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touch /tʌtʃ/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr. I ❶ vt. 1. 触摸;接触;碰到 love to touch the soft silk 喜欢摸柔软的绸子 Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits. 参观者请勿触摸展品。 The metal is so hot I can't touch it. 金属太烫,我的手碰不上。 The branches hung down and touched the water. 树枝弯垂,触到了水面。 I never touched him! 我没动他一根毫毛! 2. 使接触,使相碰 She touched her lips to her child's forehead. 她轻轻地吻了吻孩子的前额。 touch glasses 碰杯 3. 与…接界;与…毗连;【数】与…切触 His farm touches the river. 他的农场靠近河边。 The two estates touch each other. 两块地产连在一起。 4. 轻击,轻按;〈古〉弹拨(琴键或琴弦);弹拨(乐器)的琴键(或琴弦);奏(或唱) (曲调等) touch sth. with a stick 用棒轻触某物 touch a doorbell 按门铃 touch sb. on the shoulder 轻按某人的肩膀 5. 移动;乱动 Someone's touched my desk. 有人动过我的书桌。 6. 达到 The mountain seemed to touch the clouds. 高山像是已触及云层。 He touched the high point in his career. 他达到了事业的顶峰。 Prices rose by 15 percent last year, touching the level of 1974. 去年物价上涨了15%,达到了1974年的水平。 Thermometer touched 90℉. 温度计升到90华氏度。 7. (尤指船只)短暂停靠(港口等),在…作过往停靠 We touched land after 3 months at sea. 我们在海上航行了3个月后靠岸。 8. [常与否定词连用]比得上,敌得过 No one in our class can touch her in music. 在音乐方面,我们班上没人能与她相比。 Nothing can touch that cloth for durability. 那种布的牢度无与伦比。 There is nothing to touch a hot bath when you are tired. 疲劳时没有再比洗个热水澡更舒服的了。 9. [常与否定词连用]尝,吃,喝;用;弄 He won't touch liquor or tobacco. 他烟酒不沾。 He never touches his violin now. 他现在再也不碰小提琴了。 10. 粗暴地对待;(强行)抓住 Don't touch the baby! 别碰那孩子! 11. [常与否定词连用]对…发生作用;对付;参与 Nothing will touch these stains. 没有什么东西能除掉这些污迹。 He couldn't touch the algebra paper. 他应付不了这份代数试卷。 I wouldn't touch that business. 我可不愿插手那事。 12. 使受伤;伤…的感情;使疼痛 None was touched in the skirmish. 小冲突中没有人受伤。 be touched to the quick 被触及痛处 13. 使神经轻微失常 14. 谈及;涉及;关系到 We touched many topics in our talk. 我们在会谈中触及许多问题。 What you say does not touch the point at issue. 你说的话没有涉及到争议点。 The matter touches you (your interest) closely. 这事与你(你的利益)有密切关系。 15. 使轻度受害;影响到 Frost touched the plants. 霜冻使植物受害。 The war scarcely touched our town. 咱们的小镇几乎未受战事波及。 16. 触动,感动 It touched me to the heart. 这事触动了我的心弦。 His sad story touched her. 他的悲惨故事感动了她。 17. 使带上特定色彩(或意味、情调) a sunset-touched cloud 晚霞 hair touched with grey 有点花白的头发 The flowers on the dining table touched the place with spring and youth. 餐桌上的花给饭厅增添了一点春色和青春的气息。 A smile touched his lips. 他的唇边露出一丝笑意。 18. (用铅笔或画笔等)轻轻勾勒出(面貌等) (in) He drew her head, and quickly touched in the eyes, nose, and mouth. 他画她的头像,只几笔就勾勒出了眼、 鼻和嘴。 19. 试(金);给(检验过的金属)打印记 20. 〈口〉向…商借(或骗取);用不正当手段获得;偷窃;私吞;挪用 He touched me for £5. 他向我要了5英镑。 He was hoping to touch her for a sandwich and a glass of beer. 他讹她请客吃一个三明治和一杯啤酒。 21. (旧时君主)把手放在(瘰疬患者)的身上(认为此法可治愈病人);触诊,指诊(病人) 22. 对…行手淫 touch oneself 行手淫 ❷ vi. 1. 触摸;触碰;接触;【数】切触 Don't touch! 不准用手碰! They sat with their heads nearly touching. 他们坐着,头差不多碰到了一起。 2. (船)短暂停靠 touch at several ports 停靠数个港口 3. 把手(或手指)放在病人(如瘰疬患者)身上以治病;触诊,指诊 4. (简略或顺便)谈及(或写到) 5. 接近 6. 有关
