释义 |
un·der·stand /ˌʌndəˈstænd/ vt. | vi. | phr. (过去式 -stood /-ˈstʊd/, 过去分词 -stood 或〈古〉-stand·ed) ❶ vt. 1. 理解;懂;熟知;通晓 His behaviour is hard to understand. 他的行为难以理解。 It was easy to understand why he left the country. 他之所以离开这个国家很好理解。 Did I understand you correctly? 我没有误解你的意思吧? I don't understand what you mean. 我不懂你的意思。 I cannot understand his robbing his friend (或 why he robbed his friend). 我无法理解他为什么要抢劫自己的朋友。 He doesn't understand genetics. 他不懂遗传学。 understand finance 熟知财政 2. 了解;明了;意识到;认识到 How it happened has never been fully understood. 这件事的来龙去脉从未彻底弄清楚过。 Only today have I begun to understand that I do not love him. 直到今天我才恍然大悟我并不爱他。 You don't understand what a difficult position I'm in. 你不了解我的处境多么困难。 3. 得知,听说,获悉 I understood he was married, but I find I was misinformed. 我先前听说他已结婚,但我现在发现我听到的情况不确实。 What he has done, as I understand it, is to try to arrange a meeting. 据我所知,他是在设法安排一次会见。 4. 以为;认为;推断,猜想 I understand you are thinking of marrying. 我看你是在考虑结婚成家了。 We understand that he is returning from abroad. 我们认为他将回国。 Are we to understand that you want to go? 那就是说你要去的,是吗? 5. [常用被动语态]认为…理所当然;视…不言而喻 It is understood that children must be kept quiet. 不言而喻,必须使孩子们保持安静。 The order is understood to have come direct from the Chief Constable. 这命令不用说是警察局长直接下达的。 an understood thing 明摆着的事 6. 把…理解为;解释 They understand democracy as the exercise of power by the people. 他们把民主解释为人民行使权力。 “Children” is understood to mean those under 14. 所谓“儿童”是指14岁以下的人。 7. [常用被动语态]省略 The verb may be either expressed or understood. 这个动词可用可不用。 “To be married” is commonly understood after the word “engaged”. “engaged”这一词后的“to be married”通常都省略。 8. 谅解 No one understands me. 没人谅解我。 ❷ vi. 1. 理解;懂得;熟知;通晓;明了 Don't expect that fool ever to understand. 别指望那个傻瓜会真正明了。 He understands about the Internet. 他熟知计算机网络。 2. 表示同情;给予谅解 If you cannot do it, I will understand. 这事你如果干不了,我会谅解的。 3. 认为;推断,猜想;据说 You and Celia, I understand, are close friends. 我猜你与西莉亚是密友。 [< OE understandan, 原义: to stand among < UNDER + STAND; 与 OFris understonda, MHG understān to step under 有关] phr. a tongue not understanded of the people 见 tongue give sb. to understand 见 give make oneself understood 表达自己的意思,使旁人理解自己的意思 Can he make himself understood in English? 你能用英语表达自己的意思吗? Now, understand me! [常用于发出警告或威胁前]喂,听着! understand one another (或 each other) 相互同情(或谅解);明了彼此的愿望(或观点、意图等);彼此意见一致;互相勾结 The employers and workers have not reached an agreement yet, but they understand one another. 雇主和工人之间尚未达成协议,但他们彼此了解对方的观点。 |