释义 |
vi·sion /ˈvɪʒən/ n. | vt. | phr. I n. 1. 视力;视觉 vision care 视力保护 He has very little vision in the left eye. 他左眼的视力很弱。 Her vision has dropped to 0.6vision0.7 . 她的视力已降低到 0.6vision0.7。 Candidates must have normal hearing and colour vision. 报考人必须具有正常的听觉和色觉。 2. 看,看见;看见的事物 catch a vision of 瞥见 The vision of the table loaded with food made our mouths water. 我们看见满桌的食物垂涎欲滴。 3. 幻觉,幻象;【宗】幽灵 In visions he had seen himself in many struggles. 他多次在幻觉中看见自己在搏斗。 appear in the form of a vision 显灵 4. 想象;幻想 a project made possible by one man's vision 作为个人独自想象成果的方案 stretch one's vision 展开丰富的想象 the romantic visions of youth 青年人不切实际的幻想 5. 目光,眼力;看法 a man of vision 有眼力的人 the vision of an entrepreneur 企业家的眼力 She had the same vision of him that I had. 她对他的看法同我一样。 6. 绝好的人(或事物) She is a vision of loveliness with her golden hair. 她一头金发,可爱极了。 7. 【电视】图像;【电影】回忆场面,幻想场面
II vt. 1. 幻见,梦见;想象 2. 显现,显示 [OFr<L vīsiō sight<vidēre to see] phr. have visions of 幻想,梦想;想象 have visions of great wealth and glory 梦想荣华富贵 see visions 见幻象;预卜未来,先知 |