

单词 break¹
释义 break¹ /breɪk/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I (过去式 broke /brəʊk/ brake /breɪk/, 过去分词 bro·ken /ˈbrəʊkən/ broke)

1. 打破;折断;使碎裂
break a window 打破窗子
I broke a leg (a bone) skiing. 我在滑雪时摔断了一条腿(一根骨头)
If you don't leave this lady alone, I'll break you in two. 假使你缠着这位小姐不放,我就把你一劈两半。
the broken bodies of the dead soldiers 阵亡士兵残缺不全的尸体
2. 损坏,弄坏
break one's health 损坏健康
break one's watch by winding it too tightly 发条上得太紧而把表弄坏
My radio is broken. 我的收音机坏了。
3. 破坏;违反;通过法律手续使(遗嘱)失效
be guilty of breaking traffic regulations 犯有违反交通法规罪
break the peace 扰乱治安
break the rules 违反规则
break an appointment 不践约
break faith with sb. 对某人背信弃义
His actions remain indefensible because he broke his word and his contract. 他的所作所为是无可辩解的,因为他既食言又违约。
4. (土);割破,擦破(皮肤等);撕裂…的表面
a bamboo shoot breaking rocky soil 从石缝破土而出的笋
The bullet burned the hair off in a groove, yet it never broke the skin. 子弹削去一绺头发留下一道槽纹,但丝毫没有伤及皮肤。
A periscope broke the surface of the water. 一具潜望镜突然冒出水面。
5. 驯,使习惯于人的操纵;使屈服,(在精神上)制服;(在健康、实力等方面)使垮掉
Even the wildest horse can be broken to the rein. 即使性子最烈的野马也能驯得服从缰绳的指挥。
break a rebellion 把一场叛乱镇压下去
The brutal torture broke the prisoner who eventually confessed. 酷刑制服了囚犯,使他终于招供。
break the enemy by attrition 以消耗战术打垮敌人
6. 使放弃习惯;放弃(习惯)
break a dog of barking 驯狗使之克服狂吠习性
break oneself of the habit of biting one's nails 改掉咬指甲的习惯
break a nine-year heroin addiction 戒掉9年之久的海洛因毒瘾
7. 把…降级;把…撤职
be broken from sergeant to private 从中士降为列兵
break an officer for neglect of duty 因渎职罪将一名军官撤职
8. 耗尽;使破产;破坏…成功的机会
The next baby was bound to add to the family's expense but wouldn't break the bank. 生下一胎势必增加家庭开支,但不至于倾家荡产。
Paying for the house will just about break me. 为了买下这幢房子,我差不多非倾家荡产不可。
A reviewer can make or break a book. 书评家能够决定一部著作的成败。
9. 打破(纪录)(以更优异成绩)改写(得分)(发球)得分
break the record for the high jump (for snowfall) 打破跳高(降雪量)纪录
He broke service in the first game. 他第一盘接发球得分。
10. 强行越(狱);从…挣脱;挣断(锁链等);砸破
break prison (或 jail) 越狱
The boat broke its moorings in the storm. 暴风雨中,船脱锚漂流。
break the chains of slavery 挣断奴隶制的锁链
break a safe 砸破保险箱(尤指用炸药)
