

单词 waste
释义 waste /weɪst/ vt. | vi. | n. | a. | phr.
I vt.
1. 浪费,滥用;未充分利用
Don't waste time on nonessentials. 不要把时间浪费在枝节事情上。
He wasted his time doing nothing. 他无所事事,白白浪费了时间。
A badly tuned motor wastes gas. 调试得不好的汽车耗油多。
I'd waste no sympathy on that fellow. 那家伙不值得我同情。
heat wasted in the process 作业过程中未被充分利用的热量
The pain of exile was terrible, but the experience was not wasted. 流放带来的痛苦是巨大的,但那段经历终未白费。
2. 消耗;损耗;磨灭
His resources were wasted. 他的财力被消耗了。
3. 使衰弱;使耗尽精力;使消瘦
a man wasted by age and disease 因年老和疾病而变得衰弱的人
the illness that was going to waste sb. to death 将把某人消蚀至死的疾病
4. 使荒芜;蹂躏,糟蹋;毁坏
land wasted by long dry periods 由于长期干旱而荒芜的土地
Invading armies wasted the countryside. 入侵的军队蹂躏乡村。
5. (文件等)当废纸处理
6. 白费唇舌地提出(劝告等)
7. 略而不用
waste an opportunity 错过一次机会
8. 美俚杀死;使受重伤
I want that guy wasted by tomorrow. 我要那个家伙在明天之前被干掉。
1. 被浪费
Turn the electricity off, or it will waste while you are out. 把电源切断,不然你外出时就会白白浪费电。
2. 挥霍钱财
3. 变衰弱;变消瘦;变得筋疲力尽
a wasting disease 消蚀性疾病
The old man's strength was wasting away. 老人的体力正在衰退。
4. 被损耗;逐渐变小;逐渐减少
a wasting asset 日趋减少的资产
His resources were rapidly wasting. 他的财力正在很快消耗。
The military establishment is wasting. 军界力量在逐渐缩小。
5. (时间)消逝,被花去
Time is wasting too fast. 光阴飞逝。

II n.
1. 浪费;滥用,糟蹋
reduce waste 减少浪费
Waste of food is wicked. 浪费粮食是不道德的。
the enormous waste of public money 公款的巨大浪费
All I did was an utter waste of time. 我所做的一切完全是浪费时间。
It's just a waste of words (或 breath) talking to him. 同他谈只是白费口舌。
Such a routine job is a waste of her talents. 这样的日常工作是在埋没她的才能。
It's a waste of John to employ him on this easy work when he is so clever. 约翰聪明过人,雇他干这样容易的工作是大材小用。
He's a waste of time — just a lot of talk. 他老是浪费光阴——整天空话连篇。
2. 忽略不用
waste of opportunity 机会的错过
3. 废料;弃物;未充分利用的东西
Much toxic waste had built up in his bloodstream. 他的血液里聚集了很多有毒的废物。
The seamstress used waste to make doll clothing. 女裁缝利用废料做玩偶衣服。
4. 被弃的人
5. (水或雪覆盖的)荒原;处女地;不毛之地;荒芜地区;人烟稀少的地区;遭毁坏的地区
a sandy waste 沙质荒地
the wastes of the Sahara 撒哈拉沙漠
No crops will grow on these stony wastes. 在这些多石的不毛之地上长不出庄稼。
6. 凄凉的景色
7. 一大片
a waste of waters 茫茫大海(或洪水)
a grey waste of sky 一大片灰蒙蒙的天空
8. 消耗;损耗;(逐步)衰退;(逐步)减退
Both waste and repair are constantly going on in our bodies. 消耗与补充两者在我们体内不断进行着。
9. (战争、洪水、火灾等造成的)毁坏
Nothing could stop the waste of the city by the barbarians. 什么也阻挡不了野蛮人对城市的破坏。
10. (由占有者的行为或疏忽造成的)产业损伤;(由终生占有者的行为或疏忽造成的)产业价值的降低
11. 回丝
12. (生产中不加利用就放走的)废气(或废液)
13. [用作单或复](生产过程中)过剩的东西
14. (被流水带入海洋的)土地(或岩石)的风化物
15. 垃圾;污水
Industrial waste must be prevented from polluting our rivers. 一定要防止工业废水污染我们的河流。
16. [wastes] 排泄物,粪便;不能消化的食物残渣

III a.
1. 废的;丢弃的;无用的;被浪费的
waste material 废料
2. 剩下的;不再有用的
waste food 剩下的食物
3. 过多产生的;过剩的;不需要的
waste energy 过剩的能量
4. (土地或地区等)未开垦的,不长东西的;荒无人烟的
5. (地区、城镇等)荒凉的;成为废墟的;遭毁坏的
a burnt and waste city 焚烧成为废墟的城市
6. 单调的;枯燥无味的;空虚的
the waste periods of history 历史上平淡无奇的时期
7. 用于排走废物的;用于盛废物的
a waste drain 污水阴沟
a waste container 废物箱
8. 被排泄出的;排泄物的;不能消化之食物残渣的
[< Ang-Fr waster < L vastāre to lay waste < vastus empty]
phr. go to waste 1. 被浪费掉
Don't let all this good food go to waste! 别让这好好的食物给糟蹋了!
2. (感情等)白费
lay waste (to) 毁坏;蹂躏;使荒芜
The invaders laid waste the entire countryside. 入侵者毁掉了整个乡村地区。
The disaster had laid waste to the village. 灾害使村庄变得一片荒芜。
lie waste 未被开垦
Large areas lie waste for lack of manpower. 由于缺少人力,大片空地未得到开垦。
run to waste = go to waste
waste of space 无用的人




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