释义 |
war¹ /wɔː(r)/ n. | vi. | vt. | a. | phr. I n. 1. 战争 an act of war 战争行为 the art of war 兵法 prepare for war 备战 the 2003 war in Iraq 2003年的伊拉克战争 a suicidal atomic war 自杀性核战争 He fought in both World Wars. 他在两次世界大战中都打过仗。 2. 战争状态;战争时期 Hostilities were officially ended though the war was not yet officially over. 尽管战争状态尚未正式结束,但战斗已正式停止。 3. 斗争;竞争;对抗,冲突 a class war 阶级斗争 a fare war among airlines 航空公司间的机票价格战 a war of words (wits) 论战(斗智) a war against disease (crime) 同疾病(犯罪活动)的斗争 a propaganda war 宣传战 4. 战术;兵法,军事学,战争科学;军事职业;军事 War is the soldier's business. 带兵打仗是军人的事。 5. 国防部 a new secretary of war 新任国防部长 6. 【牌】比大小(一种扑克牌戏,把52张牌分发给各人,每轮每人翻开一张比大小,胜者取走翻开的牌);对峙(指“比大小”牌戏中翻开的最大的两牌面值相等) 7. 〈古〉作战部队 8. 〈古〉战斗;战役 9. 〈废〉军事装备
II (warred;war·ring) ❶ vi. 1. 进行战争,打仗 war against Nazi Germany 与纳粹德国作战 war with a neighbouring nation 与邻国打仗 We do not want to war upon one another. 我们不想互相打仗。 2. 斗争;竞争;对抗 war against vice (illness) 与罪恶(疾病)作斗争 warring beliefs 相互冲突的信念 That tie you are wearing wars with your suit. 你戴的那条领带同你的套装不配。 ❷ vt. (通过战争)击败;推翻
III a. 1. 战争的 a war cabinet 战时内阁 a war story 有关战争的故事 war preparations 备战 war hysteria 战争歇斯底里 2. 战争所用的 war weapons 作战武器 3. 战争引起(或导致)的 war damage 战争造成的损失 [< ONFr werre, 变体 < OFr guerre < Gmc; 与 OHG werra 有关] phr. at war (with) (同…)处于交战状态; (同…)不和; (同…)进行竞争 Those two countries have been at war with each other for a long time. 那两个国家已互相打了很久的仗。 Husbands were away at war. 丈夫们离家去参战。 She was one of those often at war with the world. 她是那种常与众人格格不入的人。 For once emotion and logic were at war in him. 他的感情和逻辑一度发生过激烈冲突。 carry the war into the enemy's camp (或 country) 发起反攻;提出反指责 declare war (on) (对…)宣战; (向…)发动进攻 declare war on poverty 向贫困宣战 dogs of war 〈诗〉战乱;战祸 Disease, famine and death are the dogs of war. 疾病、饥荒和死亡是战争祸害。 drift into war 听任战争发生而不加阻止 go to war 1. 进入战争状态;开战 go to war with Morocco 与摩洛哥开战 The king decided to go to war (against his enemies). 国王决定(对敌)开战。 2. 当兵打仗,从军作战 go to the wars 〈古〉当兵,从军 have a good war 在战争中获得成功 (或满足等) have been in the wars 〈口〉〈谑〉(尤指孩子)负过伤;吃过苦头;受过损坏 You have been in the wars; your face is scratched and your coat torn. 你打架受伤了吧,脸给抓破了,衣裳也被扯碎了。 make (或 wage) war (on, upon, against) 1. (对…)进行战争, (向…)开战 2. (与…)斗争 make war on disease 同疾病作斗争 war of nerves 神经战 war of the elements 风暴;天灾 war to the knife (人与人之间)拼死的搏斗 |