11. 冲破(障碍等);辟出(路径等);破…而入
break the sound barrier 穿透音障
break a trail in the woods 在树林里辟出一条小径
break a hole in the ice 在冰上凿洞
break bounds (军人)擅闯禁区
12. 打乱(队形等);打破…的规则状态,打破…的统一格局
“Dismissed!”The men broke ranks (或 formation) and followed the sergeant back to the camp. 一声“解散!”令下,士兵们散队随中士回营。
They broke step while crossing a weak bridge. 他们在走过一座危桥时故意不再齐步行进。
break the monotony of the day over a cup of coffee 喝杯咖啡以调剂一天的单调
break a set of china (books) 把成套的瓷器(书)拆散(指取其中数件或数册送人、出售等)
A dormer breaks the level roof. 老虎窗破坏了房屋平顶的完整性。
13. 中止(旅程等);切断(电路等);使不再继续,终止
plan to break the journey in Paris 计划在巴黎中止旅程
break one's fast 开斋
break a strike 破坏罢工
break a deadlock 打破僵局
He gave me a slap on the shoulder. Somehow that broke the tension. 他拍了拍我的肩膀,不知怎么的,这一来紧张关系便消失了。
14. 打破(寂静等);划破(黑暗等)
The silence was broken by the wails of a newborn baby. 新生婴儿的哭叫声打破了寂静。
My concentration was constantly broken by the loud ticking of a clock. 时钟响亮的滴答声不时引我分散注意力。
Lightning broke the sky. 闪电划破天空。
15. (以阻隔等)减弱…的势头,减轻(打击等)的力度
A giant stone slab was used to break the wind. 一块大石板被用来挡风。
Jetties broke the waves. 防波堤减轻波浪的冲击力。
The matted leaves broke his fall. 多亏有堆积的树叶,他摔得不厉害。
16. 发表,透露;说出;发出(声音)
break the bad news gently to sb. 用婉转的方式向某人报告坏消息。
break a jest 说句笑话
break a sigh 叹息一声
17. 使骤减(或剧跌)
news likely to break the market sharply 可能导致行情骤跌的新闻
18. 破译(密码);破(案)
break the enemy radio code 破译敌人无线电密码
19. 证明…不实
break an alibi 证明案发时不在现场的辩解不实
20. 兑开(大额钞票等),使化整为零
break a $20 bill 兑开一张20美元的钞票
21. 开始,(尤指大张旗鼓地)发动
big companies breaking a sales campaign 发动削价销售活动的各大公司
22. (水手等)休假后逾期不归(船)
23. 使(球)突然转向,使(球)曲线飞行
24. 打开(后膛枪)的枪栓
25. 展开(旗帜、帆等)
26. 使(元音)发生割裂
27. 拆散(抱持的拳击手)
1. 破碎;破裂,断裂;分裂
Glass breaks easily. 玻璃易碎。
The boil finally broke. 疖子终于出头了。
Her waters broke. 孕妇的羊水破了。
The string broke. 线断了。
The Union of the Left broke apart last spring. 左翼联盟于去春分裂。
2. (波浪)卷碎,破碎
steep, breaking waves 急陡的开花浪
The heavy wind made the sea break on the reef. 大风刮得海水撞上礁石四下迸溅。
3. 散开;溃败;美方散场
break and move towards the exits 散场后分往各太平门而去
The enemy broke and fled. 敌人溃散逃窜。
When does church break? 教堂礼拜什么时候结束解散?
