释义 |
bot·tom /ˈbɒtəm/ n. | a. | vt. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. 底;底部;底层 the bottom of a vase (a crate, a flatiron) 花瓶(板条箱,熨斗)的底 A: Here, have some more. B: Just wet the bottom of the glass, thanks. 甲:来,再喝点。乙:谢谢!就往杯底斟上几滴意思意思吧! at the bottom of the stairs (the mountain) 在楼梯(山)脚 2. 水底 at (或 on) the bottom of the sea 在海底 3. 枯谷;凹陷 4. [常作 bottoms] (矿井)最低工作区 5. [常作 bottoms] 低洼地;河边低地,河漫滩,滩地 6. (席位等的)末座;(班级等中的)末名;末尾,最低下部分 The poor relations were seated at the bottom of the long table. 穷亲戚们被安排在长餐桌的末座。 at the bottom of the class 在全班之末 march at the bottom of the procession 走在队伍的末尾 at the bottom of the page 在这页的下端 keep sb. at the bottom of society 把某人压在社会的底层 a nation thrown down to the bottom 被打得一败涂地的国家 7. 远端,尽头;内心深处 walk sb. to the bottom of the street 陪某人走到街的尽头 We grow vegetables at the bottom of our garden. 我们在花园的外侧种疏菜。 The injustice was terrible. There seemed to be no bottom to it. 不公正的情况实在骇人,而且看上去没完没了。 8. 基础,根据;来源;原因;本质 I must search the matter to the bottom. 对这件事我必须寻根究底。 9. (椅子等的)座部,座面 This chair needs a new bottom. 这把椅子需要换一张新面子了。 10. 〈口〉屁股,臀部 smack the child's bottom 打孩子的屁股 The man who kept us waiting was just letting us cool our bottoms. 那让我们久等的人实际上就是把我们晾在一边了。 11. 吃水线以下的船体,龙骨;船底,舱底;〈古〉船(尤指货船) goods imported in British bottoms 由英国货船装载的进口货物 12. 【棒】(一局的)后半局 in the bottom of the ninth inning 在第9局的后半局 13. [常作 bottoms] (两件一套衣服的)下半身;睡裤 pajama bottoms 睡裤 14. 持久力,耐力 a horse of good bottom 耐力好的马 15. (耕犁的)犁体 16. (织物的)底色 17. 【台】正中主球的一击 18. (乐队中的)低音(或上低音)乐器 19. 【核】底 20. [bottoms] 〈美俚〉一双鞋;鞋子
II a. 1. 最低的;最后的;最下的 What's your bottom price? 你能接受的最低价是多少? keep the currency above the float's bottom limits 使货币保持在浮动底限之上 the bottom team in Group II 第二组的最后一队 The bottom candidates were dropped until only six remained. 得票最少的几名候选人依次被淘汰,到最后只剩下6人。 2. 基础的;根本的 bottom ideas 基本思想 the bottom cause 根本原因 3. (位于)底部的;(处在)底层的 I want the bottom book in the stack. 我要那一堆书当中底下的一本。 4. (栖于)水底的;近水底的 an underwater watch to give one bottom time 标出海底逗留时间的水下手表 bottom fish 栖于水底的鱼 a bottom rock 水底岩石 5. 【棒】后半局的 in the bottom half of the seventh inning 在第7局的后半局 6. 〈口〉屁股的,臀部的 Riding blunderingly all night he felt such bottom bitterness. 整夜骑马跌跌撞撞赶路,他感到屁股痛得厉害。
III ❶ vt. 1. 在…上装底;装椅面于 bottom a saucepan 给长柄平底锅装底 2. 对…寻根究底;探明…的真相 bottom sb.'s motives 追究某人的动机 3. 使基(于),为…提供根据 (on,upon) The theory is bottomed on questionable assumptions. 这一理论是建立在靠不住的假设基础上的。 4. 使到达底部 bottom a submarine on the ocean floor 驾潜艇下沉至洋底 5. 〈澳〉钻探…直至见到金子 ❷ vi. 1. 基于,赖于成立 (on,upon) Upon what do his arguments bottom? 他的论据以什么为基础? 2. 到达底部;触及底层;近水底 bottom on the bed of the sea 到达海底 The boat has bottomed twice on this shallow stretch. 