

单词 water
释义 wa·ter /ˈwɔːtə(r),ˈwɒ-/ n. | vt. | vi. | a. | phr.
I n.
fresh water 淡水
Water is the only drink for a wise man. 聪明人只拿水当饮料。
2. [常作 waters](天然)矿泉水;泉水
3. 自来水;供水
threaten to turn off the water 扬言要断水
4. 分泌液(如泪水、唾液、尿、汗等);体液
A blow on the nose brought the water into his eyes. 鼻子上挨了一击使他眼泪直流。
The smell of oysters brought the water to his mouth. 牡蛎的香味使他垂涎欲滴。
bloody water 血尿
5. [常作 waters]羊水
Peter broke his waters on a Sunday. 彼得出生在一个星期天。
6. 积水
water on the knee 膝关节水肿
water on the brain 脑积水
7. 药水;化妆水剂;(物质的)水溶液
lemon water 柠檬水
8. 芳香水
9. 蒸馏液;香精;(蒸馏制成的)烈酒,烧酒
10. [常作waters]大片的水;水体(指海、河、湖、池、港湾等);河(或湖)水;雨水;领海;公海;水域
cross the water on a ferry 乘渡船摆渡
the upper waters of the Thames 泰晤士河上游
The water was rough and we were drenched by spray. 浪很大,我们被水花溅湿了。
Japanese waters 日本海域
international waters 国际海域
11. 水上航行;水上运输;水路
12. 地下水
strike water at 100 metres 在100米深处发现地下水
13. 水位;(适航等的)水深
at high water 在高潮时
Low water will be at 6:12 a.m. 上午6时12分将出现低潮。
a boat that draws six feet of water 吃水6英尺的船
require 22 feet of water when loaded 满载时需22英尺的水深
ten feet of water at the dam 堤坝处的10英尺水深
14. 水面
Fish swim below the water. 鱼在水下游。
15. 水色(指宝石的透明度及光泽度)
16. 优质度;(品质或类型的)程度
an artist of the purest water 第一流的艺术家
a fool of the purest water 大傻瓜
17. (织物或金属表面上的)波纹,光泽
18. 超过实际资产的估价(或股额),清水股;(股票的)虚设发行
19. 水彩画;水彩颜料
20. [waters] 流水;波浪;海浪;狂浪;洪水
the broad waters of the Yangtze River 长江浩瀚的流水
the mighty waters rolling evermore 翻滚不息的巨浪

II vt.
1. 喷淋,在…上洒(或浇)水;把…弄湿;灌溉,给…浇水
water a road 在路上洒水
water a fruit-growing area 灌溉水果种植区
Water your garden in the early morning. 清晨给你花园浇浇水。
2. 给…喂水;给(军队、轮船、发动机等)供水,供水给;给(水库等)加水
water the horses 饮马
Water the livestock when you feed them. 喂家畜时要给它们饮水。
Large tanks were there to water the troops. 那儿有给部队供水的巨大水箱。
Our village is well watered by rivers. 我们村庄因河流多而水源充足。
3. 搀水冲淡,加水稀释
water the milk 在牛奶中搀水
That bar waters its drinks. 那家酒吧老是在饮料里搀水。
4. (丝织物等)上轧波纹
5. (股票等)“搀水”(指增发股票而不相应增加股本或资产,因而稀释了股票的价值)
1. 充满水;充满泪水;流泪
She felt sorry and her eyes watered a little. 她感到很难过,眼睛有点湿润了。
My eyes were watering from dust. 我的双眼进了灰尘正在流泪。
My eyes water when I'm tired. 我疲倦时眼睛就流泪。
2. 流口水
The boy's mouth watered for ice cream. 那男孩对冰淇淋馋涎欲滴。
3. (动物等)饮水
4. (船等)加水,注水
Our ship watered at every port we visited. 我们的船每到一港都加水。

