释义 |
try /traɪ/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr. I ❶ vt. 1. 试,尝试,试用;试验 She's trying my bicycle. 她正在试骑我的自行车。 I'll try that new café this morning. 今天早晨我要到那家新开的咖啡馆去品咖啡。 She tried a different approach to the problem. 她试用一种不同的方法来解决那个问题。 He left his hometown and went to try his luck alone in the capital. 他背井离乡,只身去首都碰碰运气。 A: You wouldn't dare. B: Try me. 甲:谅你不敢。乙:你来试试看。 2. 试图,想要;设法,努力 He tried to move the sofa but couldn't. 他试图搬动那张沙发,但搬不动。 Please try to be home in time for dinner. 回家吃饭请别迟到。 He tried hard not to think about his miserable life in the past. 他努力不去想他过去那段不幸的生活经历。 3. 试着推(门、窗等)看是否关上 Try the door to see whether it's locked or not. 你推推门,看看锁上了没有。 He tried the handle, but it was locked. 他转动门把手,但门上了锁。 4. 审理,审讯,审判 He was tried for arson. 他以纵火罪受审。 The young judge is going to try this case. 那位年轻的法官即将审理此案。 5. 考验,磨炼;使受痛苦(或折磨) His unhappy experience tried his faith. 他的不幸遭遇使他的信念经受了考验。 I am afraid the heat of the day is trying you. 白天的炎热恐怕让你受苦了。 Please do not try my patience! 请别逼得我忍无可忍! 6. 煎熬,提取(油脂) 7. 〈废〉炼,提炼(金属) 8. 校准;使光滑平整;使成一直线 9. 〈罕〉(通过竞赛等)解决(问题、争论等) 10. 〈废〉(经试验或调查)证明…正确 ❷ vi. 尝试;试验;试图;努力 I tried but didn't succeed. 我试过,可没有成功。 Try again, if you please. 请再试一次吧。 Try and get some rest. 请休息一会儿。 I'll try and come tomorrow. 明天我一定设法来。 Did you try and do it? 你可曾动手做那件事吗? We must try and understand. 我们必须努力去理解。
II n. 1. 尝试;试验;试图;努力 Can I have a try on your new car? 我可以试开一下你的新车吗? Do you want to make a try? 你要试一试吗? Is that worth a try? 那值得一试吗? We each had three tries to guess the right answers. 我们每人都有3次机会去猜答案。 2. 【橄】在对方球门线后带球触地得3分(并可获踢定位球射门的权利,如射中,再得2分) [<OFr trier to sort, sift, cull < L trītus < terere to rub, thresh grain; 见 TRITE]
phr. try back 〈英〉1. (猎犬) 折回找寻臭迹 2. 重新回到原来的话题 try conclusions with 见 conclusion try for 争取,谋求;申请 Two American swimmers will be trying for the 400 metres freestyle title this afternoon. 两名美国游泳运动员将在今天下午争夺400米自由泳冠军。 He's trying for a job in the Post Office. 他正谋求邮局的职位。 Her father allowed her to try for the Royal College of Art. 她父亲准许她报考英国皇家艺术学院。 try it on (with) 〈英口〉 1. (对…) 粗野无礼 She slapped his face because he tried it on with her. 她打他耳光,因为他对她粗野无礼。 2. (向…) 行骗 He tried it on with the bank clerk and was caught. 他向银行职员行骗,被识破逮住了。 try me 我会做的,不信你试试看 A: You won't use a gun up here. B: try me. 甲:你不会在这里开枪的。乙:试试看。 try on 1. 试穿 You'd better try on the coat before you buy it. 这件外套你最好先试穿一下再买。 2. 耍弄,用…骗人 It's no use trying on your tricks with us. 你对我们耍花招是没有用的。 try out 1. 试,试用;试验;考验 I'm going to try the new car out. 我去试一下新车。 He's got the right man and wants to try him out on the job. 他找到了合适的人,想在实际工作中考察他一番。 2. 煎熬,提取 (油脂) try out whale oil from blubber 把鲸脂熬成鲸油 try out for 〈美〉参加…选拔 (或挑选) James tried out for the track team. 詹姆斯参加了径赛队员的选拔赛。 |