

单词 tuck¹
释义 tuck¹ /tʌk/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I vt.
1. 把…塞进狭窄的空间(或两个表面之间);把…夹入,把…藏入;收藏
He tucked the letter in a book so he wouldn't lose it. 他把那封信夹在一本书里,这样就不会丢失了。
a town tucked in (或 into) the pine-covered mountains 隐没在长满松树的群山之中的小镇
tuck away the information in one's memory for future use 把信息记在脑子里以备他日之需
have a lot of money tucked away 储存了许多钱
2. (衬衫、被子、餐巾等)的边塞到下面(或里面)
Tuck in your shirt, Tom; it's almost half out. 汤姆,把你衬衣下摆塞进裤腰去;差不多有一半露在外面了。
His mother tucked up (或 in) his quilt. 他的母亲给他把被子掖好塞紧。
tuck the sheet under the mattress 把被单边塞在褥垫下
3. 把…舒适地盖(或裹)在里面,用被子把…裹住
tuck a baby in (或 into) bed 给婴儿盖好被子使其安睡
I said goodnight and tucked him in (或 up). 我道过晚安,给他掖好被子。
4. 把…折叠起来塞入;使挤在一起
tuck a letter into an envelope 把信折好塞进信封
He tucked many notables into a brief day visit. 他把对许多知名人士的访问挤在短短一天的时间里。
5. 把…折起,把…叠拢;卷起,挽起
She tucked up her skirt for wading. 她撩起裙子以便涉水。
tuck up one's shirt-sleeves 捋起衬衫袖子
6. 在…上缝褶裥;在…上缝横裥
Her dress was tucked with tiny stitches. 她的连衣裙用细密的针脚缝着褶裥。
7. (两腿)蜷曲在胸前;使蜷缩,收缩
The bull was sitting with his legs tucked up under him. 那头公牛正蜷腿伏卧在地。
tuck in one's chin (stomach) 收拢下巴 (腹部)
The bird tucked its head under its wing. 鸟把头缩起来藏在翅膀下。
8. 用抄网把…捞空
9. 痛快地吃(或喝),大口地吃(或喝) (away,in)
tuck away a big meal 大吃一餐
1. 缝褶裥;缝横裥
2. 皱起;缩拢;折叠
3. 舒适地塞在里面;贴切地吻合
tuck into bed 上床钻进被窝
The tiny friend tucked under my arm like a football. 那小得可怜的朋友钻在我腋下,就像个足球。
4. 痛快地吃喝,大口地吃喝(in,into)
After that long walk we did not need any encouragement to tuck in. 经那长途跋涉,我们无须别人说声请便大吃起来。
tuck into one's tea 大口大口喝茶

II n.
1. (衣服等的)褶,裥;打褶,打裥
The tailor made the waist of the pants smaller by making a tuck. 裁缝打了个裥把裤腰收小了些。
2. 打裥(或被折进)的部分;经过打裥(或折进)的物件
3. 抄网,网兜
4. 船尾突出部,艉突出部
5. 抱膝(指游泳运动员跳水时两膝屈曲贴近胸前双手抱住小腿的姿式);团身(指体操运动员抱膝抵胸的姿式);蹲伏(指滑雪运动员将雪杖夹在腋下弯腰下蹲的滑雪姿式)
6. 英口食物(尤指糖果、糕点等精美食物)
7. 减脂术
[< OE tūcian to torment, disturb, chastise; 与 MD tucken to tug, OHG zucchen to twitch 有关]
phr. tucks of 很多的
It's early you're talking about old age. You've tucks of time. 你谈老年还早,你的日子还多着呢。




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