4. 急冲;猛闯,突破;强行逃脱
He broke from the crowd. 他从人群中冲出。
break forward a step 向前冲上一步
break for cover 急冲掩蔽处藏身
If the senator looks like a winner, many delegates will break for him. 要是这位参议员获胜有望,许多代表将会转而支持他。
5. 破掉,被损坏
The toy broke. 玩具坏了。
6. 断绝,决裂;争吵 (with); 中断,中止
An electric circuit may break. 电路可能发生断路。
The attack broke as suddenly as it had begun. 攻击如同突然发起一样,又突然中止。
They broke for lunch (coffee). 他们歇手去吃午饭(喝咖啡)
The silence broke. 沉寂被打破了。
7. 爆发,突发;突然出现,(鱼等)突然冒出水面;突然传出(或暴露)
A storm broke. 暴风雨突然大作。
A world recession broke. 一场世界性的经济衰退爆发了。
A big smile broke across his face. 他满脸绽出笑容。
Sooner or later the scandal must break. 这丑闻迟早一准传开。
The case, it seemed, was about to break. 这案子看上去快破了。
8. (天)破晓,(晨光)初露;(云)露出罅隙
Dawn broke on a fine, crisp morning. 天破晓了,唤来一个晴朗清新的早晨。
The next morning broke clear. 翌日破晓时天气晴朗。
Dark clouds broke and the sun shone again. 乌云开处日又出。
9. (天气)突变(尤指在一段时间维持某一气候特征之后)(天气)转晴;(男嗓音)发生青春期粗浑突变;(嗓音)突变;(乐器)突变声区
The hot spell will break soon. 这一阵热汛行将过去。
a voice breaking with emotion 激动得语不成声的嗓音
10. (尤指证券)暴跌;(热度)骤降;(在精神、健康等方面)垮掉;(健康)变得衰弱;破产
The dollar broke, but the yen remained stable. 美元贬值,日元却保持着稳定。
Prices broke far below the previous low levels of the year. 价格猛跌到本年先前低水平以下的极低点。
The fever had broken. Thank God for aspirin. 热度一下子退了,谢天谢地,幸亏有阿司匹林。
The prisoner broke under cross-examination. 在反复盘问之下囚犯终于垮了。
Her heart broke. 她的心碎了。
The old man's health is breaking fast. 老人的健康状况正急遽恶化。
The bank broke. 银行破产倒闭。
11. 主美发生,发展
take advantage of the way things break 利用事态的发展
Things were breaking right (badly.) 情况发展正常(糟糕)
12. (拳击手)抱持后拆散,[常作裁判员命令语]分开
13. (参加马车竞赛的马)突然改变步态;(赛跑、赛马中)从起点冲出;抢跑,偷跑
break twice in the 100 metres and be disqualified 在百米赛跑中抢跑两次而被取消资格
14. (元音)发生割裂而变成双元音
15. 分类,分解;(奶油等)搅拌时分解成水质层和油质层,溶解
16. 开球破局
17. (投出的球)转向,呈曲线飞行;(球)弹地转向
18. 折拢,(沿接缝、槽沟)弯叠;拆开
a bed that breaks 折叠床
19. (植物)发芽;提前破苞开花
20. 跳霹雳舞

II n.
1. 破裂;折断;破裂处,裂缝
The boat lifted to the break of a wave. 小船被开花浪高高抬起。
a break in the wall (the water main) 墙壁(水管)的裂缝
a break in the clouds 云层罅隙
2. 突破;急冲;猛闯;(尤指篮球运动中的)快攻
a jail break 越狱
make a break for the door (car) 向门口(汽车)冲去
3. 破晓
the break of day 破晓
at break of day 在破晓时
4. 中止,停顿,中断;间歇;断绝,决裂;课间休息
a break in the conversation 谈话的中断
wait for a break in the traffic to cross the street 等待车流间歇时过马路
work for 20 hours without a break 不间断地工作20小时
workers on a tea break at the company canteen 在公司餐厅用茶休息的工人们
take a 15-minute break 休息15分钟
a break for the commercial 插播广告的间歇
a desire for a total break with the Treaty Organization 与公约组织完全断绝关系的愿望
a sharp break with (或 from) the generation before 与上一代人的彻底决裂
a break in diplomatic relations between the two countries 两国的断交
5. (电路的)开断,断(路)
6. 断纸(指段落、章节等之间的空白处)(句尾的)单词移行处;[breaks] 省略号(即…);指引线(即 ʊ)
7. (天气、态度、话题等的)突变,急转
There was no break in the cold spell. 寒潮天气并未突然转暖。
a break in sb.'s way of living 某人生活方式的剧变
8. (马的)步态突变;(嗓音、乐器等的)音质(或音高)突变;换音点,改调点;(爵士、流行音乐中的)即兴独奏华彩段
She heard a break in his voice, as if he were about to sob. 她听到他的声音突然变了,似乎就要哭出声来。
The piano and saxophone breaks washed over the rest of the music. 钢琴和萨克斯管的华彩段如行云流水,盖过了乐曲中的其他声音。
9. (证券行市等的)暴跌,骤降,剧减
The news caused a break in rails. 这消息导致铁路股票暴跌。
10. (诗行的)停顿,句逗
11. 开球(权),破局第一枪(权);一次连续得分;破发局;破对方发球:
make a break of 450 不间断地连续得450分
12. (保龄球中的)“二击全倒”失败,(滚球的)失误
13. (拳击中的)扭抱后分开
14. (投球的)曲线飞行
15. (赛跑、赛马等的)开始,起跑
16. 机会,机缘;好运;优惠
by a series of lucky breaks 靠着一连串好机运
A bad break, a very bad break for you. 不走运,你真不走运呵!
