

单词 use
释义 use /juːz/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I vt.
1. 用,使用
use a spoon to stir with 用匙搅拌
The notebook uses a new type of chip. 这款笔记本电脑使用了一种新的芯片。
He wants to use the phone. 他想借电话一用。
a pot used for cooking (或 to cook) eggs 煮鸡蛋用的锅
2. 发挥,使出;行使;运用
No violence was used. 不曾行使暴力。
use one's judgement (wits) 运用判断力(智慧)
Use your discretion. 由你斟酌决定。
You should at least use some moderation. 你至少应该稍有节制。
3. 应用(语词等);讲,说
I have never used the word genius of anyone else. 我从未把天才这个字眼用在任何其他人身上。
use bad grammar 说话不合语法
4. 对待
use sb. well (ill)(恶)待某人
Use others as you would have them use you. 你要别人怎样对待你,就该怎样去对待别人。
People used him as a genius. 人们把他作为天才对待。
5. 耗费,消费
The engine uses very little oil. 这发动机耗油很少。
Who's used all my shampoo? 谁把我的洗发剂全用了?
6. (烟);嚼(烟草);经常服用(饮料、药物等)
use a cigarette 抽烟
use a cup of coffee 喝一杯咖啡
use a steak 吃牛排
7. 利用;自私地利用
use one's opportunities 利用机会
I used the time to look round the city. 我利用这段时间在城市观光。
use sb. shamefully (cleverly) 可耻地(巧妙地)利用某人
For the first time he felt used. 他第一次感到被利用了。
8. 自称;自封
The name she used was Elizabeth Gregory. 她自称名叫伊丽莎白·格雷戈里。
9. 吸食(毒品)
10. 使习惯于
He spoke near the sea in storms to use himself to speak aloud. 他在狂风暴雨时在海边讲话,以使自己习惯于大声说话。
11. 经常做,有…的习惯
(used /juːst/) (注意:否定式为 used not 或 did not use英口use(d)n't /ˈjuːsənt/ 或 didn't use)

1. 惯常
I (never, always) used to take the bus. 我过去(从不,一直)习惯乘公共汽车。
It used to be thought that the earth was flat. 过去一直以为地球是平的。
I use(d)n't to like wine, but I'm quite fond of it now. 我过去不喜欢喝酒,但现在却也贪起杯来了。
Used there to be a hotel on that corner? 那拐角上过去有一家旅馆吗?
Didn't she use to live in Shanghai? 她过去住在上海吗?
I'm surprised to see you smoking; you didn't use to (或 used not to). 看到你抽烟我很惊讶,你过去一直不抽的。
2. 吸毒
3. 常去,常到

II /juːs/

1. 用,使用;应用;运用;利用
learn the use of digital camera 学会使用数码相机
the dangers of the large-scale use of insecticides 大规模使用杀虫剂的种种危害
for external use only 只供外用
The carpet wore out through constant use. 这地毯因经常踩踏而磨损了。
a room for the use of teachers only 教师专用室
have (little) use of sth. (不大)使用某物
2. 使用价值;效用;益处
Is this book any use? 这本书有用吗?
What's the use (of) worrying? 担心有什么用呢?
What you're saying is “they are more use dead than alive”. 你的意思无非是“他们死了比活着更有用”。
3. 用途
a tool with many uses 多种用途的工具
This book has a use as an ornament. 这本书可用作装饰品。
find a use for sth. 设法利用某物
a pamphlet for use in schools 学校用的小册子
4. 用法
the painter's use of colour 画家的用色
This is an old-fashioned use. 这是一种过时的用法。
5. 耗费,消费
6. 需用;需要
have use for a gun 需要有一支枪
find no further use for sth. 不再需要用某物
7. (四肢、官能等的)运用能力,使用力
lose (regain) the use of an injured hand 丧失(恢复)受伤的手的功能
8. 使用权
She gave him the use of her car. 她让他使用她的汽车。
I've got the use of the car this evening. 今晚我可以用这辆车。
9. 适用
a park for the use of all the people 宜于一般公众休憩的公园
10. 习惯;惯例
It was his use to rise early. 他有早起的习惯。
You see, I'm used to it, and use is everything. 你且听我说,我已习惯如此,而习惯就是一切。
11. (教堂、教区等的)特色礼拜仪式
12. 受益;(对委托他人管理的不动产的)受益权
13. 吸毒
14. 通常的经验
[< OFr user to use < L ūsus having used < ūtī to use]
phr. can use 需要,想要
I just thought I could use a moment of fresh air. 我想我需要呼吸一会儿新鲜空气。
I could use a gin. 我觉得来一杯杜松子酒倒不错。
I suppose he could have used a psychiatrist, but he didn't believe in anything like that. 我想他本应该去找个精神病医生,但他不信那一套。
come into use 开始被使用
When did the word “cyberspace” come into common use? “cyberspace”一词是什么时候开始普遍使用的?
have its (或 one's) uses 有其用途
have no use for 1. 不需要,用不着
You may have the book; I have no use for it any longer. 你把这本书拿去吧,我不再需要它了。
2. 不喜欢;对…不耐烦
have no use for modern art 不喜欢现代艺术
3. 厌恶
in use 在使用着的,在用的
be in daily (widespread) use 被日常(广泛)使用
make use of 1. 使用;利用
Industry is making increasing use of robots. 工业界正越来越多地使用机器人。
He made good use of his spare time. 他的业余时间利用得很好。
This possibility was hardly ever made use of. 这种可能性几乎从未加以利用。
2. 得益,得到好处
(of) no use 没用处的,无益的
It is no use arguing with you. 与你争论没什么用。
There is no use (in) your complaining. 你抱怨是没用的。
of use 有用的
Many kinds of evidence are not of much use in court. 多种证据在法庭上并不很有用。
out of use 没有人在用的,不再被用的
drop (或 fall, go, pass) out of use 不再被使用
put to use 使用
put sth. to good use 充分利用某物
use and wont 惯例;习俗
use up 1. 用完,用光;耗尽
We have used up our sugar. 我们的糖用完了。
He used up all the coins he had. 他把硬币都用光了。
2. [be used up]使疲乏




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