释义 |
well¹ /wel/ ad. | a. | int. | n. | phr. I (bet·ter /ˈbetə(r)/, best /best/) ad. 1. 好;妥善地;有利地;令人满意(或愉快)地 play the violin well 小提琴拉得好 Well done (said)! 干(说)得好! He married his daughter well. 他给女儿结了一门好亲。 She is getting along well at school. 她在学校里表现不错。 Business is going well. 生意进展令人满意。 2. 完全地,充分地,足够地 dust the room well 彻底扫除房间的灰尘 be well informed 消息灵通 stir well before cooking 烹调之前充分搅拌 Think well before you act. 三思而行。 3. 很,相当;可观地,大大地,远远地 His duties there had been dull and well defined. 他在那儿的工作单调乏味,被规定得很死。 It's well worth trying. 这很值得一试。 I can't reach it; it's well above my head. 我够不着,它高出我脑袋许多。 people well along in years 年事已高的人们 It might well turn out to be a disaster. 这事的结果很可能是一场灾难。 well over 2 million (below the poverty level) 大大超过200万(低于贫困线水平) Let me know well in advance. 请尽量提前让我知道。 Police patrols were on the streets from well before dawn. 天还远远没亮,警察巡逻队就已出现在街头。 4. 详细地;熟悉地 Do you know your neighbours well? 你和左邻右舍熟吗? 5. 容易地,无困难地 Nothing could well be found than that. 再没比那更显而易见的了。 He can well afford a new car. 他买一辆新汽车绰绰有余。 6. 有理由地,理所当然地;正确地;恰当地,合适地 cannot very well refuse the offer 没什么理由拒绝这个建议 One may well ask. 人们理所当然地要问。 You may well look ashamed, that was a cruel thing to do. 你完全应该感到惭愧,看你干了件多残忍的事。 Does this colour go well with that colour? 这种颜色和那种颜色相配吗? 7. 友善地,好意地;兴致很好地;赞许地 treat sb. well 善待某人 take the disappointment well 对这件令人扫兴的事并不介意 They speak well of him at school. 他在学校里受到人们的好评。 8. 注意地,专注地 listen well to sb.'s words 注意听某人讲的话 9. 规矩地;举止得体地,有风度地 behave well 行为规规矩矩 carry oneself well 举止得体 10. 肯定地,无疑地 11. 富裕地,舒适地 live well 生活富裕
II (better, best) a. 1. 良好的;妥善的;有利的;令人满意(或愉快)的 We are very well where we are. 我们目前的情况很好。 All is not well in the world. 世事并不尽如人意。 2. 健康的,没病的;康复的,治愈的 I am very well, thank you. 谢谢你,我(身体)很好。 He is not a well man. 他这人身体不好。 Does she look well? 她看上去身体可好? The wound is nearly well. 伤口快愈合了。 3. 对的;恰当的,合适的;可取的;幸运的 It would be well to make no comment. 还是不加评论为上策。 It's well the children didn't see what happened. 幸好孩子们没有看见所发生的事。 4. 富裕的,舒适的
III int. 1. [表示惊异、不以为然等]哟;啊;哎呀 Well, I never did! 哟,我可从没做过这样的事! Well! I never expected to see you here! 哎呀,我真没想到会在这儿见到你! 2. [表示同意、顺从、让步等]嗯;好吧 Well, perhaps you are right. 嗯,可能你是对的。 Well, if you'd rather do that, do it. 那好吧,如果你要干那事就干吧。 3. [表示规劝、责备、期待等]嗳;哎;那么 Well! There's no need to shout. 嗳!用不着大叫大嚷嘛。 Well, what (happened) next? 那么,后来又怎样呢? 4. [表示轻松、松一口气等]好啦 Well, that is over. 好啦,事情总算过去了。 5. [用以继续原来的话题或引入新的话题]这个;喔;噢,唔 Well, as I was saying... 这个,我刚才是说… Well, then she said... 喔,于是她说… Well, it was like this ... 唔,事情是这样的…
IV n. 好;成功;幸运