He appeared in about 20 minor movies before he won his big break. 在交好运大走红前,他已在约20部次级影片中露过面。
Those making less than $15000 a year would have got a bigger tax break. 年收入低于15000美元的人将得到较大幅度的税额优惠。
17. 断层
18. (精神等的)崩溃
suffer a mental break 精神崩溃
19. 指定作特殊用途(如放牧、栽种等)的一块地
20. 四轮无篷大马车
21. 美俚(社交场合的)失当举止;失言
22. (民用波段电台的)进入无线电波道
23. (从茎上长出的)新芽
[<ME breken <OE brecan; 与 OHG brehhan to break, L frangere, MIr braigid he breaks wind 有关]
phr. break a butterfly (或 fly) on (或 upon) a wheel 杀鸡用牛刀,浪费气力
break and enter 非法侵入
break away 1. 突然离开;突然脱离;强行逃脱(或挣脱)
He considered breaking away from the clan. 他考虑同那一伙人分道扬镳。
A large piece of ice broke away from the main mass. 一大块冰突然从整体分离出来。
2. (赛跑、赛马等中)抢跑;(冰球、足球运动中)突然转守为攻;摆脱
3. 突然改变;放弃;背离 (from)
break away from one's allegiance to the country 背叛祖国
break back 1. (球)往三柱门转向弹回
2. 突然朝反方向急跑
break down 1. 损坏,坏掉,出毛病;失效
We're sorry to arrive late, but the car broke down. 对不起我们来晚了,不过原因是汽车坏了。
If the body is robbed this way for too long. vital organs break down. 要是长期这样糟蹋身体,主要器官肯定出毛病。
The old trade union discipline has broken down. 工会的陈旧纪律已不起作用。
2. (在健康、精神等方面)(使)垮掉;(健康等)变得衰弱;彻底失败;崩溃,坍塌
His health has broken down completely. 他的健康已完全垮了。
The talks have broken down. 谈判已经破裂。
Their plans all broke down. 他们的计划统统落空。
3. 捣毁;捣碎;拆毁,拆除
break a wall down 捣毁一堵墙
This machine breaks the stone down into small pieces. 这台机器可将大石捣成碎片。
break an old car down for scrap 拆卸旧汽车以得到废铁
break down the traditional barrier between language and literature 扫除语言和文学之间传统的障碍
4. 制服,压倒
break a witness down 把证人问倒
break down all resistance 压垮一切抵抗
5. (使)感情上失去控制,(使)无法控制终至感情决堤
She is the kind that doesn't break down. 她不是那种控制不住感情的人。
Stella broke down and sobbed openly. 斯特拉控制不住了,当着别人的面啜泣起来。
He could hold it no longer and began to break down in laughter. 他再也忍不住了,开始纵声大笑。
6. 对…分类;可分类;(可)分析;(可)分解
break down expenditure 对支出费用作细目分类
The document breaks down into four parts. 文件可分为四部分。
break down the raw opium into heroin 把生鸦片分解为海洛因
break down a breakfast 把一份早餐分作几份共享
Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach. 糖和淀粉在胃里分解。
7. 冲淡…的浓度;软化(橡胶)
break even 见even²
break forth (怒火等)爆发;(声音等)迸发;突然呼喊起来
The crowd broke forth in cheers when the Queen appeared. 女王一出现,人群顿时发出欢呼。
break free (或 loose) 挣脱;迸发;(从整体中)强行分离出来
People's creativity is breaking loose. 人们的创造性正迸发出来。
break in 1. 非法强行闯入,破门而入
break in through the bedroom window 破卧室窗户而入
