

单词 tooth
释义 tooth /tuːθ/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I ([复] teeth /tiːθ/)

1. 牙,齿;[teeth](整副的)托牙,假牙
a false (或artificial) tooth 假牙
have a tooth out (或 pulled) 拔牙
2. 齿状物;(齿轮、 锯、 梳、 耙、 叉等的)齿;(藓类植物孢子囊开口处周围或某些叶缘、 花瓣边缘的)齿
3. 口味;爱好
have no tooth for fruit 不喜欢吃水果
4. 产生咬痛感的东西;起损害(或折磨、 毁坏)作用的力量
the teeth of the wind 砭人肌肤的风势
5. [teeth] 强制实施的有效手段
a law with teeth 有有效实施手段的法律
6. 粗糙面
7. (部队的)战斗人员
8. [teeth] [用于咒骂或表示感叹]

II vt.
1. 给…装齿;把…的边缘做成锯齿状
tooth a saw 给锯子锉齿
2. 使…的表面粗糙
tooth a cement floor to prevent slipping 为防打滑而把水泥地面弄粗糙
[< OE tōth; 与 OHG zand, L dent-, dens, Gr odont-, odous 有关]
phr. a kick in the teeth 见 kick¹
be armed to the teeth 武装到牙齿
be dressed to the teeth 浓妆艳抹
be fed up to the (back) teeth with sth. 对某事极其厌倦(或不满)
between one's teeth 从牙缝中,低声地
speak between one's teeth 低声说
cast sth. in sb.'s teeth 1. 因某事责备某人
2. 用某事奚落某人;用某事向某人挑战
cut one's teeth 1. 长出牙齿
The child is now cutting his teeth. 这孩子正在出牙。
2. 获得初步训练(或经验)
He cut his teeth as a carpenter. 他是当木匠起家的。
cut one's teeth on 获得关于…的初步训练(或经验);早年学习(或使用)
young directors who are allowed to cut their teeth on short films made for TV被允许初步涉足电视短片拍摄的年轻导演们
cut teeth 出牙
draw sb.'s teeth 使某人变得无害;使某人无所施其技
escape by (或 with) the skin of one's teeth 死里逃生
fling sth. in sb.'s teeth = cast sth. in sb.'s teeth
fly in the teeth of悍然不顾;全然不理;公然违抗
fly in the teeth of sb.'s advice 全然不听某人的忠告
from the teeth forward (或 outward) 无诚意地;(仅仅)在表面上
get one's teeth into 专注于;(开始)认真处理;紧紧抓住
I like a job I can get my teeth into. 我希望有一个我能潜心去做的工作。
grind one's teeth 磨牙,咬牙;咬牙切齿
grit one's teeth 磨牙,咬牙;咬紧牙关,忍住愤怒(或恐惧、失望等)
in spite of sb.'s teeth 不顾某人的反对
in the (或 one's) teeth 1. 直接反对(或冲突)
meet the enemy in the teeth 与敌人正面遭遇
2. 当面;公然
in the teeth of 直对,顶着;违抗;不顾
sail (walk) in the teeth of the wind 顶风航行(行走)
in the teeth of public opinion 不顾舆论
kick in the tooth 野蛮(或轻蔑)对待;侮辱;背叛;拒绝
lie in (或 through) one's teeth 说无耻的谎话,撒弥天大谎
long in the tooth 年迈的,年老的(原指马岁口大而齿龈萎缩)
I'm getting a little long in the tooth to be an ingenue. 我再扮演天真姑娘年纪太大了些。
pull sb.'s teeth = draw sb.'s teeth
put sb.'s teeth on edge= set sb.'s teeth on edge
put teeth in (或 into)强制实施(法律等):使有效(或有力)
Sb.'s back teeth are floating. 美俚某人急着想撒尿。
scarce as hen's teeth 稀有的,极少的
set one's teeth 1. 咬紧牙关
2. 下决心对付困难(或苦恼等)
set one's teeth for a catastrophe 为灾难作好一切准备
set sb.'s teeth on edge (因吃酸果等)使某人感到不舒服(或恼怒、厌恶)
The constant chattering of the children set his teeth on edge. 孩子们喋喋不休的饶舌使他感到厌烦。
show one's teeth 作威胁(或敌对、发怒)姿态
sink one's teeth into = get one's teeth into
sow dragon's teeth挑动战争;引引纠纷
throw sth. in sb.'s teeth = cast sth. in sb.'s teeth
teeth and nail (或 claw)竭尽全力地;猛烈地
They will fight tooth and nail for the right to vote. 他们将全力为争取选举权而斗争。
She will fight the idea tooth and nail. 她将尽力设法克制这个主意。
to the teeth 完全地,充分地
Daddy and Mummy fought a war to the teeth. 爸爸与妈妈大吵了一场。




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