

单词 time
释义 time /taɪm/ n. | vt. | vi. | a. | prep. | phr.
I n.
1. 时间,时;[T-](拟人化用法)时间老人
time and space 时间和空间
stand the test of time 经受时间的考验
Time softens memories. 时间使记忆淡漠。
Time flies. 光阴似箭。
Father Time 时间老人
2. (一部分)时间,(一段)时间
an hour's time 1小时的时间
a little time ago 不久前
after a time 过了一段时间
I was there for a time. 我在那里呆了一些时候。
spend (waste) a lot of time (in) doing sth.(浪费)许多时间做某事
be pressed for time 时间很紧
Time is running out. 时间不多了。
My father was a long time dying. 我父亲过了好久才死去。
The solution may be some time in arriving. 可能要过些时候才有解决办法。
We are going to put in a lot of museum time. 我们要花很多时间参观博物馆。
3. 时刻,时候;时令
What time is it? (或 What is the time?) 现在什么时候啦?
What (或 At what) time do you have lunch? 你什么时候吃午饭?
The time was ten past six. 时间是6点过10分。
Summer is the time of hot weather. 夏天是天气炎热的季节。
4. 规定时间;(从事特定活动的)合适时候
curtain time 开演时间
the times of trains (planes) from Rome to Vienna 从罗马到维也纳火车(飞机)各班次的时刻
fix a time for doing (或 to do) sth. 规定时间做某事
The time has come for action (或 to take action). (或 Now is the time to act.) 是采取行动的时候了。
It's time for lunch. 午饭时候到了。
It is (high) time (that) I was going (或 for me to go). 现在我该走了。
Time you got here. 你来得正是时候。
5. 时机,机会
Now's your time. 现在你的机会来了。
6. [通常作times]历史时期,时代;[the time(s)] 当代,那个时代
prehistoric times 史前时期
ancient (modern) times(现)
Lincoln's time 林肯时代
in the time of Queen Victoria 在维多利亚女王时代
the most important issues of the time 当代最重大的问题
move with the times 跟上时代潮流
7. [常作times]时期;时势
in holiday time 在假期里
in time of peace 在和平时期
in times of financial crisis 在金融危机时期
Times are hard. 时世艰难。(或:日子很不好过。)
8. [a time](经历的)一段时间;(经历的)一段艰难困苦(或欢乐愉快)时间
Everyone had a good time at the party. 在聚会上大家都过得很愉快。
have an easy time (of it) 日子过得很舒泰自在
I had a bad time at the dentist's. 我在牙医那里吃了不少苦头。
They had a hard time getting here. 他们到这里来一路很辛苦。
give sb. a hard time 使某人日子不好过
Our negotiators must expect a rather tough time. 我们的谈判人员必须预计到将会有激烈的讨价还价。
He had a time passing his math course. 他好不容易通过了数学课的考试。
She does have a time (of it) with that drunken husband of hers. 她同这样一个经常酗酒的丈夫一起生活也真够她受的。
Bob had himself a time going to every nightclub in town. 鲍勃到城里各夜总会去寻欢作乐。
9. 时限,期限;生命期;死期;妊娠期;产期;学徒期;服役期;刑期;(酒店等的)营业时间,打烊时间;(一场或一局的)比赛时限,暂停
Time is up. 时间到了。
Give me time and I will pay. 宽限我些时间,我会偿付的。
The house will last my time. 这房子在我有生之年将可保持完好。
My time is drawing near. 我快死了。
Her time is growing near. (或 She is near her time.) 她快分娩了。
complete one's time 学徒期(或服役期、服刑期)期满
Time now, please, ladies and gents! 女士们,先生们,对不起,要打烊了!
The umpire called time. 裁判员叫暂停。
10. 需用的时间;空余的时间;足够的时间
I need time to rest. 我需要时间休息。
The runner's time was 47 seconds. 那位赛跑运动员的成绩是47秒。
He ran the mile in record time. 他以创纪录的时间跑完1英里。
The flying time from New York to London was seven hours. 从纽约飞往伦敦需7小时。
Can you find time for this? 你有空做这事吗?
