

单词 total
释义 to·tal /ˈtəʊtəl/ a. | n. | vt. | vi. | ad. | phr.
I a.
1. 总的,总计的;全体的,全部的
the total amount 总量
the total number of passengers 旅客总人数
the total population of a country 一国的总人口
the total expenditure 全部费用
2. 完全的,彻底的;绝对的
a total failure 彻底的失败
She respected his total determination. 她尊重他的坚定不移的决心。
She had been incredibly foolish to tell such things to a total stranger. 她把这种事情告诉一个素昧平生的人实在愚蠢得令人难以置信。
The silence (chaos) is total. 一片寂静(混乱)
His surprise was total. 他惊讶得呆若木鸡。
He was in total ignorance of it. 他对此事一无所知。
3. 全力以赴的;总体的

II n.
the jobless total 失业总人数
reach a total of £20 总额达20英镑
The total was seventy. 总数是70。

III (to·tal(l)ed; to·tal·(l)ing)

1. 计算…的总和,把…加起来
Votes cast for each candidate in each section will be total(l)ed to get a result. 选举结果将通过计算各选区投各候选人的票的总数来获得。
total up a check 结算账单
2. 总数达,共计
Trade between the two countries total(l)ed $3 billion last year. 去年两国间的贸易总额达30亿美元。
The visitors to the exhibition total(l)ed 15,000. 参观展览的人数达到1.5万。
3. 美俚使完全毁坏
He total(l)ed his new car while drunk. 他酒醉驾车,把自己的新车撞了个一塌糊涂。
4. 美俚杀死;使…受重伤
1. 总计,合计 (to,up to)
It totals (up) to three dollars. 总计3美元。
2. 美俚完全被毁
The car almost total(l)ed in the crash. 这辆车被撞得几乎无法修复了。

IV ad.
[OFr < NL tōtālis < L tōtus all]
phr. in total 总共
a force containing in total over half a million men and 11,000 tanks 一支总数超过50万士兵和1.1万辆坦克的军队
50 cubic metres in total 总共50立方米




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