释义 |
bread /bred/ n. | vt. | phr. I n. 1. 面包 a loaf (slice, piece) of bread 一只(一片,一块)面包 What breads have you got today? 你今天买了哪几种面包? This is a better bread than the one I bought yesterday. 这种面包比我昨天买的那种好些。 2. (用发酵粉快速制成的)膨松烘饼 3. 食物;(必需的)营养 take barely enough money to keep the children in bread 赚的钱仅够孩子们勉强糊口 4. 生计,谋生之道 5. 〈口〉钱 He spent all his uncle's bread on wine and beer. 他把叔叔的钱全都花在葡萄酒和啤酒上了。 figure out some way of getting some bread 想出某种搞钱的办法 6. 【宗】(圣餐中的)饼 7. 〈美俚〉衣食父母,老板,雇主[尤多用作雇员之间的隐语]
II vt. 在…上涂面包屑 bread the chicken before frying it 油煎前在鸡肉上滚面包屑 a breaded pork chop 面拖猪排 [<ME breed<OE brēad crumb, morsel] phr. beg one's bread 乞食,讨饭 bread and butter 1. 涂黄油的面包 This bread and butter is too thick. 这片涂黄油的面包太厚了。2. 食物,生活必需品 3. 生计,谋生之道;主要的收入来源 Don't quarrel with your bread and butter. 你可不要砸自己的饭碗。“Swan Lake” is the bread and butter to the ballet companies. “天鹅湖”是各芭蕾舞剧团赖以为生的看家剧目。4. 〈俚〉事情,干系 It's no bread and butter of mine. 这事与我无关。5. [用作感叹语]〈口〉老天保佑 bread and cheese 面包和干酪;家常食品 bread and circuses 1. (政府或其他统治集团为安抚目的款待公众的)面包和马戏观赏,食物和娱乐 On the direct orders of the new leaders, it was bread and circuses time this week. 由新领导人直接下令,这个星期是老百姓享受吃喝玩乐的日子。2. 福利 bread and honey 〈俚〉钱 bread and milk 泡在煮沸牛奶中的碎面包 bread and scrape 1. 只涂薄薄一层黄油的面包 2. 待遇菲薄的职业 To her the Hilton job is bread and scrape. 对她说来,希尔顿旅馆的那份工作仅够糊口。bread and water (diet) 面包和白开水;粗茶淡饭 bread and wine 【宗】圣餐 bread buttered (on) both sides 好运;安适的境遇 break bread 1. 〈旧〉共餐 I little thought that I should be breaking bread and pouring wine with you. 我想不到竟会跟你一起进餐饮酒。2. 【宗】分圣餐;领圣餐 cast (或 throw) one's bread on (或 upon) the waters 不期望报答地做好事,真心行善不望报 I gave each of them a five-dollar tip. That's called bread cast on the waters. 我给他们每人5块钱的小费,这叫“真心行善不望报”。earn one's bread 赚钱糊口 He earned his bread as a labourer. 他做工糊口。eat the bread of 遭受…,受到… eat the bread of affliction 遭受痛苦的折磨 in bad bread 处境不妙 know which side one's bread is buttered (on) (或 where one's bread is buttered) 〈口〉明白自己的利益所在,知道该怎么保全自己的利益,善为个人利益谋算 He was a hard-boiled businessman. He knew which side his bread was buttered on. 他是一个不动感情专讲实际的商人,深知自己的利益所在。one cannot live by bread alone 人不能只靠面包生活 (意为人有物质和精神双方面的需要) out of bread 失业 set bread 和面使发酵 take bread and salt 发誓 take the bread out of sb.'s mouth 1. 抢某人的饭碗,夺某人的生计 2. 阻止某人享用快到嘴的东西 3. 抢在某人前行动 the best (或greatest) thing since sliced bread 〈口〉最好的东西 the bread of life 精神食粮 want one's bread buttered on both sides 〈口〉不切实际地要得太多;要得太过分 |