释义 |
um·brage /ˈʌmbrɪdʒ/ n. | vt. I n. 1. 生气,不快;伤感情 feel umbrage at a social snub 因社交上受到冷落而感到不高兴 He gave umbrage to them by not sending an invitation. 他因没发请帖而伤了他们的感情。 The Pope himself had taken great umbrage at the book. 教皇本人对这本书曾极为生气。 2. (成荫的)叶丛 chimney pots veiled under blossomy umbrage 隐没在花叶丛中的烟囱管帽 3. 〈罕〉阴影;树荫 4. 〈古〉细微的迹象;(怀疑、敌意等的)模糊感觉 5. 〈古〉(事物的)相似
II vt. 1. 使生气,使不快 be umbraged by being criticized 因挨批评而不高兴 2. 〈罕〉投阴影于,给…遮荫 an avenue umbraged with tall buildings 被高楼遮去阳光的大街 [OFr < L umbrāticus relating to shade < UMBRA] |