

单词 breast
释义 breast /brest/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. (人的)胸,胸部,胸膛;胸腔
receive a bullet in the breast 胸部挨了一颗子弹
clutch sth. to one's breast 把某物贴胸紧紧攥着
2. (动物的)胸脯
This recipe needs three chicken breasts. 做这道菜需用3块鸡胸脯肉。
3. (衣服的)胸部,上身前部
The soldier wore a decoration on his left breast. 这名士兵在左胸佩一枚勋章。
a breast pocket 上衣胸袋
4. (女人和某些哺乳动物的)乳房;乳腺;(男性的)退化乳房
The baby was feeding from its mother's right breast. 婴儿正吮吸母亲的右乳。
give a baby the breast 乳婴儿
breast cancer 乳腺癌
5. 乳汁的来源,滋润之源
The city took the victims to its breast. 这座城市收容并救济受难者们。
This university served as the breast for the intellectual movement. 这所大学为这场知识界的运动提供了乳汁。
6. 正面;突出部;曲线部
the breast of a mountain 山腹
the breast of the lake 湖的伸出部
7. 腰栏;梁底;窗下墙
8. 心窝,情感,情愫;思想
The father's breast swelled with pride over his son's accomplishments. 由于儿子的成就,父亲心中充满自豪。
Pity tore his breast. 哀怜撕裂了他的心。
a troubled, anxious breast 烦乱焦急的心绪
9. 工作面
10. 犁壁;犁胸
11. (壁炉的)炉胸

II vt.
1. 把胸部对着,挺胸迎…而上;(坚毅地)面对,与…搏斗
an old man breasting the crowds on the narrow sidewalks 在狭窄的人行道上迎着人群向前走的老人
breast the storm 临暴风雨而不惧
The ship breasted the waves. 船顶着波浪前进。
2. (赛跑运动员)以胸撞(线)
3. 主英攀登
He breasted a steep hill. 他登上一座陡峭的山。
4. 横靠…成并排
[<ME brest <OE brēost; 与 OHG brust 有关]
phr. at the breast 在吃奶的
a baby still at the nurse's breast 还在由乳母哺乳的婴儿
beat one's breast 1. 捶胸表示忏悔(或自责),以夸张的形式表示难过
The emotional correspondent is always beating his breast about (或 over) some bloody thing or other. 这个感情冲动的记者老是为这样那样的血腥事件捶胸顿足。
2. 大事张扬自己的成功
breast the tape 见 tape
breast up to 澳俚走到…跟前主动搭话
keep sb. breasted of 经常向某人通报…的情况
make a clean breast of 完全承认,彻底坦白(罪行等),把…和盘托出
past the breast 已断奶的




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