoulder to the wheel 见 shoulder reinvent the wheel 白费力气,做别人已经做好的事情 silly as a wheel〈澳俚〉极其愚蠢 spin one's wheels 〈美口〉停滞不前;消磨时间 the man at the wheel 1. 驾驶员;舵手 2. 掌管者,负责人 wheel and deal 1. (在政界、生意场所等)独断专行;(尤指为个人利益而运用金钱或权势)为所欲为 The senator got his law passed by wheeling and dealing in Congress. 那议员利用他在国会内的权势大肆活动,终使他的法案得以通过。 2. 当头头,当负责人 wheels within wheels 1. 错综复杂的情况(或动机、影响、力量等) 2. 复杂的机构 |