释义 |
book /bʊk/ n. | vt. | vi. | a. | phr. I n. 1. 书,书本,书籍;专著,著作集;选集 a book on medicine 医书 He has written three books in economics. 他已写了三本经济学方面的书。 publish (review, revise) a book 出版(评论,修订)一部著作 2. 本子,簿册;(装订成册的)票据簿;〈主英口〉电话簿 an address book 通讯录 an autograph book 签名留念册 a complaint book 意见簿 a book of bus tickets 一票板的公共汽车票 a book of matches (西式包装法的)一纸板火柴 a book of stamps (数页装订在一起、每页有同面额邮票若干枚的)一封邮票 a book of cheques 支票簿 3. (长篇作品的)卷,篇,部 Milton's Paradise Lost consists of twelve books. 弥尔顿的长诗《失乐园》计有12卷。 the Book of Genesis 《创世记》 4. [the B-] (基督教)《圣经》 5. 〈喻〉书本;给人教益的东西;知识之库 the great book of nature 大自然这部百科全书 The book on that batter was that he couldn't hit a curve ball. 对付那名击球手就要了解他不会击曲线球的特点。 6. [books] 课业,功课 He's always painstakingly at his books. 他总是埋头苦读。 7. (歌剧的)唱词;(戏剧的)剧本 The music was fine, but the book (of words) was very poor. 音乐是出色的,但是唱词很糟。 8. (伴舞乐队等使用的)曲目册 9. 〈口〉杂志 10. [books] (尤指公司、商行等的)账目;(社团档案的)登录内容,记录;(赛马的)登录赌注;赌注登录 keep elaborate double books 记复式细账 balance one's books 结算账目 How many names are there on your books? 你们的登记名册上共有多少人? 11. 〈美口〉= bookmaker 12. [the book] (桥牌等中)完成定约的牌墩数 13. 小包,把(生丝包装名称,每小包或每把约2公斤,30小包成1件)
II ❶ vt. 1. 预订;预雇,预约 book a room (two seats at the theatre) 预订一个房间(两张戏票) The flight is fully booked. 这次航班的票已全部预订完了。 book a band for a week 预约铜管乐队演奏一周 Can I book you to lecture to the society on 25 September? 我能约您在9月25日对学会作一次演讲吗? 2. 接受…的预订;为…预订 The flight you're booked on is cancelled. 你订了票的那次航班已取消。 book oneself through to Naples 预订去那不勒斯的全程票 3. 为…预先安排时间;将…列入时间表 4. (警方)将…登记入册以为指控之用;(足球裁判)记名警告 He was booked on a morals charge. 他因道德罪被控。 5. 把…记载入册,登记 6. (赛马中)为…登录赌注;登录…数额的赌注 7. 〈俚〉领会 The man immediately booked what they were. 这人即刻认识到他们是干哪一行的。 ❷ vi. 1. 预订 book through one's travel agent for a boat months ahead 由旅行社经手提前几个月订船票 Shanghai, the station you book to, is on this line. 你预定下车的上海站地处这条线路。 2. 〈主英〉(旅客)登记住入旅馆 They booked into two small but smart hotels. 他们住进两家虽小但陈设豪华的旅馆。
III a. 1. 书的,书本的,书籍的 political and book talk 有关政治和读书心得的谈话 That left little for book purchases or anything else. 那样一来,花在买书或其他用途的钱就很少了。 the book trade 图书业 2. 按照书本的;得之书本(而非得之实际经验)的 speak only the book variety of French 只能讲书本上学来的那种文绉绉的法语 3. 账簿上的 book assets 账面资产 [< ME bok <OE bōc] phr. according to the book = by the book be booked for1. 因…被警方登记(或记名警告) be booked twice for speeding 因违章超速被警方登记两次 2. 预订… You are booked for the 10 of September. 替你预订在9月10日。 3. 难免遭受;势必经历 I'm afraid he's booked for a long illness. 我怕他势必要大病一场了。 be booked for kingdom come 必死无疑 be in sb.'s good (bad) books 得(失) 某人的好感,得(失)宠于某人 He's in the boss's bad books. 他不得头儿的欢心。 booked up 1. 被预订一空的;预约满了的 From July lst, the hotel will be completely booked up.从7月1日开始,旅馆客房将全满。 2. 时间已预先排满的 I might go out if I had anybody to go with. Are you very booked up yourself? 要是有人作伴,出去一次倒也不妨。你的时间是不是也预先排满了? This singer is all booked up for a year ahead. 这位歌手提前一年就订满合同,不再有余暇了。 book in 1. (为…)预计 book sb. in at a grand hotel 为某人在一家豪华宾馆预订房间 2. 将雇员到达情况登记入册,作考勤记录。 3. 〈主英〉(为住入宾馆或签证登记等)(使)办理登记手续 Carry these cases upstairs while I book the guests in. 你把这些箱子拿上楼去,我给客人们办一下手续。 book it 〈美俚〉 1. (学生用语)迅速离去 2. 