II n. 1. 触,碰;触摸;轻击,轻按 salute with a touch to one's cap 轻触帽沿敬礼 Even the lightest touch will break it. 即使轻得不能再轻的一碰也会把它弄破。 He gave the horse a touch of the whip. 他轻轻地将马抽了一鞭。 2. 触觉;触感 the silky touch of soft smooth cloth 软滑棉布的丝绸感 3. (乐器的)弹奏;弹奏法,触键法;(按键的)指触;(琴键等的)弹性,弹力 have a light touch on a piano (typewriter) 弹钢琴(打字)时指法灵巧 a piano with a heavy touch 琴键笨重的钢琴 4. (画笔等的)轻触;笔触;(完工前的)细小变动,小加小添,装点,修饰,润色 finish a picture with a few touches 轻轻几笔完成一幅画 add a few finishing touches to the book 给书作最后润色 put the last touches on the serving of the cake 给即将端上桌的蛋糕作最后装点 put the final touches to a proposal (a plan) 对建议(计划)作最后修改 5. 手法,风格,格调;特色,特性;(人的)特有姿态(或作风) a vivid touch in the story 故事中的生动笔法 the touch of a master 大师的手法 a hotel with a personal touch 一家使人有宾至如归感的旅馆 6. (显而易见的)作用;影响 The house needed a woman's touch. 这个家没有一个女人不行。 7. (思想或道德上的)机敏,机灵;特长;才能 lose one's touch 丢掉(或没有显示出)特长 She has a touch with flowers (horses). 她有种花(养马)的天资。 8. 接触外界事物留下的印象,感受 a touch of spring 春意 9. 缺点,缺陷 a touch in one's wits 智力上的缺陷 10. 少许,一点(尤指色调、痕迹、风味、病痛等) The soup wants a touch of salt. 汤里少了点盐。 with a touch of grey at the temples 两鬓带点花白 There is not a touch of makeup on her face. 她脸上未敷一点脂粉。 with a touch of envy (pride) 有点妒忌(骄傲)地 get a touch of the flu 染上轻度流感 have a touch of the sun 轻微中暑 11. 交往,接触,联系 12. 〈口〉〈旧〉借钱,讨钱;借到(或讨到)的钱;被讨钱的人,易于慷慨解囊的人 13. (金银等的)验定纯度;验讫合格印记;(为金银等加盖合格印记的)印戳;〈古〉试金石;(使用试金石进行的)试金 14. 试验,测验;〈古〉经过考验的品质 a friend of noble touch 品质高尚的朋友 15. (敲奏编钟中)转调较少的钟乐 16. 【橄】【足】边线以外地区 17. (击剑)刺中,劈中 [<OFr tochier < ? VL toccāre to strike, ring (bell) < ? 拟轻拍声] phr. at a touch 一触 (就)A bubble bursts at a touch. 泡一触即破。a touch 稍许,略微 be a touch annoyed 有点恼怒 bring sth. to the touch = put sth. to the touch in touch1. 联系,接触 I'll be in touch again when work's started. 工作开始后我再与你联系。 He is in close touch with Washington. 他和华盛顿方面联系密切。 We'll stay in touch. 我们将保持联系。 We must keep in touch with what is happening in foreign countries. 我们必须时刻关心国外所发生的事。 She said she would be getting in touch to ask you to go and see them. 她说她要和你联系,请你与她一起去看他们。 2. 发挥特长(或才能) Success depended on being in touch for his drop shots. 成功与否取决于他能否发挥网前球的特长。 3. 在能接触到之处;能达到的;在…的附近(of) lose touch 1. 失去联系 lose touch with sb. 与某人失去联系 lose touch with reality 脱离现实 2. 失去消息,得不到信息 make a touch 向人借钱(或讨钱) out of touch 1. 不联系,不接触 He was old-fashioned and out of touch. 他守旧而又孤陋寡闻。 a liberal who has gotten out of touch with the people 一个脱离了人民的自由主义者 2. 未发挥特长(或才能) Nicholls, who has been out of touch, is a tall stylish player. 表现失常的尼科尔斯是一个身材高大的时髦球员。 put sth. to the touch 检验某事物 put a new product to the touch 检验新产品 to the touch 摸起来 Silk is soft to the touch. 绸子摸起来很柔软。 touch base 见 base¹ touch bottom 见 bottom touch down 1. (飞机或宇宙飞船等)降落,着陆;〈罕〉使(飞机或宇宙飞船)降落,使着陆 The plane (We, The pilot) touched down at London airport. 飞机(我们,飞行员驾机)降落在伦敦机场。 114 persons were injured when a tornado touched down near Glasgow. 龙卷风在格拉斯哥附近登陆时有114人受伤。 2. 【橄】攻方持球触地得分 touch off 1. 使爆炸,使起爆;开(炮等) touch off a firecracker 燃放爆竹 2. 触发,引起,引发 touch off a debate (a riot) 激起一场辩论(暴乱) 3. 精确地描绘;(用几笔)勾划出 touch off a likeness of the face 画出脸部轮廓 4. (赛马)险胜 touch on (或 upon) 1. (简略或顺便)谈及(或写到);提及 He only touched on the matter for a few minutes. 对这件事他只用几分钟时间提了一下。 Their long conversation touched upon a multitude of topics. 他们在长时间的谈话中谈到了众多问题。 2. 涉及,关系到 This is an event that touches on her career. 这是影响她生涯的一件事。 3. 近于,接近,濒于 His actions touch on treason. 他的行为迹近叛逆。 touch one's hat to 见 hat touch pitch 见 pitch² touch the spot 见 spot touch up 1. 修饰;修改;对…作润色 touch up scratches in the paint 修补油漆刮痕 touch up a photographic negative 修照相底片 touch up an article 将文章稍加修饰 I wish she wouldn't touch up so much. 我希望她不要这样浓妆艳抹。 2. 用鞭子轻轻抽(马) 3. 唤起(记忆等) 4. 对…施加影响 5. 用手抚摸使产生性欲 within touch 在能接触到之处;能达到的;在附近 |