释义 |
voice /vɔɪs/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. 说话声,口声,嗓音,嗓子;发声能力 a flat,unemotional voice 平淡而不带感情的说话声 at the top of one's voice 引吭高声地 say in a small (loud,soft,shrill,rough) voice 小(大,柔,尖,粗)声地说 recognize sb.'s voice over the phone 从电话里辨听出某人的嗓音 be out of one's voice 嗓子不好 lose one's voice 倒嗓 find one's voice 恢复说话能力 I have no voice today. 今天我嗓子哑了。 2. 禽鸣声;虫鸣声 the voice of the cuckoo 杜鹃的啼声 3. 类似说话声的声音 the voices of the night 夜之声 the distant voice of a waterfall 远方瀑布的轰鸣 4. 表达,表露;(表达出的)意见,愿望;发言权;投票权 the voice of reason 理性的声音 the voice of the people 人民之声 the fearless voice of the press 新闻界无畏的直言 have little voice in the affair 对这件事没有多少发言权 5. 喉舌,代言人 the voice of the workers 工人的代言人 6. 【音】人声;歌唱才能;歌喉;声部 This song is arranged for singing by 3 voices. 这首歌曲处理成三重唱。 7. 歌唱家 8. (唱歌、演讲时的)运嗓法 study voice 学习运嗓 9. 【语】语态;语声 10. 〈废〉传闻;谣言;声誉,名声
II ❶ vt. 1. 说(话);发出(声音);(用言语)表达,吐露,叙述 voice a cry 叫喊 voice complaints about sth. 表达对某事的不满 voice assent (approval,determination) 表示同意(赞成,决心) voice one's view 谈自己的观点 2. 【语】使发成浊音 3. 【音】给(管风琴音管等)整音;给…谱声部 ❷ vi. 【语】发成浊音 [< OFr voiz < L vōx; 与 OHG giwahanen to mention, L vocāre to call, Gr epos word,speech 有关] phr. a voice (crying) in the wilderness 1. 旷野里的呼声 2. 无人理睬的改革 (或提议、请求)者 (或团体等) give voice to 允许 (感情、观点等)表露出来;允许…发表意见 (或观点);允许…表露自己的感情 in (good) voice 嗓音好 lift up (或 raise) one's voice 1. 高声叫喊 2. 大声疾呼;抗议;抱怨 raise one's voice against sth. 大声疾呼抗议某事 As no one raised his voice against the plan,it was agreed on. 既然没有人反对,这项计划就通过了。the (或 a) still small voice 良心的呼声 the voice of God 上帝的呼声 (指上帝的意旨或神怒) with one voice 异口同声地 |