Have I time to catch the train? 我来得及赶上火车吗?
There may still be time. 可能还来得及。
11. 工作时间;计时工资率;按计时工资率领取的工资;(被辞退或辞职时领取的)最后一次工资
work full (part) time 全日(半日)工作
workmen on short time 工作时间不足的工人
I get double time for Sundays. 我星期天加班领取双倍工资。
12. 衡量时间的方法
solar time 太阳时
local time 当地时间
It is 7 a.m. New York time. 现在是纽约时间上午7点。
13. 次,回;轮次
this (last, each, next, another) time(上,每,下,另一)
for the first (last) time 第一(最后一)
a time or two 一两次
six times running 接连6次
We go there three times a day. 我们一天去那里3次。
I've told you a dozen times. 我已告诉过你许多次了。
That was the first time (that) I saw him. 那是我第一次见到他。
The telephone rang a second time. 电话铃第二次响了。
Many was the time that ... 有许多次…
There were times when I didn't know what to do. 有几次我真不知道怎么办。
14. [times]
three times the size of (或 three times as large as) 是…的3倍大(或比…大2倍)
at ten times normal speed 以10倍于正常速度的速度
15. (步伐、 车行、 工作等的)速度,速率
march in quick time 齐步走
do double time 跑步走
16. 拍子,节拍;速度;节奏
three-quarter time 四分之三拍
waltz (march) time 圆舞曲(进行曲)节拍
beat time with one hand 用一只手打拍子
17. (三一律中的)时间
18. [The Times][用于报刊名]时报
The New York Times (美国)《纽约时报》
The Times (英国)《泰晤士报》

II vt.
1. 测定(或记录)…所化(或所需)时间
time a worker 测定工人的工作时速(或记录工人的工作时间)
time a race (horse) 测定赛跑(马跑)的时间
The runner was timed at 50.45 sec. 这名赛跑运动员的成绩被测定为50.45秒。
2. 为…定时;(按时刻表)(列车、 班轮等)安排时间;控制…的速度
time an alarm clock 将闹钟定时
They timed the attack for six o'clock. 他们规定进攻时间为6点钟。
The train is timed to arrive at 6 o'clock. 火车定于6点钟到达。
Buses have been timed at an average of ten miles per hour. 公共汽车平均时速规定为10英里。
He timed himself so that he would not arrive at his destination too early. 他控制自己的步速,为的是不至于过早到达目的地。
3. 调准;调整
time one's watch with another's 同别人对表
time the speed of a machine 调整好机器的速度
4. 定…的节拍(或节奏、 速度);使合拍子
The conductor timed the performance admirably. 乐队指挥把演奏速度处理得非常出色。
The dancers timed their steps to the music. 跳舞者合着音乐的拍子跳舞。
5. 为…选择时机
The remark was well (ill) timed. 这话正合(不合)时宜。

III a.
1. 时间(方面)
time sense 时间意识
2. 定时(发火、爆炸等)的;记录时间的
a time register 记时器
3. 分期(付款)
a time payment 分期付款
4. 定期的
a time loan 定期贷款

IV prep.
Two times two is (或 are) four. 2乘2等于4。
[< OE tīma; 与 tīd, ON tīmi 有关;见 TIDE¹]
phr. about time 差不多是时候了;早该
It's about time to go home. 差不多是该回家的时候了。
Now you're talking, and about time too. 你这话算说对了,早就该这么说嘛。
abreast of the times 与时代并进的,不落后于时代的
keep (或 be) abreast of the times 跟上时代
against time 1. 争分夺秒,尽快
race (或 work) against time to finish the work 抓紧时间尽快地完成工作
It is a race against time. 这是分秒必争的事。
2. 美口拖延时间
talk against time 用谈话来拖延时间
ahead of one's time (人)思想过于先进;(思想、建筑物等)过于创新
ahead of time 在原定时间以前,提前
The building was completed ahead of time. 这幢楼提前完工了。
The train was five minutes ahead of time at the last station. 在前一站火车早到了5分钟。
all in good time 来得及;快了,别急
A: The devil take him! B: All in good time. 甲:让魔鬼抓了他去!乙:快了,别急。
all the time 一直,始终
They were laughing all the time. 他们一直笑个不停。
He's a businessman all the time. 他一向是做生意的。
at all times 随时,总是
We must be ready at all times to stand up for the truth. 我们必须随时准备坚持真理。
(at) any time 在任何时候,随时
Doctors said the baby could die at any time. 医生说这婴儿随时都可能死掉。
at a time 每次,一次
He took the stairs two at a time. 他两步并一步地奔上楼梯。
I'm away a couple of weeks at a time. 我每次外出总要两星期不回家。
at no time 在任何时候都不,从来没有
At no time have I said such a thing! 我从来没有说过这样的话!