这艘船在这条浅水道上搁浅两次 3. 〈澳〉钻到底部 bottom on (或 on to) gold 钻底见金 [< OE botm] phr. at (the) bottom 基本上,实质上;在心底 He pretends to be very hard, but he's a kind man at bottom. 他装得很严厉,而实质上是个好心肠的人。 At bottom, he's convinced that their ways are the best. 心底里,他信服他们的方法是最好的。 at the bottom of one's heart 在内心深处 He put on a show of indifference, but at the bottom of his heart he was bitterly disappointed. 他装出一副满不在乎的样子,但在内心深处却感到极度失望。 be at the bottom of 是…真正的起因 (或根源)Who is at the bottom of all this trouble? 这些麻烦归根到底是谁引起的? The increase of the population is at the bottom of it all. 这一切的根子在于人口增长。 be bumping along the bottom 达到最低谷 (即没有好转也不再恶化) bet one's bottom dollar 〈美口〉1. 连最后一块钱也作赌注押上,倾囊下注 2. 绝对有把握地打赌 Somebody will do it. I'll bet my bottom dollar on that. 有人会干的。对此我有十二分的把握。 bottom it 〈英俚〉干得彻底 bottom of the heap 〈口〉输家,失败者 bottom out 1. 达最低点 The valley bottomed out by the river. 山谷地势渐低直至河边。2. (股市行情等)停止下跌并即将回升; (经济衰退局面等)降至最低点后即将复苏 House prices bottomed out in 1987. 房产价格在1987年跌停回升。 bottoms up 1. 〈口〉[用作劝酒语]干杯;酒杯杯底朝天 Bottoms up to you! 为您干杯! He drank his whiskey almost bottoms up. 他把杯中的威士忌几乎饮得一滴不剩。2. 〈美俚〉〈粗〉以狗交媾方式 bottom up (或 upwards) 屁股朝天,颠倒着 from the bottom of one's heart 打心眼里,衷心地 I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart. 我衷心祝你幸福。 from the bottom up 从最低处往上;从头开始;完完全全 learn sth. from the bottom up 从头学起 get to the bottom of 探明…的真相;弄清…的起因,寻到…的根子 No one has ever really got to the bottom of this problem. 不曾有人把这个问题弄个水落石出。 go to the bottom (船)沉至海底,沉没 hit bottom 降到最低点 His political standing has now hit bottom. 他的政治地位已降至最低点。 The gambler has hit bottom financially and emotionally. 这个赌徒把钱赌得精光,情绪一蹶不振。 in the bottom of the bag 见 bag¹ knock the bottom out of 打掉…的基础;驳倒(论据、理论等);打乱,使站不住脚 The new law knocked the bottom out of his investment almost overnight. 这条新法律几乎一夜之间使他的投资荡然无存。 scrape the bottom of the (pickle) barrel 见 barrel send to the bottom 把…沉到水底;打沉,击沉 They sent the enemy ship to the bottom. 他们把敌舰击沉。 smell the bottom (ground) (船)因水浅而失速;【海】擦底过 stand on one's own bottom. 自立,靠自己 start at the bottom (of the ladder) 〈口〉从最低级做起,始于卑微 He started at the bottom of the ladder and worked his way up to success. 他从最低微的工作做起,发奋努力,一路升迁取得了成功。 swim to the bottom 〈谑〉入水即沉,完全不识水性 the bottom falls (或 drops) out (of) 1. 出现(…)暴跌的局面 The bottom fell out of the rubber market. 橡胶行市暴跌。 2. 出现(…)垮台的局面 How did the bottom fall out of his leadership? 他的领导权是如何崩溃的? touch bottom 1. 达最低点 Schools have decreased, illiteracy has actually increased, and education has touched bottom. 学校减少,文盲的实际数字有所增长,教育已降至最低点了。 2. 双脚触及水底 This part is too deep for swimming. I can't touch bottom. 这一带水太深,不适于游泳,我的脚碰不到底。 3. 寻根究底,深究 |