释义 |
trail /treɪl/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. 痕迹;足迹;踪迹;臭迹 a rattlesnake trail in the sand 沙地上响尾蛇爬过的痕迹 wagon trails 大篷车轮迹 a trail of destruction left by the violence 暴力行动留下的破坏痕迹 get on the trail of the burglars 侦得窃贼的踪迹 The hounds found the trail of the rabbit. 猎犬嗅到了兔子的气味。 2. 尾部;(炮架的)架尾;裙裾,拖裾;拖曳物;尾随物;流星余迹,星象迹线 The carriage left a trail of dust. 马车过处扬起一团灰尘。 an illness bringing debts in its trail 招致累累债务的一场疾病 3. (植物)蔓生物 The ivy sent trails down the steep bank. 常春藤向陡峭的河岸下蔓生。 4. 一缕;一长串;一系列 smoke in thin trails (或 thin trails of smoke) 缕缕轻烟 a trail of admirers 一群追随身后的仰慕者 a trail of protests 一连串的抗议 5. (荒野中踩出的)小道,小径;(山林间的)崎岖小路;路线,路径;滑雪道 (= ski trail) walk along a trail in the forest 漫步于林间小道 6. 【军】持枪姿势(用右手紧握枪身,枪口前倾,枪托底板微离地面);持枪口令 a soldier at (the) trail 作持枪姿势的士兵 7. (电影或电视的)预告片;(广播等的)预告节目(= trailer) 8. 【船】(联结船首两侧栏杆的)蝴蝶板,船首饰板(亦作 trail board)
II ❶ vt. 1. 跟踪;追踪;追猎,循…的臭迹 trail a thief 追踪小偷 trail the beast to its lair 追猎野兽到兽穴 2. 跟随;追随;落后于 Reporters trailed him constantly. 记者经常跟着他。 trail one's classmates 落后于班上同学 trail sb. by more than 100 votes 比某人少得100多张选票 3. 拖,拉;使拖在后面 The child was trailing a toy cart. 孩子正拖着玩具车走。 She trailed her skirt through the dust. 她拖着长裙走过满是尘埃的地面。 trail dirt into the house 把泥土带进屋里 He moved slowly, trailing his wounded foot. 他拖着伤脚慢慢地走。 The plane began to trail smoke. 飞机后部开始拖着黑烟。 4. 拖长(讲话等)的时间 5. 〈美〉在…上踩出路;开出(路);标出(路) 6. 【军】持(枪) 7. 预告(节目) ❷ vi. 1. 拖,拉;拖地;下垂 Her long skirt was trailing along behind her. 她的长裙拖在身后。 Her long hair trailed over her shoulder. 她长发披肩。 2. 拖沓行走;慢走;没精打采地走 The defeated army trailed back to camp. 打了败仗的军队拖着步子走回营地。 trail along in the old rut 墨守成规地得过且过 3. (缓慢地)飘,流 smoke trailing from chimneys 从烟囱里飘出的烟 blood trailing over the floor 地板上流淌着的血 4. 延伸成错落的行列;蔓生,蔓延 roses trailing over the walls 蔓生在墙上的玫瑰 5. 跟随;落后;输 trail at sb.'s heels (或 trail after sb.) 跟在某人后边 trail far behind one's opponent 远远落后于对手 trail in the election 在选举中落后 trail by one point 落后1分 6. 追踪;循迹追猎 [<OFr trailler to draw, tow¹ < ? VL tragulāre < L trāgula dragnet < trahere to drag; 比较 MD traghelen to drag] phr. blaze a (或 the) trail 1. 在树皮上刻痕标示林中路径 2. 开路;开创;带头 hit the trail 〈美〉1. 出发;开始 hit the campaign trail 开始竞选活动 2. 〈俚〉马上走开 order sb. to hit the trail 命令某人马上走开 in trail 成一列纵队 march in trail 成一列纵队行进 1. 失去踪迹 (或臭迹) 2. 偏离正道;离题;偏离目标 on the trail 追踪;追猎;寻找;跟随 They are hot (或 hard) on the trail of the three thugs. 他们紧紧跟踪这3名暴徒。The lawyer is on the trail of new proof in the case. 律师在寻找案情的新证据。trail off (或 away) 逐渐减弱;缩小His voice trailed off into a whisper. 他的声音越来越轻,变成了耳语。Her interest in the work trailed off. 她对这项工作的兴趣逐渐减退。 |