phr. All's well that ends well. 见 all as well 1. 也,又,还 If you will go, I'll go as well. 如果你愿去,那我也去。 He gave me advice, and money as well. 他给我指点,还给了我钱。 2. 同样地;完全有理由地;还不如 One might as well throw money away as spend it in betting. 把钱用来打赌就如把它白白扔掉一样。 Obviously she had been frightened out of wits, as well she might be. 显然她已吓得六神无主了,于她来说这亦在情理之中。 Since you can't win the race, you may (just) as well quit. 既然你赢不了这场赛跑,那倒还不如退出比赛。 You may as well wait upstairs. 你不妨在楼上等。 I might as well go. 我最好还是去。 as well as 1. 除…之外(也);和 On Sundays, his landlady provided dinner as well as breakfast. 星期天除早饭外,女房东还供应他正餐。 As well as eating (或 ate 或〈口〉eat) a seven-course meal, they drank three bottles of wine.他们吃了一顿有7道菜的饭外,还喝了3瓶酒。 Hiking is good exercise as well as fun. 徒步旅行很有趣味,也是很好的锻炼。 In theory as well as in practice, the idea is unsound. 这个主意在理论上和实践中都站不住脚。 2. 与…一样(程度) He would like to go as well as you. 他和你一样想去。 be in well with 〈口〉处于讲话有人听的地位;得宠于 He is in well with the management. 他受到资方的青睐。 be well away 〈英〉 1. 开了个好头;有很大进步 2. 酣睡;酩酊大醉 be well out of sth. 〈英口〉安然摆脱某事;幸运地摆脱某事 You're well out of that firm — the police have arrested the owner for fraud. 幸亏你和那家企业脱离了干系,那老板因诈骗罪已被警方抓起来了。 be well up on (或 in) 对某事了解得很详尽 come off well 1. (人)交好运,走运 2. (事件)结果好 do oneself well 见 do¹ do well 见 do¹ do well for oneself 见 do¹ do well out of 见 do¹ get well away = be well away It's all very away…[表示不满、讥讽等]…好倒是好;…固然不错 It's all very well for you to say that, but what can I do? 你说得容易,可我又有什么办法? just as well 不必遗憾;正好,幸好;不妨 A:We're too late to see the film. B:Just as well I hear it isn't very good. 甲:我们来不及看那电影了。乙:没什么,我听说那片子不怎么样。 It is beginning to rain; it is just as well we brought our raincoats with us. 天开始下雨了,幸好我们带了雨衣。 It would be just as well to telephone them before we arrive. 我们不妨在到达前给他们打个电话。 let (或 leave) well (〈美〉 enough) alone 对已经满意的事不要再作变更(或不要再管);不(要)画蛇添足;不(必)干预 You've done your best, so leave well enough alone. 你已尽了最大努力,不要再画蛇添足了。 not so (或 too) well 有点不舒服,有点病 oh well [表示无可奈何]好吧 Oh well, please yourself. 好吧,随你的便。 pretty well 几乎 have effective control over pretty well everything 几乎有效地控制着一切 well and good 1. [表示心平气和地接受决定]好吧,行;[表示讥讽或不无勉强地赞同]也好,也行 If you like to cringe to your superiors, well and good. 如果你喜欢巴结上司,那就去巴结好了。 2. 好;令人满意 If we agree then well and good, if not we'll go separate ways. 如果我们意见一致那再好没有,要不然就各走各的路吧。 well and truly 决定性地;确实;完全 He is well and truly drunk. 他喝得烂醉了。 Well begun is half done. 见 begin well enough 相当不错;还可以 Well fed, well bred. 见 feed Well met! 见 meet¹ well out of it (或 rid of them) 幸而没有牵连在内,幸而置身事外 well up in 对…消息灵通,熟悉 wish sb. well 祝某人成功(或走运) |