释义 |
two·pence /ˈtʌpəns/ n. | phr. n. 1. 两便士 The fare is twopence. 车费是两便士。 2. ([复] -pence(s)) (英国旧时的)两便士铜币;(现只用于濯足节分发给穷人作救济金的)两便士银币 He wants a twopence. 他要一个两便士铜币。 give five twopences in exchange for a tenpenny piece 把五个两便士币换成一个十便士币 3. 价值微乎其微的东西;微不足道的东西
phr. not care (或 give) twopence 毫不在乎 I don't care twopence for it. 我对这事一点也不在乎。twopence colo(u)red 华丽而不值钱的 want twopence in the shilling 脑子不灵;精神失常;傻里傻气 |