释义 |
vie /vaɪ/ vi. | vt. (vy·ing) ❶ vi. 1. 竞争;相争 (with) vie with sb. for the first place 与某人争夺第一名 vie with sb. in doing sth. 与某人争做某事 young men vying for the heaviest work 争干重活的青年们 Reporters vied (with each other) to write about it. 记者们争着采写这件事。 2. 〈废〉(赌博中)押赌注 ❷ vt. 1. 〈古〉提出…来竞争(或对抗),以…作较量 vie retorts with an opponent in debate 在辩论中与对手唇枪舌战 vie accusation against accusation 针锋相对地互相指责 2. 〈废〉押…作赌注 vie money on the turn of a card 押宝翻牌 [< ? OFr envier to challenge < L invītāre to invite, provoke] |