at one's time of life 在这个年纪
You should know better at your time of life. 在你这个年龄不该这么不懂事。
at one's own good time 在自己选择的时间;当自己准备好时
at one time 1. 曾经有一个时期,一度
At one time we met frequently. 过去我们曾常常见面。
2. 同时
They all tried to talk at one time. 他们同时抢着讲话。
(at) one time and (或 with) another 在不同的时期;在不同的场合
He was Minister of Foreign Affairs one time with another for ten years. 他前前后后当过10年外交部长。
at other times 1. 在别的时候
2. 平时
at that (this) time 在那(此)
at the best of times 即使在情况最好的时候
They were on the edge of malnutrition at the best of times. 他们即使在景况最好的时候还是濒于营养不良。
at the same time 1. 同时
laugh and cry at the same time 又哭又笑
2. 然而,不过
John did pass the test; at the same time, he didn't know the subject very well. 约翰考试是及格了,可是对这门学科掌握得并不好。
at the time (when) (…)那时;(当…)那个时候
I was ill at the time. 那时我病了。
At the time they arrived, I was away. 他们到达时我不在。
at this time of (the) day 1. 在一天中的这个时候(如清晨、深夜等)
His was the only car there at this time of day. 在一天中的这个时候,他的车是那里唯一的一辆车。
2. 在这个阶段(如历史、文化、谈判等的后阶段)
At this time of day it is absurd to treat girls of sixteen as if they were small children. 现在这种时候还把16岁的姑娘当小孩子看待是荒唐可笑的。
at times 有时,间或
At times I feel that I want to leave this job. 有时我真想要离开这个工作。
before one's time 1. 过早
mature before one's time 早熟
die before one's time 过早去世
2. 在自己出生前;在自己有记忆前;在本人一段特定生活经历之前
I wouldn't know, those songs (teachers) were before my time. 我说不上来,那些是我出生前的歌曲(进校前的老师)
3. (人)思想过于先进
before time = ahead of time
fifty years behind the times 落后于时代50年
He is behind the times. 他很背时。
behind time 在指定的时间以后,迟,晚
The train is ten minutes behind time. 火车晚点10分钟。
We are behind time in paying the rent. 我们未能按时交付租金。
between time s 间或,有时,偶尔
bide one's time 等待时机,耐心等待
born before one's time (人)思想过于先进
buy time (用拖延等手法)赢得时间,争取时间
do (one's) time 服徒刑
do (one's) time for bank robbery 因抢银行而坐牢服刑
every time 1. 每次,总是
Our football team wins every time. 我们的足球队每战皆捷。
2. 毫无例外地;毫不犹豫地;当然
You can rely on him every time. 你可以毫不迟疑地信赖他。
A: Will you do it for her? B: Every time! 甲:这事你肯给她代做吗?乙:当然!
