

单词 tongue
释义 tongue /tʌŋ/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. 舌,舌头;(软体动物的)齿舌;(某些昆虫的)喙;(用作食品的)牛舌(或羊舌等)
put out one's tongue 伸出舌头(做鬼脸或给医生诊察)
2. 说话能力;说话方式;[tongues](圣灵所赐的)口才
have a quick (sharp) tongue 说话伶俐(尖刻)
a glib tongue 油嘴滑舌
speak with a double tongue 讲话模棱两可
Watch your tongue. 说话要留神。
3. 语言;方言,土语;(有自己语言的)民族,部落
the English tongue 英语
There were many books written in tongues that I could not read. 有许多书是用我看不懂的方言写的。
4. 舌状物;鞋舌;火舌;(饰针、 皮带搭扣等的)别针;(马车的)辕杆;铃锤,钟锤;(管乐器的)簧片;(秤的)指针
tongues of flame 火舌
long tongues of shadows 长长的舌状影子
5. 伸入海(或湖、 河)中的狭长陆地;岬;狭长的水湾
6. 榫舌,雄榫
7. 尖轨,辙轨
8. 舌片,键,榫梢
9. 美俚律师

II vt.
1. 用舌触碰;舔
2. 用运舌法吹奏(管乐器);用运舌法吹出(音调)
3. (木板等)上做榫舌;用雌雄榫拼接(木板)
tongue flooring together 用雌雄榫将地板拼接起来
4. 责骂
5. 说,讲
6. 发出;发…的音;吐露
1. 使用舌头
2. 使用运舌法;用运舌法在管乐器上吹出音调
3. (火焰、 光等)放出射流
4. (地带等)呈舌形突出
5. 说话;唠叨;饶舌
[< OE tunge; 与 OHG zunga, L lingua 有关]
phr. at one's tongue's end 在嘴边
have dates at one's tongue's end 随时准备说出日期
a tongue not understanded of the people 外国语
at the tip of sb.'s tongue 见 tip¹
bite one's (或 the) tongue 保持缄默
bite one's tongue off 对自己刚才所说的话感到懊悔(或遗憾)
find one's tongue (吓得、羞得或惊讶得说不出话之后)能说话了,能开口了;(因对自己没有信心或不敢说而沉默之后)找到要说的话了,开始说话了
get one's tongue around (或 round) 正确发出(难发音的词或姓名等)的音
I just can't get my tongue round his name. 我就是发不好他名字的音。
give tongue 1. (猎狗发现猎物)狂吠
2. 大声说话(或说出)
They are willing to give tongue in my defence. 他们愿意为我大声疾呼。
give tongue to 表示,表达
give tongue to one's doubts 表示怀疑
hold one's tongue 一言不发,(保持)缄默;[用于祈使语气]不要讲话,安静
Hold your tongue! 住口!
The secret is out now, and all because someone could not hold his tongue. 秘密泄露了,都是因为有人不肯保持缄默。
keep a civil tongue (in one's head) 讲礼貌,避免粗鲁
tell sb. to keep a civil tongue in his head 叫某人不要粗鲁
lose one's tongue 吓得(或羞得、惊讶得)说不出话来,开不出口;保持沉默
oil one's tongue 说奉承话,奉承,谄媚
on everyone's tongue (或 on the tongues of men) 被众人谈论着
His name and record were on everyone's tongue. 他的名字和事迹成了人们众口相传的题材。
on sb.'s tongue (话)到了某人嘴边
It was on his tongue to inquire nervously if she enjoyed walking. 他一直忐忑不安地想问她是否喜欢散步。
on the tip of sb.'s tongue 见 tip¹
speak in tongues (指按圣灵所赐的口才)说别国的话(出自《圣经·使徒行传》)
the gift of tongues 见 gift
throw tongue (猎狗发现猎物)狂吠
tie sb.'s tongue 强迫某人不作声(或保密)
tongues wag 见 wag¹
wag one's tongue 唠叨不停
with (one's) tongue hanging out 口渴;渴望着
They have been waiting for this youth with their tongues hanging out. 他们一直在焦急地等待着这个青年。
with (one's) tongue in (one's) cheek (或 tongue in cheek) 无诚意地,假心假意地;挖苦地
speak with tongue in cheek 假心假意地(或挖苦地)讲话
With tongues in their cheeks, they say they will abide by the rule. 他们说遵守规则,其实只不过说说而已。




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