肯定没问题,可以指望 I'll be back. Book it. 我会回来的,准保没问题。 book off 〈英〉(雇员)下班时在考勤册上登记 book out 1. 〈主英〉(使)办理离开旅馆的手续 2. 办理手续把(书等)借出图书馆 book up 预订 If you want to go to Beijing for your holiday, you ought to book up now. 假使你准备去北京度假,现在就得去订票了。 bring ...to book 1. 要求…作出解释,要求…说明原委 Both parties are brought to book over the information leak. 双方都被要求就泄密事件作出解释。 2. 申斥,严斥 bring sb. to book for (或 about) his poor work ethics 就某人恶劣的职业道德申斥他 3. 查证;审查 He will be brought to book along with his collaborators. 他将与同谋者一起接受审查。 by the book 一丝不苟地按规则;依照惯例 He always goes by the book. 他一贯照章办事。 a course cooked strictly by the book 严格按菜谱烹制的菜肴 play the game by the book 循规蹈矩地进行比赛(或行事) close the books 1. (为结账等目的)停止入账,停止记账 The books were closed for the audit. 因为要查账,记账暂停。 2. 了结,中止;停止接受预订 close the books on a case 结案 The tickets were all sold, so the manager said to close the books. 票已售罄,经理说不再接受订票了。 cook the books 〈口〉伪造账目,做假账 hit the (或 one's) book s 〈口〉做学校的功课;用功 Jack broke away from his friends, saying, “I've got to hit the books.” 杰克突然撇下朋友走了,一面说:“我得做功课去了。” hold book (排练或演出时)当提词人 in sb.'s book 〈美口〉按某人一己之见,按某人个人看法 In my book, he's an okay guy. 按我个人看法,他这人不错。 in the book 1. 〈美〉记录在案的;为人所知的 use every harassing technique in the book 使用一切现有的骚扰手段 2. [用于否定句]按规定可以允许的 This is not in the book. 照规定这是不允许的。 3. 〈主英口〉登入电话簿的 keep a book (尤指非法以较小的规模)经营赌业 keep books 上账,记账,作簿记 In the business colleges students are taught to keep books. 商学院教授学生簿记。 kiss the book 吻《圣经》起誓 know (或 read) like a book 通晓,深识;对…了如指掌,对…的心思洞若观火 After all these years I can read you like a book. 这么多年下来,我对你是了如指掌。 know one's book 1. 明白自己的利益所在,懂得利害关系 2. 打定主意 make (a) book 1. (在赛马等中)接受并代下赌注(尤指以此为业);下赌注 make a good book 下大赌注 2. 打赌;担保 You can make book on it that he won't arrive in time. 你可以打赌他不会及时来到的。 one for the book(s) 〈美口〉值得记录在案的惊人之举;值得写上一笔的不寻常事情 The newspaper reporter turned in a story that was one for the books. 这个记者写了一篇不同寻常的惊人报道。 on the Book 凭《圣经》(起誓) That's all I remember, sir, on the Book. 凭《圣经》起誓,长官,我记得的就是这些。 on the books (尤指学生、会员等)已注册的,已登记入册的;记录在案的 He claims to have been graduated from this college, but his name is not on the books. 他自称是本学院毕业的,但是注册簿上没有他的名字。 programmes already on the books 已记录在案的计划项目 open (a) book = make (a) book People of the Book《圣经》写到的人们,犹太人 shut the (或 one's) books 停止业务,歇业 The old merchants shut their books. 那些年老的商人歇业不做买卖了。 speak by the book 1. 说话有根有据 2. 说话过分严谨 speak (或 talk) like a book (尤指学究)说话文绉绉,咬文嚼字 speak without the book 说话没有根据;不用讲稿单凭记忆讲话 suit sb.'s book 〈英〉投某人所好,符合某人的要求 It suits my book. 这正合我意。 swear on the Book 手抚《圣经》起誓 take a leaf out of sb.'s book 学某人的样子 Take a leaf out of my book: start saving for your holidays now. 你该效法我:打现在开始为度假节约费用。 the devil's (picture) book(s) 纸牌 the book of fate 1. 【宗】得救者名册 2. 命运之书,命中注定的未来 the book of life 1. 生活的教科书 2. 【宗】得救者名册 throw the book at (或 throw...the book) 〈口〉 1. 一古脑儿尽量往…身上加罪名 If I didn't plead guilty, they would throw me the book. 假使我不认罪,他们将从严判我。 2. 课…以最重罚款;从严惩罚;狠狠责备 without book 1. 不用讲稿单凭记忆 He repeated, without book, the whole poem. 他凭记忆把全诗复诵一遍。 2. 无根据地 assert without book 无根据信口断言 You can't judge a book by its cover. 〈谚〉不能以貌取人(或物)。 |