

单词 turn over
释义 turn over
1. 滚动;(使) 翻倒,(使) 倾覆
A big wave turned the boat over. 一个巨浪把小船打翻了。
The car turned over in the crash. 汽车在撞车事故中翻了车。
2. (把…) 翻过来;(使) 翻身;(使) 翻滚
The soil must be turned over before planting. 播种前必须先翻土。
Turn over two of the cards at a time and see if they match. 一次翻两张纸牌,看是否成对。
The child had been sleeping face down. His mother turned him over. 孩子俯卧着睡,母亲把他身子翻过来。
turn over in bed 在床上翻身
3. 交;移交;交托
I turned my library book over to the librarian. 我把图书交还给管理员。
The work was turned over to the secretary. 这项工作移交给了秘书。
The thief was turned over to the police. 小偷已被送交警方。
I've turned over the management of my affairs to my brother. 我已经把我的事务交托给我兄弟去处理。
4. 仔细考虑,周密考虑
He turned over the problem for hours. 他对这个问题思考了好几个小时。
5. 转卖;大量买进;卖出
The store turned over $5000 worth of skiing equipment in January. 这家商店1月份经销了价值5000美元的滑雪器材。
Shoes of medium width turn over quickly. 中号宽度的鞋销得很快。
6. 周转 (资金)
The faster your money is turned over, the more profit you make. 资金周转越快,获利越多。
7. 营业额达,做 (一定数额) 的生意
He (His business) turns over $1000 a week.(他的商店) 每周营业额有1000美元。
8. 改变,改造;改为,改变成 (to)
That house is turned over for a garage. 这房屋改造成了车库。
The firm has decided to turn over to the making of plastics. 这家商号已决定转而生产塑料制品。
The factory has turned over to machine production of the boxes. 这家工厂已经改为用机器生产箱子。
9. (使) 转动;(使) 发动
turn over a stiff valve with a wrench 用扳头转动不灵活的阀门
turn an engine over 发动引擎
This engine turns over at 6000 revolutions per minute. 这台发动机每分转6000次。
The motor turned over without any trouble. 这台电动机顺顺当当地开动起来。
10. (发动机) 空转;(工作、活动等) 如常地进行
He stayed in the car with the engine just turning over. 他呆在汽车里,引擎空转着。
The organization is now just turning over. 这机构现在工作徘徊不前。
11. 把…逐件翻查
In turning over my papers, I came across this cutting from a newspaper. 我在翻查书信文件时,看到了这份剪报。
A man will turn over half a library to make one book. 一个人要写出一本书来非翻遍半座图书馆不可。
He turned over every glimpse he had had of her. 他一一重温着瞥见她的每一眼。
12. 翻阅;翻过 (书页);翻过去
I wasn't really reading, just turning over the pages. 我并不是真的在阅读,只是随手翻翻而已。
Please turn over, and read the directions on the back. 请翻过去阅读反面的说明。
13. (词等) 接转到下一行 (或栏、页)
14. (工作人员) 交换工作,更替
Only a third of our workers turn over every 10 years. 我们的工作人员每10年只更换三分之一。
15. 使感到恶心
The sight of the blood turns me over. 我看见血就恶心。
16. (因害怕、激动等) (胃) 翻动;(心) 惊悸
My stomach was turning over and over as I waited for my turn on the stage. 我等着轮到自己上台,心窝里揪得好紧张。
She looked so tired and helpless that my heart turned over with compassion. 她显得疲惫不堪,无依无靠,使我从心底里产生同情。
17. 抢劫




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