

单词 walk
释义 walk /wɔːk/ vi. | vt. | n. | phr.
I vi.
1. 走,步行;散步;(宇航员在宇宙飞船外)作空间行走;(马等四足动物)慢步走
learn to walk at the age of two 两岁时学走路
walk backwards (sideways) 倒退着(横着)
walk for two hours each day 每天散步两小时
He was walking up and down the station platform. 他在车站月台上踱来踱去。
walk to town 步行进城
walk (for)10 miles 走10英里路
Shall we ride or walk? 我们乘车去还是走着去?
I'm quite out of breath with running,I must walk for a bit. 我跑得上气不接下气了,非得慢步走一会才行。
2. 徘徊,漫步;(鬼魂)出现
Do the spirits of the dead walk at night? 死者的鬼魂会在夜间出现吗?
3. (船只等无生命的东西)行走般地前进(或移动);跨越
Vibration from the traffic makes the dishes walk on the shelves. 来往车辆引起的振动使架上的盘子自行移动。
pylons walking across the valley 横跨山谷的电缆塔
4. 主美俚解脱嫌疑(或指控)
5. 联合行动;保持一致
The two peoples will walk together side by side. 两国人民将继续联合行动。
6. (击球员因投手投出四坏球而)自由上垒
7. 走步,带球跑
8. (爵士乐男低音演奏者)奏行走低音
9. [亦作W-]跳走步舞
10. 处世,为人,行事;生活
walk humbly 为人谦卑
walk in misery 凄惨地生活
Let us walk in peace. 让我们和睦相处。
walk in glory and in joy 生活充满荣华和欢乐
11. 移动;运转,开动
12. (舌)喋喋不休
13. (某物品)不翼而飞[用来暗示物品被盗]
14. 美口突然放弃(工作、约定等)
1. 走遍,走过;走在…上;沿…走
I have walked this district for miles round. 我走遍了这地区周围几英里的地方。
walk the deck 在甲板上走来走去
walk the floor 在地板上踱步
walk a tightrope 走钢丝
walk a road 在公路上走
2. 牵着(马、狗等)走,遛;训练…走
He's walking the dog. 他在遛狗。
Horses should be walked for a while after a race. 赛马之后,应该遛一会儿马。
walk a puppy 训练小狗走路
3. 推着(自行车、摩托车等)走;绕着绞盘绞(锚等)
walk one's bicycle up a hill 推着自行车上山
4. 陪…走;护送…走
walk a friend home 送朋友回家
He walked them about the park. 他陪他们逛公园。
We take turns walking him to school. 我们轮流陪他上学。
5. 帮助(某人)走;迫使(某人)
He put his arm round me and walked me off. 他用手臂揽着我,扶我走开。
The policeman walked him off. 警察把他押走了。
6. 使走得
walk sb. to exhaustion 使某人走得筋疲力尽
walk sb. off his feet 使某人走得走不动
I walked my shoes to shreds. 走路走得我鞋子都破了。
7. 徒步测量;徒步检查;徒步执行
walk a track 步测轨道
walk the border 步行巡查边界
walk guard over the chain gang 步行看守用锁链拴成一队的囚犯
8. 使(重物)行走似地移动
Let's walk this heavy ladder to the other end of the room. 让我们把这架笨重的梯子挪到房间的那一头去。
9. 慢步跳(舞)
walk a quadrille 慢步跳四对舞
10. 使(击球员)自由上垒;使击球员(满垒时第三垒)(分)
11. (球)跑,带(球)走步