3. 无论何时,每当
Every time I call on him, he is out. 每次我去访问他,他总是不在。
fill in the time 利用空隙时间
He filled in the time of waiting by reading a magazine. 他读杂志以打发等候的时间。
for the time (being) 眼下,暂时
The baby is asleep for the time being. 这会儿婴儿正睡着。
She's staying with her aunt for the time being. 她暂时小住她姨妈处。
from time to time 时时;间或
The price has been adjusted from time to time. 价格已间或作了调整。
gain time 1. (钟、表等)走得快
2. 赢得时间,争取时间;借故拖延时间
I feigned sickness to gain time. 我假装生病,以此拖延时间。
give sb. the time of day 1. 同某人打招呼,与某人寒暄
2. [通常用于否定句]理睬
He wouldn't give me the time of day. 他不愿理睬我。
half the time 1. 一半时间
It took me six hours. You could have done it in half the time.我花了6小时做这事,你只需花一半时间就够了。
2. 经常,几乎总是
He says he's busy — but he's reading stories half the time. 他说他忙,可是他几乎老是在看故事书。
have no time for 1. 没有时间做…
I have no time for outdoor sports. 我没有时间参加户外运动。
2. 不喜欢,讨厌
I have no time for idlers. 我讨厌游手好闲的人。
have the time 1. 能有时间
2. 知道现在是几点钟
in good time 1. 及时
She is still in good time for the train. 她还来得及赶上火车。
2. 及早
We must leave here in good time so as not to have to hurry. 我们必须早点离开此地,免得着忙。
in jig time 美口很快,马上
I guarantee you'll have a job in jig time. 我保证你马上就能找到工作。
in (less than, next to) no time (或 in no time at all) 立刻,马上
You can learn it in no time at all. 这事你一学就会。
We shall be ready in less than no time. 我们这就准备停当。
in one's own good time 在自己作好准备时,在自己认为方便时,不着急地
He writes in his own home in his own good time. 他在自己家里从容不迫地写作。
in one's own time 1. 在业余时间,在空闲时间
2. = in one's own good time
in one's (sb.'s) time (某人)年轻时;在(某人)一生中的某个时期
In his time he was the world's greatest boxer. 他年轻时曾是世界上最伟大的拳击手。
He was no longer president of the university in my time. 我在校时他已不是那所大学的校长。
in (the) course of time 经过一段时间以后,随着时间的推移;终于
In course of time they married and lived happily together. 经过一段时间后他们终于结了婚并幸福地生活在一起。
in the nick of time 见 nick
in time 1. 及时,不迟
Do you think we shall be in time for (或 to catch) the train? 你看我们来得及赶上火车吗?
2. 经过一段时间以后;最终,迟早
In time you'll learn everything. 总有一天你一切都会明白的。
3. 合拍,按照节拍
sing (march) in time 合着拍子唱(走)
keep in time with the music 合着音乐的节拍
in times to come 在将来
keep good (bad) time (钟、表等)走得准(不准)(人)一贯准时(不准时)
keep time 1. (钟、表)走得准
2. 按节拍唱歌(或跳舞等);保持相同节奏
Her foot kept time. 她的一只脚合着音乐打拍子。
She kept time to the rhythm of her sentences with an up-and-down movement of the right arm. 她的右臂按着她所念句子的节奏一上一下地挥动。
kill time 消磨时间,打发时间
He killed time by reading a newspaper while waiting for the bus. 他边等公共汽车边看报,以此排遣时间。
know the time of day 了解情况;熟悉最近时行的事
He has been here long enough to know the time of day. 他在这里很久了,对这里的情况当有所了解。
long time no see [用于打招呼]好久没见
lose no time 不浪费时间,抓紧时间
lose no time (in) doing sth. 赶紧做某事
lose time 1. (钟、表等)走得慢
2. 耽误时间,浪费时间
make good (bad 或 poor) time 在路上(或进行过程中)花的时间比预计的少(多)
I made bad time because of the detour. 由于绕道,我在路上花的时间比预计的多。
make time 1. 腾出时间
make time for doing (或 to do) sth. 腾出时间做某事
2. 加快速度以追回失去的时间
3. 快速行驶;快速进行
They really made time after they let the passengers off. 他们让乘客下车后以极快的速度行驶。
We'll have to make time to catch that early train. 我们得走得快点好赶上那早班车。
