释义 |
bow² /baʊ/ vi. | vt. | n. | phr. I ❶ vi. 1. 鞠躬;欠身;屈膝,下跪 bow to sb. 向某人鞠躬 bow to greet sb. 欠身迎接某人 bow from the waist 弯腰欠身 make sb. bow and genuflect 使某人跪拜 2. 让步;屈服,服从;(在比赛中)遭到失败 bow to some form of pressure 对某种形式的压力让步 bow to the inevitable 听天由命(或认输) bow before money and power 在金钱和权势面前俯首帖耳 Ideals bow to practicality. 理想屈从于实际。 bow to the champion in a close match 在一场比分非常接近的比赛中输给冠军 3. 点头表示同意,俯首赞成 4. 〈古〉〈方〉弯曲,成曲线 ❷ vt. 1. 点(头)致意;(因羞愧等)低下(头);欠(身);屈(膝);使鞠躬(或欠身) She avoided his eyes and bowed her head. 她避开他的目光,低下头来。 bow the knee in slavish adulation of the other side 向对方卑躬屈膝阿谀奉承 The guest paid the usual stale compliments and bowed himself out. 客人说了老一套的问候话之后欠身告辞。 2. 鞠躬(或欠身、俯首)表示(感谢、同意等) The actors bowed their thanks at the end of the play. 演出结束时演员们鞠躬致谢。 3. 鞠躬引领(宾客等) The maître d'hôtel bowed them to the table. 餐厅领班欠身把他们领到桌前就座。 4. 压弯,压倒;使俯下 His father is bowed with (或 by) age. 他的父亲因年老而腰弯背驼。 The wind bowed the treetops. 风吹得树顶弯倒下来。 5. 使让步;使屈服 The king bowed his will to the nobles' demands. 国王对贵族们的要求让步。 6. 〈古〉〈方〉使弯曲,使成曲线
II n. 鞠躬;欠身;低头;首肯 a deep bow 深深的鞠躬 a 98-girl Norwegian choir, Norway's bow to the bicentennial 一个由98名挪威女青年组成的合唱队—挪威对200周年纪念的献礼 [< OE būgan] phr. bow and scrape 打躬作揖,奴颜婢膝 bow and scrape over the English accent 对英国口音过分崇拜 bow down 1. 压弯;压倒 The branches were bowed down with ripened fruit. 树枝给成熟的果子压弯了。 The heavy load did not bow him down. 重担没有把他压倒。 He seemed to be bowed down with (或 by) grief. 他看上去因悲伤而支持不住了。 He was bowed down in admiration. 他佩服得五体投地。2. 顶礼膜拜 bow down before God 向上帝顶礼膜拜 3. 屈服,顺从 bow down to one's enemy 向敌人屈服 bow in 鞠躬 (或欠身)将…迎入 bow out 1. 撤出;退出;辞职;退休 bow out of politics 退出政界 The average age at which they bow out is 59. 他们退休的平均年龄是59岁。2. 做最后一次工作;作最后一次露面 bow out with a great performance (为退出舞台)举行盛大告别演出 3. 鞠躬 (或欠身)将…送出 make one's bow 1. 进入 make one's bow into a hall 一路点头致意走进大厅 2. (演员、政治家等)初次在公众前露面;向观众 (或听众)行礼 His new novel will make its bow next year. 他新写的小说将于明年与读者见面。 This pianist made his bow and sat down to play. 钢琴家向听众行礼致意,然后坐下演奏。 3. 引退 make one's bow at the age of 70 70岁时引退 4. 退场,离开舞台 take a bow 鞠躬答礼,答谢;向前 (或起立)接受鼓掌 (或赞词);谢幕 |