2. 打破…使朝里倒下
3. 训练;驯
break in an assistant to the new work 训练一名助手使之适应新的工作
Breaking the wild colt in was a tough job. 驯那匹小野马可真不易。
4. 逐渐适应,渐次习惯
break in as a cub reporter 作为初出茅庐的记者渐次适应工作
5. 使(新物件等)经使用逐渐合用
break in a pair of shoes 把一双鞋子穿得逐渐舒适合脚
6. 打断;插嘴
May I break in to announce dinner? 我可以插句话吗? 晚餐已准备就绪。
7. 美俚主动进班房,自首
break in (up)on 突然打断,突然扰乱…而使中断
She broke in on my thoughts. 她打断了我的思绪。
The police broke in on the party and arrested everyone present. 警察中断了聚会,并把在场的每一个人都抓了起来。
break into 1. 非法强行闯入,破门而入
They've had the house broken into by thieves. 他们的房子曾被窃贼破门而入。
We had to break into the house as we had lost the key. 因为把钥匙丢了,我们不得不破门而入。
2. 冲破障碍而进入
She wanted to break into movies. 她想打入电影界。
break into the headlines 终于成为标题新闻
3. 打断;占用(时间等)
The sound of the phone broke into his thoughts. 电话铃声蓦地打断他的思路。
4. 突然呈现…;突然发出 (或冒出)
The tree was breaking into green. 树木正绽出新绿。
break into fluent English 突然说起流利的英语来
break into song (a cold sweat) 突然唱起歌来(冒一身冷汗)
5. 突然加快速度而成…的步伐
break into a gallop 开始飞跑
6. (紧急时)打开关动用(配给品等)
7. 开始破译出 (密码等)
8. 兑开(大额钞票等)以支付小额货款
break it big 澳俚(尤指赌博中)赚大钱
break it down! 澳口别胡扯了!给我住口!
break it up 美口
1. 停止扭打(或争吵)
2. (赌博中)大赚特赚,把别人的钱统统赢来
3. 纵声大笑
4. 绝交
break off 1. 中止,中断;突然停止,突然住口
order the delegation home and break off the political talks 命令代表团回国并中止政治会谈
break off diplomatic relations with a country 与某国断绝外交关系
She broke off in the middle of a sentence at the sound of a couple of shots. 几声枪响,她一句话没讲完就突然住了口。
2. 绝交,断绝友好关系
break off with one's old friends 与老友绝交
3. 折断;(使)断开
Don't break off the buds. 勿折幼芽。
break an arm off a chair 折断椅子扶手
A large shaft of wood broke off a packing-case. 一根粗大的木杆从货箱上脱落下来。
4. 暂时歇手
5. 偏离
break out 1. 爆发,突发;突然出现
When war broke out he volunteered for service in the army. 战争爆发,他志愿从了军。
The fire must have broken out after the staff had gone home. 这场火一定是在工作人员回家后烧起来的。
The sun broke out. 太阳破云而出。
2. 发皮疹;突然布满 (in)
She's just broken out in a rash all over, and the doctor says it's measles. 她全身发出一片红疹,医生说是麻疹。
a boy breaking out in pimples 满脸粉刺的男孩
break out in a cold sweat 突然间浑身冒冷汗
3. (使)逃脱,(使)逃走
break (sb.) out of jail (使某人)越狱
break out of a dilemma 从困境中脱身
4. (因感情冲动而)发作
break out laughing 爆发出大笑声
It is not often she breaks out like that. 她这样大叫嚷倒是不常见的。
break out in curses 破口大骂
Someone broke out with “Auld Lang Syne”. 有人开始唱《友谊天长地久》。
5. 打开…倒出里面的东西;(舱货)移到舱口待卸;从贮藏处取出…备用;把…准备好供使用
