trudge /trʌdʒ/ vi. | vt. | n. I ❶ vi. 步履艰难地走;疲惫(或费力)地走 We trudged through deep snow. 我们步履艰难地走过深深的积雪。 I watched him trudge up the gangway. 我看着他费力地沿着舷梯往上走。 ❷ vt. 步履艰难地走过;疲惫(或费力)地走过 They trudged the last mile in the rain. 他们在雨中疲惫地走完最后1英里路程。 II n. 1. 跋涉;(疲惫或费力的)步行 a strenuous trudge of twenty miles 20英里的艰苦跋涉 They set off before dawn for the long trudge home. 他们于拂晓前起程,长途步行回家。 2. 拖着沉重脚步行走的人 [?]