a·dorn /əˈdɔːn/ vt. 1. 装饰 The bride adorned herself with jewels lavishly. 新娘戴上许多首饰,打扮得珠光宝气。 The walls are adorned with paintings. 墙上挂着油画。 2. 使更美观;使生色 The colour patterns of a butterfly wing might adorn a summer print dress. 蝶翼的彩色图案可使夏季的印花女服鲜艳倍增。 Every scene of his boyhood was used to adorn a moral tale. 他童年时代的每一个情景都被用来使一个富有道德教益的故事更加生动。 [< OFr adorner < L adōrnāre < AD- + ōrnāre to furnish, prepare]