break out a Johnnie Walker for guests 开一瓶尊尼获加威士忌以飨宾客
break out life rafts 准备好救生艇
break out the magazine of the gun with a quick motion 用利索的动作打开枪支的弹夹
6. (使) (旗) 升起后展开
7. 破土起(锚)
8. 把…从大批资料中离析出来
break over 美俚破例
break through 1. 冲破;突围;突破
break through the net of trade restrictions 冲破贸易限制的重重阻碍
break through enemy blockades 突破敌人的封锁
At dawn what was left of the Company eventually broke through. 黎明时分,连队残存的士兵终于突围了。
2. (从…)挣脱(或穿越)而出;(奇崛地)凸出(于…)
The sun finally broke through (the clouds.) 太阳终于钻出(云层)来了。
His usual vitality failed to break through a lethargic attitude that night. 那天夜里他一副冷漠的样子,平时那种奕奕活力被严实地掩盖了。
3. (尤指在科技方面等)取得突破性成就,作出可导致其他发现的新发现
hope to break through soon in the fight against cancer 希望在与癌症作斗争中很快有所突破
4. 克服,压倒
break through sb.'s reserve 消除某人的矜持态度
5. 不顾…而自行其是,违反
break through the law 违法
break up 1. 打碎;粉碎;破碎
You can break up that box for firewood. 你可以把那个箱子劈开当柴烧。
break up an espionage operation 粉碎一次间谍行动
I broke up the chocolate bar and gave each child a small piece. 我把巧克力棒弄碎,给每个孩子一小块。
The ice began to break up. 冰开始碎裂。
2. 散开,消散;解散,驱散
“Get out of here!Break it up!” cried the policeman. 警察大叫:“离开这儿!散开!”
3. 终止;打破…的连贯性;期终放假
Meetings have been broken up. 会议被迫中止。
break up a dull routine 打破沉闷的常规
The school breaks up on Friday. 学校将于星期五期终放假。
4. 震动;搅乱,使烦乱
The move almost broke up the family. 搬家弄得一家不得安宁。
The news broke me up. 这消息弄得我心烦意乱。
5. (使)大笑
I had to bite my tongue to keep from breaking up. 我必须咬住舌头才不笑出来。
6. (被)分解;(被)分离;(使)(夫妇)离异;(使)(人与人关系)发生破裂
break up a chemical 分解一种化学品
Sentences break up into clauses. 句子可分解成子句。
break up a piece of work 把一件工作分作几份
7. 变得衰弱;(在精神、士气等方面)衰颓,垮下去
The old man was breaking up. 那老人身体日渐衰弱。
He broke up under strain. 他的身体因工作过度而垮了。
8. (天气)突变(尤指在一段时间维持某一气候特征之后);变坏
break with 1. 与…绝交;与…决裂
break with one's family 与家庭断绝关系
2. 屏弃,背弃;破除
break with custom 背离习俗
break sharply with a political past 和过去的政治立场决裂
Give me a break! (或 Gimme a break!) 美口[常表示不信别人胡诌乱编]得了吧! 别以为我这么笨! 收起你那套噱头!
give sb. a break 给某人一个机会;给某人一次优待;不要再向某人施压
Give me a break and pass me, or else I'll have to be a freshman again. 帮帮忙给我及格分,不然我就得重读一年级了。
give a sugar-producing country an immense break on sugar prices 给某产糖国以极大的糖价优惠
make a clean break 1. (犯错误等之后)彻底改造;完全重新开始
2. 彻底分离
After the death of his wife he made a clean break with all his old associations. 妻子死后,他把旧有的联系都断绝了。




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