释义 |
train /treɪn/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr. I ❶ vt. 1. 训练,教育,培养;锻炼 train interns 训练实习生 a trained nurse 受过专门训练的护士 be trained for the law 受律师培训 train children to be good citizens 教育儿童成为好公民 train a bear to obey (或 to obedience) 驯熊使听从命令 a general education which will train the mind 锻炼头脑思维能力的普通教育 We were trained to a peak of physical fitness. 我们经训练处于最佳竞技状态。 He has trained himself to suppress his own opinions. 他已修炼得能克制住一己之见。 2. (经整枝或整形)使处于特定位置,使成特定形状 train a plant up a wall 修整植物使爬上墙 You'd better train your hair to lie down by combing it daily. 你最好每天梳头使头发平服。 3. 把…对准(或瞄准) train a gun on (或 upon) the target 把枪对准目标 train every effort toward success 尽一切努力去获取成功 Every eye was trained on me. 所有人的眼睛全朝着我看。 4. 〈罕〉拖曳 5. 〈旧〉训练(幼孩、小狗等)在指定的地方大小便 6. 〈古〉引诱;诱使 (away) ❷ vi. 1. 受训练,受教育,受培养;受锻炼 She started to train as(或 to be) a spy. 她开始接受谍报人员训练。 He is training for the ministry. 他正在接受培训准备做牧师。 2. 施行培训 3. 进行锻炼,(通过运动或合理饮食)使自己身体状况良好 train for the Olympics 为参加奥运会而进行锻炼 He usually trains on beer and beefsteak. 他通常喝啤酒吃牛排以增强体质。 4. 〈旧〉乘火车 train to New York 乘火车去纽约
II n. 1. 列车,火车 take the 9:00 a.m. train to town 乘上午9点的火车进城 travel by train 乘火车旅行 get into (或 on) a train 上火车 get off (或 out of) a train 下火车 catch (miss) one's train 赶上(没赶上)火车 Trains carry passengers and goods from one place to another. 列车把旅客和货物从一地载送到另一地。 The train is in. 列车停在车站(或已进站)。 2. (行进中的)行列,队列;【军】辎重队 a funeral train 出殡的行列 a long train of camels 一长列骆驼队 a large fleet train 庞大的舰队 3. (一)连串;(一)系列 He has somehow survived a year-long train of defeats. 经受了一年来连续不断的失败,他好歹活了下来。 a train of ideas 一连串的想法 interrupt sb.'s train of thought 打断某人的思路 4. 顺序,秩序 Things proceeded in this train for several days. 一连几天,事情就按这一顺序进行着。 5. 随之而来的情况,一连串的后果 a war bringing famine and disease in its train 带来饥荒和疾病的战争 6. 尾部,尾;后拖物;裙裾,拖裾 the train of a peacock 孔雀尾 the train of a comet 彗星尾 a dress with a long white train 有长长的白色拖裾的连衣裙 7. [总称]随行人员,随从 the prince and his train 王子及其随行人员 8. 导火线 9. 【机】系 a train of gears 轮系 10. 【物】列 a train of sound waves 声波列 [<OFr trahiner < ? VL tragīnāre to draw < L trahere to drag, draw] phr. in train 安排妥当,准备就绪;秩序井然;在进行中 set (或 put) sth. in train 把某事安排妥当(或开始实施某事) Much was in train during those eight weeks. 在那8个星期内做了不少事情。in the train of 随…之后 A bad harvest naturally came in the train of such a wet summer. 夏天如此多雨,歉收自然随之出现了。He is bringing a staff of 80 in his train. 他准备带上80名随从。ride the gravy train 见 gravy train train down 从事锻炼以减轻体重 train fine 锻炼到理想的地步,锻炼效果良好 train it 坐火车 We trained it as far as the village. 我们坐火车一直到达那个村子。 train off 转向;(子弹)打偏 train on 锻炼得有所改善 train up 充分训练(或教育、 培养) train with 〈俚〉与…有往来 He had trained with that faction for years. 他与那个小集团往来已有多年了。 train·a·bil·i·tyˌtreɪnəˈbɪlətɪ n. |