

单词 wait
释义 wait /weɪt/ vi. | vt. | n. | phr.
I vi.
1. 等,等候,等待(for)
We waited and waited. 我们等了又等。
Let's wait in the shade. 我们在阴凉处等吧。
wait for an hour 等1小时
Wait a minute. 等一会儿。
Wait till I come. 等到我来。
wait for a bus 等公共汽车
keep sb.waiting 让某人等着
I will wait for you at the gate. 我会在大门口等你的。
We waited for something to happen. 我们等着看会发生些什么事情。
2. 盼望;期待;伺
just wait to see one's rival lose 只盼着看到对手输掉
wait for a chance to strike 伺机打击
3. 准备好;在手边,可得到(for)
Your tea is waiting (for you),don't let it get cold. (你的)茶泡好了,别让它凉了。
There's a parcel waiting for you. 有一只邮包等你去领。
slippers waiting by the bed 床边随时可穿的拖鞋
4. 推迟;暂缓处理,耽搁
The trip will have to wait. 这次旅行只得推迟了。
This news can't wait until tomorrow. 这条新闻不能拖延到明天。
a matter that can wait 可以暂且搁置一下的事
That work can't wait. 那项工作不容耽搁。
5. 侍候进餐,当侍者(at,on)
wait at table 侍候进餐
She will never learn to wait. 她永远学不会当侍者。
1. (耐心)等待;期待;听候
wait one's opportunity 等待时机
wait orders 听候命令
wait one's turn 等轮到自己
wait sb.'s return 等某人归来
They are waiting the signal. 他们在等待信号。
Success waits you in your new job. 你定将在新的工作岗位上获得成功。
He asked after a waited silence. 他不出声地等了一会儿才问。
2. (为等人而)推迟开(饭);推迟
Don't wait supper for me. 别等我吃晚饭。
3. (事物)将降临到…身上
4. (尤指出于尊敬)侍候;陪同
5. (作为结果)伴随,来自,是…的必然结果

II n.
1. 等待;等待的时间
a long wait in line 排队久等
a four-hour wait 4小时的等待
I don't like these long waits. 我不喜欢这样长时间等待下去。
2. 幕间时间;演员在后台等待再次登台的时间
3. (英国的)市镇公共乐队队员
4. [the waits](英国于圣诞节时沿街演唱的)街头乐团;街头乐团演唱的乐曲
5. 看守人;警卫员
[< OFr waitier,原义:to watch<Gmc; 与 OHG wahtēn to wake 有关]
phr. lie in (或 lay) wait(for) 埋伏以待;准备出其不意地袭击
The army lay in wait in the forest.部队埋伏在树林里。
The robbers were lying in wait for the rich traveller.强盗们埋伏着等待袭击那位富有的旅客。
wait about (或around) 空等
Don't keep him waiting about in the hotel.别让他在旅馆里空等。
wait and see 等着瞧
He has a wait-and-see way of dealing with difficulties.他对付困难的办法就是等着瞧。
Wait for it! 英口
1. [用以预言令人惊奇的事的发生]等着(听)吧!
2. 等适当的时机到来再说!
wait in 待在家中等候某人的到来
wait on (或 upon) 1. 服侍
wait on a sick child 服侍病孩
A Japanese wife was formerly expected to wait upon her husband hand and foot.从前,日本妇女非得无微不至地伺候丈夫不可。
2. (店员)接待(顾客)(侍者)侍候(顾客)
wait on three tables at once 同时为3桌的顾客服务
3. 晋谒,谒见;拜访;陪同
The victorious general waited upon the king.那位凯旋归来的将军拜见国王。
4. (作为结果)伴随,来自,是…的必然结果
Success waits on hard work.成功来自勤奋。
5. 恭候(某人)的方便
6. 等,等待,等候
7. (猎鹰)(为等待猎物惊飞)在养猎鹰者头顶上方来回高飞
8. (赛跑中)故意紧随(竞争者)
9. 耐心等待
wait out 1. 等到…结束
wait out a storm 等到暴风雨过去
wait out the long hours of daylight 熬过漫长的白天
2. 选击(指击球员等候投手投出好打的球才打的战术)
wait up
1. 等着不睡觉,熬夜等待
Did you wait up long? 你熬夜等了很久吧?
I'll wait up for him until midnight.我会等他到午夜再睡觉。
2. (走路或跑步时为等某人赶上而)停下来等候
You wait! [表示威胁]等着吧!等着瞧!




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