II n.
1. 走,步行,行走;散步
He ran,and then slowed down to a walk. 他跑着,然后放慢速度变成步行。
I think I'll take a walk. 我想去散散步。
2. 行走的速度,步速;较慢步速;慢速
Never get beyond a walk. 切勿走得太快。
Production has decreased to a walk. 生产已降到极慢的速度。
3. 行走路程(或距离)
a 1000-metre walk 1公里行程
It is a long walk to school from here. 从这儿到学校要走一段很长的路。
4. 步态
I can always recognise her by her walk. 我总可以根据她走路的样子认出她。
His walk is just like his father's. 他走路的姿态酷似他父亲。
5. 散步(或步行)的场所(如小路、林荫道、人行道、走廊、屋顶阳台等)
There is a beautiful walk along the river. 河边有一条环境优美的人行道。
6. = ropewalk
7. (宇航员等在太空中的)空间行走
8. (为慈善等事业募捐而作的)徒步旅行
9. 职业;活动领域;地位
people from (或 in) all walks of life 各界人士
10. 主英(零售商贩、邮递员、公务员或乞丐等的)固定行走路线;(零售商贩,邮递员、公务员等的)负责服务(或巡视)的地区
11. (饲养或训练动物的)栏,圈;放牧场;斗鸡场
a poultry walk 养禽栏
a cock of the walk 称雄人物
12. 主英(西印度群岛上的)种植园(尤指咖啡种植园)
13. (尤指鹬的)一群
14. (护林人的)管辖林区
15. [亦作W-]走步舞(数人成一行随着迪斯科舞曲起跳,舞步似走步,并伴有踢腿、转圈动作)
16. 行列;礼仪性行列
17. (击球员因投手投出四坏球的)自由上垒
18. 竞走
19. 生活方式;行为
20. 常去之处;胜地
[OE wealcan to toss; 与 OHG Walchan, Sans valgati he moves 有关]
phr. take a walk 1. 去散步
2. 离开,走开
walk about 1. (使)闲逛
There were just a few people walking about in the square. 广场上只有几个四处闲逛的人。
2. 在人群中自由走动
walk all over
1. 轻蔑(或盛气凌人)地对待
Are you going to let that old banker walk all over you? 你要让那个老银行家盛气凌人地对待你吗?
2. 轻而易举地击败,轻易地胜过
walk around 1. = walk about
2. 规避
The production code has largely dissolved,partly because some producers have walked around it. 这条生产规则基本上失效了,部分原因是由于一些生产者不照它办。
walk away 不负责任地走开,一走了之
walk away from 1. 远远超过;轻易地胜过
My horse just walked away from all the others in that race. 在那次马赛中,我的马遥遥领先于所有其他的马。
2. 从…平安地脱身
walk away from a car crash 平安地从撞车事故中脱险
3. 从…处离开
When she spoke rudely he simply walked away from her. 每当她口出恶语时,他就索性走开。
Are you just going to walk away from your marriage? 你打算就这样一走了之让婚姻破裂吗?
walk away with 1. 通过手腕(或魅力、才干)获得(某物)
walk away with the show 成为演出中最引人注目的角色
walk away with all the honours 赢得一应荣誉
2. 顺手带走;偷走;拐走
Someone got in and walked away with the jewels while we were out. 我们外出时,有人进来偷走了首饰。
3. (在竞赛中)轻易获胜,轻易赢得
walk away with a match 在比赛中轻易得胜
walk before one can run 尝试难事之前先要掌握基本技能
walk down1. 以散步消除(毒性)
2. 比…走得远
I could walk down most of the boys. 我能走得比大多数男孩子远。
3. (使其跑得筋疲力尽后)围捕(野马)
walk in 1. 进入
Yes,he's at home.Please walk in. 是的,他在家,请进。
2. 美口轻易地获得工作
walk into 1. 猛烈攻击;痛斥,严厉批评
His father walked into him for staying out so late. 因为回家晚,父亲痛骂他一顿。
2. 大口吞咽(食物)
walk into a meat-pie 狼吞虎咽地吃肉馅饼
3. 不慎陷入(或招致)
walk into a trap 误入陷阱
He just walked into the ambush. 他正中埋伏。
4. 轻易地获得(工作)
walk in on 1. 突然进入
2. 侵扰,打扰
walk it 1. 徒步旅行
2. 轻易取胜
walk off 1. 不通知(或解释)就离开,突然离开
He walked off his job without word to anyone or prior consultation. 他没同任何人打过招呼,也不事先商量,就扔下工作一走了之。2. 以散步消除:walk off a headache 散步消除头痛
walk off pounds 通过步行减轻体重
walk off with
1. 轻易地赢得
walk off with the first prize 轻而易举地获得头奖
Our team walked off with the championship. 我队轻易地赢得冠军。
2. 顺手带走;偷走;拐走
When Father went to work,he accidentally walked off with Mother's umbrella.父亲上班时无意中把母亲的伞带走了。
How can a thief walk off with a safe in broad daylight? 贼怎能在大白天偷走保险箱?
3. (演出)中出奇制胜
walk on eggshells 谨小慎微地行事,小心翼翼
walk one's talk 主美使自己言行一致
walk out 1. 罢工
They laid down their tools and walked out. 他们放下工具罢工了。
2. 领出(某人)
The mother walked the child out of the room. 母亲把孩子领出房间。
3. (为表示抗议而)突然离去;退席;退场
walk out of a committee meeting 退出委员会会议
The dissenting delegate walked out in protest. 持反对意见的代表退席以示抗议。
walk out on 1. 抛弃,离开,舍弃(某人)
She walked out on him on account of his laziness. 她因他懒惰而离开了他。
He just walked out on his family without saying a word. 他一声不响地扔下一家子出走了。
2. 不管,不顾;不履行(协议)
You can't walk out on the contract. 你不能破坏合同。
3. (为表示抗议而)离开
Half the committee walked out on the chairman while he was still speaking. 当主席还在讲话时,委员会的一半委员离开他退出了会场。
walk out with 英口追求,与…恋爱
The cook is walking out with one of the tradesmen. 厨娘正同其中一个商人谈恋爱。
walk over = walk all over
He had survived a dozen exploits,and now he walked tall in the camps.他立功10余次而生还,所以在军营里一副神气活现的样子。
walk the boards 见 board
walk the walk 付诸实际行动,说干就干
walk through 1. 轻松地初排
walk through a part(a play) 马虎地排练角色(戏)
2. 草率地处理,马虎地做,对…走过场
walk up 1. 用猎犬惊(鸟)
2. 请进(在马戏团等门外招徕观众的用语)
Walk up, ladies and gentlemen! 女士们,先生们,请进来看戏!
3. 沿着…走
I was walking up Oxford Street. 我当时正沿着牛津街走。
4. (楼)
walk up to 走近
A stranger walked up to me and asked me the time. 一个陌生人走到我身边问我时间。
win in a walk 轻易得胜
If there had been an election,he would have won in a walk. 要是举行选举的话,他原会轻而易举地获胜的。




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