III a.
1. 水的;盛水的;储水的;运水的;洒水的
a water jug 水罐
2. 含水的
3. 水中的;水上的;水中(或水上)用的
water transport 水上运输
4. 水生的;近水生长的
a water insect 水生昆虫
5. 水体的;近水的,水边的;水上航行的
a water town 水上城市
water frontage 临水的土地
6. 用水配制的;搀水稀释的
7. 与水有关的;支配水的
a water project 水利工程
a water deity 水神
8. 水力驱动的
9. 由水流产生的
10. 用水的;产生水的
[< OE wæter < Gmc; 比较 OS watar, OHG wazzar, Goth watō, OSlav voda; 与 Gr hudor 有关]
phr. above (the) water 1. 在水面之上
As my head rose above water, I began to look round. 当我的头露出水面时,我开始环顾四周。
2. 摆脱麻烦(或困境);摆脱债务
To stay above water, many businesses have already been forced to take desperate measures. 为了不陷入困境,许多企业已被迫采取了非常措施。
Her wage became essential to keep her and her husband above water financially. 为了使她与丈夫不发生经济困难,她的工资变得必不可少了。
as weak as water 见 weak
back water 令划手划倒桨;(左舷或右舷的划手)实施急转变
The mate yelled to back water as the whale surfaced. 当鲸露出水面时,大副大声命令倒车。
As she took the dinghy out, she had to back water. 她得在放出救生艇时急转弯。
be blown out of the water (人、说法、方案等)被证明完全不可靠,露了马脚
blow sth. out of the water 把某事公诸于众
The press is going to blow the bill out of the water. 报刊即将把该议案公诸于众。
by water 乘船,由水路
We went by water. 我们是乘船去的。
carry water for sb. (或 carry sb.'s water) 帮某人说话,站在某人一边
There aren't many people in Congress who are willing to carry water for us. 在国会里愿意帮我们说话的人不多。
dash cold water on (或 over) = pour cold water on (或 over)
Don't cast out the foul water till you bring in the clean. (或 Don't throw out your dirty water before you get in fresh.) 清水未得,莫泼脏水。(或:好东西未到手,不要抛弃坏东西。)
draw a lot of water with sb. 说话对某人很有影响
You draw a lot of water with the President. You'll get what you ask for. 你的话总统很听得进,你会得到你所要求的。
draw water to one's mill 唯利是图
draw water with a sieve 竹篮打水一场空;干蠢事
drink the waters = take (the) waters
hold water 1. 盛得住水
2. 经得起考验;符合逻辑;站得住脚;可靠;有效
The theory may hold water. 这理论可能行得通。
The argument holds no water. 这个论点站不住脚。
Melodrama can't hold water on the street. 情节剧在大街上演行不通。
3. 用桨使船停住,挡水
in (或 into) deep water(s) 在困境(或危难)
It was easy at first, but we're in deep water now. 起初还容易,但现在我们陷入了困境。
in rough (或 troubled) water 很困难
in smooth water 主英俚摆脱了困境
keep one's head above water 见 head
like water 1. (花钱)大手大脚地
spend money like water 挥金如土
2. 大量地;无节制地
The wine flowed like water at their party. 他们在宴会上就像喝水一样大量喝酒。
(like) water off (或 from) a duck's back (如)水落鸭背;不起作用,毫无影响
The young boy was scolded by his teacher but it was water off a duck's back. 那个小男孩受到老师的责骂,可是责骂犹如水落鸭背,毫无作用。
make foul water (船)在浅水处航行,搅起河底泥沙使水混浊
make sb.'s mouth water 见 mouth
make water 1. 小便
He went behind the wall and made water against a tree. 他走到墙后,对着树小便。
2. (船)漏水,进水
The SOS said:“Dutch vessel making water, require immediate assistance.” 呼救信号说:“荷兰船进水,要求紧急援助。”
Much water goes (或 runs) by the mill that the miller knows not of. 我们周围发生的许多事情是我们所不觉察的。
on the water 1. 在船上
Let's go on the water this warm afternoon. 今天下午和暖宜人,咱们划船去吧。
2. 在海上
open water 无屏蔽水域,无障碍水域,(无岛屿、岩石等的)适航水域
pass water 小便
pour cold water on (或 over) (计划、想法等)泼冷水
There was no one to pour cold water on my plan. 没有人对我的计划泼冷水。
Don't allow relatives to pour cold water on your optimism. 别让亲戚们给你的乐观情绪泼冷水。
New attacks by the enemy poured cold water over our hopes of peace. 敌人的新攻势给我们对和平的企望当头泼了凉水。
take (the) water 1. 去游泳
A deer was taking the water. 一头鹿正下水去游泳。
2. 上船,乘船
She was about to take water. 她正要上船。
3. (船)下水
That frigate took the water. 那艘大型驱逐舰下水了。
4. 美方突然离去;溜走,退却,打退堂鼓
The coward took water at once. 那胆小鬼立刻溜走了。
5. 澳俚(在酒吧间、旅馆等处)挥霍得身无分文后离去
take (the) waters (在疗养地根据规定疗程)喝矿泉水
test the water(s) 在行动之前试探别人的反应
The water(s) closed over sb.'s head. 某人灭顶沉下去了。
(the) waters of forgetfulness 1. 希神忘川(冥府一河流名,饮其水即忘却过去一切)
2. 忘却,忘怀
3. 死亡
throw cold water on (或 over) = pour cold water on (或 over)
Too much water drowned the miller. 过犹不及。
tread water 1. (为了不下沉而)踩水
He trod water until the lifeguard pulled him out. 他踩着水直到救生员把他拉上来。
2. 处于不确定状态;动荡
Wall Street was lying doggo for a while, and the stock market trod water. 华尔街一时隐伏不动,而股票市场上下震荡。
under water 被淹没
The fields were under water after the heavy rain. 大雨之后田地被淹。
water bewitched 淡茶;淡饮料
water down 1. 搀水冲淡
water down whisky 在威士忌酒中搀水
2. 削弱,减少…的力量;使打折扣;使缓和
water down the support 减少支持
His report has been watered down so as not to offend anyone. 为了不激怒任何人,他的报告改得缓和了一点。
water of life1. (基督教《圣经》用语)永生之水;精神启示;救世
2. 白兰地(或威士忌等)
water over the dam (或 under the bridge) 泼出之水;不可改变的既成事实;无法挽回的过去
Let's forget about it, it's all water over the dam. 忘了那件事吧,这已经无法挽回了。
You're always feeding me news that's water under the bridge. 你老是向我提供失去新闻价值的消息。
We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. 井枯方知水贵。
whoopee water 美俚(尤指香槟)
wring water from a flint 缘木求鱼(指做不可能的事)
writ(ten) in water (名誉、成就等)短暂的,昙花一现的




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