make time with 美口勾搭上(异性);同(异性)搞上不正当关系
many a time (或 many times) 多次,常常
mark time 1. 原地踏步
2. 停滞不前,停顿,没有进展;
Talks to limit strategic arms were marking time.限止战略武器的谈判没有什么进展。
3. 等待时机
The teacher marked time until all the children were ready for the test. 教师等待着,直到所有的孩子都为测验作好了准备。
4. 混时间,磨洋工
It was so hot that the workmen just marked time. 天气那么炎热,工人们只是磨磨洋工罢了。
nine times out of ten 十之八九,几乎总是
no time 一会儿
It was no time before she was back. 她一会儿就回来了。
off time 美俚(言语等)不合时宜的,得罪人的
once upon a time [常用作讲故事的开头语]从前
on one's own time 在非工作时间,在业余时间
He has done extra work on his own time. 他在业余时间加班工作。
not before time 早该发生了
on time 1. 准时,按时;于指定时间
The train arrived on time. 火车准时到达。
They're always on time, never keep you waiting. 他们一向准时,从不让你等候。
2. 以分期付款方式
He bought a car on time. 他用分期付款方式买了一辆汽车。
out of time 1. 过了规定的时间,太晚
2. 不是时候;不合时宜
be born out of time 生不逢时
3. (唱歌等)不合拍
pass the time (away) 消磨时间
pass the time of day (with sb.) (与某人)打招呼,(与某人)寒暄
play for time (用拖延等手法)争取时间
play out time (为不失分)把比赛拖到规定的时间
serve (one's) time 当学徒;服兵役;服徒刑
So that's the time of day! 情况原来如此!(或:原来是你耍的鬼把戏!)
take one's time 不着急;不慌忙;慢吞吞
take one's (own) time doing (或 to do) sth. 从容不迫地做某事
You can take your time about it. 这事你且慢慢来做好了。
take sb. all his time 需要某人费很大的劲
It took him all his time to keep his temper. 他好不容易才捺住性子。
take time by the forelock 见 forelock¹
take time off (或out) 抽出一部分时间
take time out (from ...) to do sth. (从…中)抽出时间做某事
take time off for rest 抽出时间休息
tell the time (尤指根据钟表)说出时间;识钟
tell time 讲出钟表上的时间,识钟
teach a child to tell time 教孩子看钟
ten times 见 ten
the good old times 往昔
the piping time(s) of peace 太平盛世,歌舞升平时期
There is a time for everything. 一定的时候做一定的事。(或:做事要当其时。)
There's always (a) next time. 机会总是会有的。
the time of day 1. (钟、表指示的)时刻;时候
Can you tell me what time of day it is? 请问现在几点了?
It was getting to be the time of day when evening papers are delivered. 快到送晚报的时候了。
2. 当前形势;时尚
the time of one's life 一生中特别愉快(或激动)的一段时间
We had the time of our lives on our trip to America. 这次美洲之行是我们一生中最愉快的经历。
give sb. the time of his life 使某人过得极其愉快
time about 主苏格兰轮流地
time after time (或 time and (time) again) 一再,屡次
I have told you time after time that I don't like onions. 我已一再告诉你我不喜欢吃洋葱。
This comes out time and time again in his letters. 这在他的信里是反复出现的。
Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月不待人。
time enough 还早,来得及
Time hangs heavy on sb.'s hands. 某人觉得时间难以打发。(或:某人闲得发闷。)
Time is money. 一寸光阴一寸金。
time on one's hands 空闲时间,闲工夫
a man with time on his hands 有闲空的人
have plenty of time on one's hands 很空
time out of mind 遥远的时代,很久以前;很久
times out of (或 without) number 无数次,常常
Time was (when)... 曾经有一个时候…
time will tell 时间会证明;时间会揭示真相
to the end of time 永远
But there will be a second battle and a third battle, and battles to the end of time. 但是还会有第二次、第三次战役,永无休止地打下去。
(up) to time 准时,按时
Because of bad weather the trains were not running to time. 因为气候恶劣,火车未能按时运行。
watch one's time = bide one's time
what time当…的时候




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