

单词 trick
释义 trick /trɪk/ n. | a. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. 诡计,计谋,花招;欺诈,骗局
a dirty (或 shabby) trick 卑鄙的花招
I suspect some trick here. 我怀疑其中有诈。
He got the money by a trick. 他骗到了那笔钱。
He dismissed the offer as a trick. 他把那提议看作一个骗局而加以拒绝。
2. 技巧,技艺;窍门
a rhetorical trick 修辞技巧
the tricks of stage technique 舞台技艺
know the trick of making good pies 知道制作可口馅饼的窍门
Patience is the trick in doing a job well. 耐心是做好工作的诀窍。
3. 戏法,把戏(动物经过训练的)表演绝技
a magician's tricks 魔术师的戏法
teach a bear some amazing tricks 教熊一些令人惊叹的表演动作
An old dog cannot learn new tricks. 老狗学不会新把戏。
4. 假象,幻觉,错觉
a trick of the imagination 想象的幻觉
The light played a trick on his eyes. 光线使他的眼睛产生错觉。
5. 恶作剧,戏弄
play mad tricks 大搞恶作剧
Stealing his toolbox was a mean trick. 偷走他的工具箱是卑劣的恶作剧。
6. 儿戏,轻率之举;愚行
It's a fool's trick to trust a stranger too far. 对陌生人过分信任是蠢人的轻率之举。
7. 习惯,习气;特色,特点
He has a trick of pulling at his collar. 他有不时地拉扯自己衣领的习惯。
tricks of style 风格特色
a trick of speech 讲话特点
8. (桥牌等的)一圈;一墩;一圈所打的牌;一墩牌;可能赢的牌
Ten tricks have been played and you've won eight of them. 牌打了10圈,而你已赢了8墩。
There will be danger of losing two trump tricks. 有输掉两张王牌的危险。
9. (舵工的)值班时间(通常为2小时);轮值,值班;出差,公出
take one's trick at the wheel 轮值掌舵
He returned from a long trick. 他长期出差后归来。
10. 美口逗人喜爱的小孩;俊俏的姑娘
a cute little trick 逗人喜爱的聪明小孩(或俊妞)
11. 嫖客;(妓女的)接客
She turns tricks merely for pocket money. 她卖淫只是为了弄点零用钱。

II a.
1. 骗人的,弄虚作假的;晦涩难懂的
a trick jump (排球中掩护扣球手的)假跳
2. 特技的,巧技的;有诀窍的
trick photography 特技摄影
trick riding 特技马术表演
3. 善于技艺的;(经训练)能表演绝技的
a trick dog walking on his hind legs 表演用后腿走路的狗
4. 为变戏法而制作的,供取乐而制作的
a trick chair 魔术椅
trick cards 变戏法用的纸牌
a trick spoon that melts in hot liquid (供玩的)会在热汤中溶化的汤匙
a trick mirror (供取乐的)哈哈镜
5. 漂亮的,潇洒的;整洁的;一丝不苟的
6. 有点毛病的,不可靠的;(关节等)会突然撑不住的
a trick lock that doesn't always catch 有时会锁不上的一把不可靠的锁
a trick knee 会突然撑不住的膝关节

III vt.
1. 哄骗,欺诈;愚弄 (out of,into)
He was tricked at the market. 他在市场被人骗了。
trick sb. out of office 骗某人离职
He was tricked into revealing the place where he had hidden the money. 他受人哄骗,泄露了他藏钱的地方。
2. 打扮;装饰;修饰 (out,up)
trick oneself up for a party 打扮齐整赴聚会
Where are you going, all tricked out like that? 你们都打扮得这么漂亮,是要去哪儿呀?
His room was tricked out with something fantastical. 他的房间用一些奇形怪状的东西装饰起来。
3. 使落空,挫败;辜负
trick expectations 使期望化为泡影
4. 使吃惊,使感意外
5. (妓女)(客)
1. 哄骗,欺诈;愚弄
2. 戏弄,开玩笑
3. 美俚为挣钱与…乱搞性关系 (with)
[<ON Fr trique < trikier to deceive < OFr trichier to trick, cheat < L trīcārī to play tricks]
phr. a trick of the trade 1. 吸引顾客的办法,做生意的花招
2. 得胜(或成功)的诀窍
a trick worth two of that 更好的办法,更妙的策略
But listen to me. I know a trick worth two of that. 你还是听我说,我知道一个更好的办法。
be at one's tricks 作弄人
Nature is at her tricks again. 造化又在作弄人了。
be up to (one's) tricks
1. 恶作剧;调皮捣蛋
He's up to his tricks the minute my back's turned. 我一转身,他就在我背后调皮捣蛋。
2. 耍花招
He's up to his old tricks again — he's been getting money from people by pretending to be blind. 他又在耍老花招了——装瞎子骗人钱财。
be up to sb.'s tricks 识破某人的把戏
do the trick 有效,达到目的
I took four sleeping pills but even that wouldn't do the trick. 我吃了4片安眠药,但尽管这样也还是没有效果。
I need a piece of paper. This old envelope will do the trick! 我需要一张纸。这只旧信封正可一用!
every trick in the book 所有的办法
They will use every trick in the book to disrupt your business activity. 他们会想方设法破坏你的生意。
How's tricks ? [用作问候语]你好吗?
never (或 not) miss a trick
1. 不失时机地利用
He's a very clever man and never misses a trick in improving his business. 他是个聪明能干的人,总是不失时机地拓展业务。
He was missing no tricks, covering every possibility. 他会利用每一良机,包括每一种可能性。
2. 对所发生的事无所不晓
She never seems to miss a trick. 她对发生的事好像无所不晓
play a trick on sb. (或 play sb. a trick) 欺骗某人,对某人玩弄手段;开某人玩笑
He's played a mean trick on me. 他对我施出了卑劣手段。
My memory plays (My eyes play) me odd tricks. 糟糕的记性(视力)常和我大开玩笑。
pull a trick on sb. = play a trick on sb.
the oldest trick in the book众人尽知的骗局
turn the trick = do the trick
work the trick= do the trick




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