

单词 tick¹
释义 tick¹ /tɪk/ n. | vi. | vt. | phr.
I n.
1. (钟表等发出的)滴答声
2. 英口滴答的一瞬间,一会儿
Just hang on a tick while I get a pen. 请稍等一下,我取支钢笔。
I can do it in a tick. 我马上就能把它做好。
3. (核对等时画的)小记号(如勾号、 点子等);打上记号的项目(尤指有待观察的鸟类)
He put a tick opposite each job that was done on his list. 他在表格上的每一项已完成的工作旁做个记号。
4. 轻触,轻拍

II vi.
1. 发出滴答声
The clock ticked louder and louder in a quiet room. 钟的滴答声在静静的房间里变得越来越响。
A taxi ticked outside. 一辆出租车等在外面,计价器在一格一格跳着。
2. 活动,工作,起作用
keep one's mind ticking on steadily 使头脑持续活动
What makes him tick? 他工作的动力是什么?
I don't know what makes a computer tick. 我不懂计算机的工作原理。
1. 用滴答声报知(或计算、 记录等)
The clock ticked the minutes. 时钟滴答滴答地报出时间。
2. 主英给…标记号
He ticked the items that were delivered one by one. 他把业已交付的物品逐项作了记号。
[< ME tek < ? Gmc < 拟声;与 OHG zekōn to pluck, Now tikke to touch 有关]
phr. in two ticks 英口一会儿
on (或 to) the tick 主英非常准时地
I am always here on the tick. 我总是非常准时地到达这里。
tick away (或 by) 使(分、秒等)滴答滴答过去;(时间、事情等)过去;结束
The railway station clock ticked away the hours of waiting. 火车站的时钟滴答不止,在等候之中几小时过去了。
Seconds ticked by before he replied. 过了几秒钟他才回答。
His life was ticking away after a car accident. 一次车祸后他正一步步走向死亡。
tick off 1. 给…标记号
tick off a name on a list 在名单上的一个名字旁打勾
2. 用滴答声报知(或计算、记录等)
The taximeter ticked off the fare. 出租车的计价器打出了车费。
3. 快速报出;列举(项目)
She can tick off the labels of all her clothes. 她能一口气说出她所有衣服的商标。
She ticked the items off on her fingers. “Cutlery, plates, glasses, napkins.” 她扳着手指一件一件地报着:“刀叉、盘子、杯子、餐巾。”
4. 英口责备;责骂
You'll get ticked off for being late for work. 你将因上班迟到而受斥责。
5. 美口使生气;使恼火
Her rudeness really ticked me off. 她的无礼实在使我恼火。
6. 简明地描述
tick out (自动收报机或收录器)在纸带上打出
tick over
1. (发动机)空转;慢转
If you stay in the car with the engine ticking over, the police cannot charge you with unlawful parking. 如果你坐在汽车里让发动机空转着,警察就不能指控你违章停车。
2. (工作、活动等)维持原状,无大进展;进展缓慢;呆滞,死气沉沉
Old out-of-date steel plants were kept ticking over by means of bank overdrafts. 设备陈旧的钢铁厂靠银行透支维持着。
3. 活动,起作用
what makes sb. tick 使某人做事的动机
People are curious to know what makes British men tick. 让人好奇的是英国人做事动力何在。




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